Chapter 99
The members of the reserve team who were beaten down still planned to fight again. Even though they knew that they were no longer Lin Yu's opponent, they still did not give up resistance. This kind of unyielding spirit is really admirable.

Looking at them, Lin Yu felt very uncomfortable. Now he has completely offended the management bureau. Can he live a good life in Blue Star?
It's all the fault of that bastard uncle. If he hadn't made such a move, would things have turned into this way?

"Forget it, let's go back and pick up the old sister and Wanqing, and hide in the dungeon world to avoid the limelight!"

However, just when Lin Yu was about to leave, a figure fell from the sky and landed in the center of the battlefield.

"The exercise is over, everyone in the reserve team will cancel their transformation immediately, Lin Yu, wait for me!" It was Xiao Yunting who came.

Now everyone in the reserve team was confused, and the gates to the management bureau were blown up. It turned out that this was actually a drill?
Team leader, you are playing too big!

Lin Yu also stopped, not because of Xiao Yunting's words, but because he turned around and found that the Lamborghini he had just bought for less than a month had been completely scrapped in the battle just now, and only one pair of the whole car was left. It's empty.

"my car!!!"


After the exercise was over, the aftermath was handed over to the official members of the Play Management Bureau, while Lin Yu was invited to the office by Xiao Yunting.

The two sat facing each other, Lin Yu crossed his legs, his face was full of displeasure.

"I know you are angry." Xiao Yunting said earnestly.

"I'm not angry!" Lin Yu curled his lips and replied.

"I know you have a problem with today's matter"

"I dare not have an opinion!"

Xiao Yunting gave a bitter smile. What was originally a good exercise turned into this, completely beyond his expectation.

But he was still secretly happy in his heart. Compared with the losses, he could discover a talent like Lin Yu, and this exercise had already paid off.

"Okay, don't play with me here. The reason why I want to do this today is to test your strength and see if you are qualified to join the management bureau."

"Tch, it's not good to join the management bureau. I have to investigate cases and handle affairs every day. I only join when I'm in a hurry."

Lin Yu said so, but in his heart he thought of the various benefits after joining the management bureau. It would be a lie to say that he was not attracted.

But he couldn't show it, otherwise he would be manipulated by the guy opposite. When negotiating with others, the most taboo thing is to expose his emotions and thoughts.

But Lin Yu, a young girl who has just entered the society, can't compare with Xiao Yunting, who has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time.

When he replied just now, his tone obviously hesitated, and Xiao Yunting immediately noticed that this kid must have ideas about joining the management bureau.

So Xiao Yunting was not in a hurry, and directly used the trick of "playing hard to get".

"That's a pity. Originally, I thought your talent was not bad, and I wanted to give you special approval to enter the management bureau, but if you find it troublesome, then forget it. After all, we are a formal unit and never do things that are difficult for others."

I'll go, this old guy doesn't play his cards according to the routine!
Lin Yu hurriedly changed his words, "Although there are many trivial things to do with the management bureau, as a good young man, I can still consider the matter of contributing to the country."

Xiao Yunting sneered secretly, thinking that young people are young after all, and it is still too immature to play psychological warfare with me.

"But you blew up the gate of the management bureau today. If I recruit you at this time, the people below may gossip about me! What should I do?"

Xiao Yunting pretended to be in trouble, and thought to himself: I'm sorry, boy, this door is too expensive to repair, and I have some things I can't go out to make extra money recently, so I can only cut you, but don't worry, I will make up for you in the future .

As soon as Lin Yu heard this, he immediately realized that this old guy wanted to pay for the repair of the gate by himself!

Although he could afford the money, how could he feel that he was being calculated by others?
"How much is it?" Lin Yu asked.

Xiao Yunting felt happy when he heard this, but his face remained calm.

"Not much money, just over 500 million."

"What? 500 million? Why don't you go grab it?" Lin Yu stood up with even more surprise on his face.

"Hey, we are a formal department in the management bureau, so why would we do that kind of thing, but if you think it's expensive, then just pretend I didn't say it before." Xiao Yunting made a cup of tea unhurriedly, and lightly sipped it Take a sip.

Damn it, this old guy seems to have decided on me!

Lin Yu really doesn't want to compromise, but he really can't bear to play the role of management bureau.

In the end, after some ideological struggle, he could only nod helplessly, "Forget you, I will pay for this money!"

Xiao Yunting immediately showed a bright smile and poured him a cup of tea himself.

"Boy, that's right. Money is something external to the body. If you don't bring it with you in life, you won't take it with you in death. Wouldn't it be more meaningful to use it for the construction of the Wanwan Management Bureau?"

"Okay, I promised to give the money, can you tell me your real identity?"

"Of course!" After speaking, Xiao Yunting took out a certificate from his arms and handed it to Lin Yu.

On the red certificate book, it is clearly written: Xiao Yunting, deputy director of the Huaguo Player Management Bureau and leader of the Huaguo Task Force White Tiger Team
"You, the deputy director of the General Bureau of Wanwan Management Bureau?" Lin Yu couldn't believe that this scoundrel-like person was actually the deputy director of Wanwan Management Bureau.

"Isn't it? I use your young people's words to say that he used to be the male god who was popular with thousands of girls, but he has been devastated by the years, so he doesn't look as handsome as before, but he is still full of charm. "

Xiao Yunting said this without blushing or heartbeat, as if he was stating a fact.

Lin Yu felt sick to his stomach. He had never seen such a brazen person. He usually exaggerated his appearance a little, but the other party was already talking nonsense.

"Okay, let's get down to business. From today onwards, you will officially become a member of the Play Management Bureau, and your code name will be..." Xiao Yunting really couldn't think of a suitable code name for a while, so let's talk about it later.

(The author can't think of it either, so the almighty book friends can help me with one.)
"..." Lin Yu

"Forget it, let's go directly to the next item, which is also the assessment of the task force's admission. I will apply [National Weapon Blessing] to you later. As long as you successfully obtain the blessing, you can also have the identity of the task force. This Identity will also have many benefits for your future development."

"Okay!" Lin Yu nodded. He was quite curious about what this [National Artifact Blessing] was.

The system bubbled up again, "National Instrument Blessing is a national instrument that grants part of its own power to a designated target. Only those who are approved by it can successfully obtain this blessing."

Xiao Yunting had already started casting spells at this time.

Soon an ancient sword exuding dazzling light appeared in front of the two of them, Lin Yu curiously opened the [wisdom eye] skill to it.

Huaguo·National Equipment: Xuanyuan Sword (clone)
Level: ∞
Grade: Eternal Symphony

Introduction: As a symbol of China's destiny, it contains infinite power, and only the chosen ones can activate its true power.

PS: The content of this chapter has been revised. Xiao Yunting is still quite a responsible person, but money is a little tight for the time being, so it shouldn't be too much to find his future son-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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