Chapter 1074 I'm Afraid

Chapter [-] I'm Afraid

"It's such a pity that such a beautiful person died. Even the old man was moved by seeing it. If the old man was a few decades younger, he would definitely try his best to get her." Li Chengquan grabbed Concubine Yi's hair , glanced at Concubine Yi Xiao, then turned to Xu Shaoye.

"Such a beautiful person, I will never have the heart to let her fade away."

Li Chengquan looked at Xu Shaoye with a cruel smile on his face.

Concubine Yi was in great pain being pulled by Li Chengquan's hair, but in order not to worry Xu Shaoye, Concubine Yi resisted the pain and did not make a sound.

However, the pained expression on her face could not be concealed no matter what!

Seeing the painful look on Concubine Yi Xiaoye's face, Xu Shaoye couldn't bear the pain, so he moved forward.

"Don't move, if you move again, you will see a corpse."

Seeing Xu Shaoye move, Li Chengquan shouted immediately.

The punch just now let Li Chengquan see that Xu Shaoye's strength is not weaker than him, and even much stronger than him.

Li Chengquan couldn't figure it out, this Xu Shaoye is only just old, and he has practiced to such a degree.

You must know that their warriors are not like the ones mentioned in novels and TV dramas, when encountering adventures, they may become invincible masters in the world.

Kung fu in reality requires hard training day after day, year after year, and tormenting the body to achieve the highest achievement before one's own qi and blood decay.

Generally, people who can achieve this kind of cultivation are at least around 40 years old.

If only Xu Shaoye was alone, Li Chengquan wouldn't be so afraid. Although Xu Shaoye was strong, Li Chengquan wasn't very afraid either.

Now there is an Ice Gu beside Xu Shaoye, this is no ordinary bug.

When Li Chengquan saw Tie Tangxin's broken arm, Li Chengquan didn't quite believe what Tie Tangxin said.

He thought it was just that Tie Tangxin was defeated by Xu Shaoye, and he was a little embarrassed, so he made up such a bug.

When Xu Shaoye released the Ice Gu, Li Chengquan realized that Tie Tangxin did not praise the temple, and that the Ice Gu was more terrifying than what Tie Tangxin said.

One Xu Shaoye was enough for him, and with the addition of the Ice Gu, Li Chengquan would definitely not be able to escape.

"Looking at your age, you can be regarded as a powerful figure in the ancient martial arts world, but you do something like threatening others with a weak woman, don't you feel ashamed?"

Xu Shaoye's eyes danced with anger, but he stopped obediently.

His heart was extremely angry, and his killing intent rose.

But he didn't dare to gamble, nor could he gamble with Yi Xiaofei's life.

Xu Shaoye spoke sarcastically.

Xu Shaoye's words made Li Chengquan's old face blush.

In the ancient martial arts world, Li Chengquan has already been said to be a Buddha and ancestor. There are very few people with a higher generation than him, and he is also well-known in the ancient martial arts world.

It would be a great damage to his reputation to spread the news about Concubine Yi Xiao's threat to Xu Shaoye.

Naturally, Li Chengquan didn't want his reputation to be damaged, but he had to choose between his reputation and his life, so Li Chengquan decided to save his own life.

Besides, if Xu Shaoye wanted to hand over Xiao Ruoqing, the only way to succeed was to threaten Xu Shaoye with people around Xu Shaoye.

"I'm half buried, and reputation is not very important to me." Li Chengquan's face was very ugly, he stared at Xu Shaoye, and said: "Let me ask you again, do you want your woman, or Xiao Hua's granddaughter Xiao Ruoqing?" Life."

Xu Shaoye looked at Yi Xiaofei with distressed eyes, and was silent for a long time without speaking.

"Have you considered it?" Li Chengquan asked impatiently, the longer the time dragged on, the more upset he was.

Xu Shaoye gave him too much threat!
Li Chengquan wanted to solve this matter quickly and stay away from Xu Shaoye.

Xu Shaoye's retention is always a serious concern, and after he returns, he must report this matter to the higher authorities so that the dragon head can take action and kill Xu Shaoye.

If we don't kill Xu Shaoye at this time, it will be even more difficult to deal with him in the future.

"Think about it!" Xu Shaoye suddenly smiled, as if he had let go of all the burdens.

"Then do you want your woman, or Xiao Hua's granddaughter?"

Seeing Xu Shaoye laughing, Li Chengquan felt a little uneasy. He didn't know why Xu Shaoye was laughing. He always felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Of course I want my woman!"

Xu Shaoye said loudly.

"Okay, if that's the case, then hand over Xiao Ruoqing!" Li Chengquan was overjoyed when he heard Xu Shaoye's words, and said, "You hand over Xiao Ruoqing, and I'll release your woman right away."

"I haven't finished talking yet, why are you in a hurry!" Xu Shaoye thought slowly, and said in a panic: "I said I wanted my woman, but I didn't say that I would hand over Xiao Ruoqing to you. You You underestimate me and take me for someone else."

"Are you kidding me!?" Li Chengquan's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "I think you don't want your woman's life anymore. If that's the case, then collect your woman's body!"

While speaking, Li Chengquan raised his palm, intending to put it on Concubine Yi's neck, to kill Concubine Yi.

Xu Shaoye rushed forward, like a gust of wind, like a leopard galloping and attacking, the speed was too fast for people to see clearly.

Li Chengquan's hands strangled Concubine Yi's neck as soon as he saw it, and a chill suddenly burst out from behind Li Cheng's whole body.

In an instant, the temperature dropped sharply, and a layer of frost condensed on the ground, making Li Chengquan's movements slow down a beat.

With such a slow beat, Xu Shaoye rushed to Yi Xiaofei.

Just when Xu Shaoye was going to pull Yi Xiaofei, he saw Yi Xiaofei suddenly squatted down, escaped from Li Chengquan's control, and ran forward a few steps, completely out of the range where Li Chengquan could touch her.

Seeing Yi Xiaofei's actions, Xu Shaoye was also taken aback for a moment.

Yi Xiaofei is just an ordinary person, how could she have such a quick reaction.

However, Xu Shaoye immediately felt relieved.

When people are in a desperate situation, they often burst out their own potential and do things that they can't do normally.

Thinking about it, Yi Xiaofei was like this.

There was Xu Shaoye in the front, and Ice Gu in the back, and Concubine Yi Xiao had already escaped her control.

Seeing such a situation, Li Chengquan knew that there was nothing to be done, and he couldn't stay here for a long time. He stomped on the ground hard, directly stepping out of a deep hole, and retreated quickly.

Seeing Li Chengquan running away, Xu Shaoye wanted to chase him.

"Shaoye, stop chasing me, I'm afraid!"

Concubine Yi Xiaoye called out to stop Xu Shaoye at this time.

Xu Shaoye stopped, looked at Li Chengquan who was running away, shook his head, and stopped chasing Li Chengquan.

(End of this chapter)

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