my copy is so popular

Chapter 98 Exercise

Chapter 98 Exercise
(I heard that these two chapters are relatively toxic, but I have already written chapter 180 and can’t make any more changes. I can only pay attention to it in the future. Sorry!

You can skip it. The general plot is that Lin Yu joined the Game Management Bureau and obtained an official status. )
Then another guard saw something was wrong and rushed over with his gun drawn. After that, the two exchanged words with each other and decided to arrest Lin Yu in the cell first.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a sword light suddenly fell from the sky, knocking one of the guards to the ground. Fortunately, he was only affected by the aftermath. If the sword light was closer, he might have to go Been in the hospital for a while.


Another guard immediately summoned and transformed, observing the surrounding environment vigilantly.

The guard who was knocked to the ground also got up from the ground and quickly pressed the alarm in his hand.

Alarm bells rang throughout the [Play Management Bureau].

Lin Yu was at a loss when he saw this scene, thinking what is going on?Someone attacked the playoffice?

The two guards also noticed Lin Yu standing there stupidly, guessing that the enemy attack might be related to him, so they rushed forward to take him down.

The sword light from just now reappeared, and the two people who rushed up were blown away with a single blow.

As for Lin Yu still standing there safe and sound, the guards can be sure that the person who launched the attack must be his own. What the team leader said is not wrong. This person is indeed a vicious criminal.

Moreover, he is so bold that he dared to openly attack [Play Management Bureau] in broad daylight!
"Hey, hello, did you make a mistake? Isn't this setting me up!"

Lin Yu also saw that the attacker obviously wanted to frame him, and wanted him to be misunderstood as the initiator of the operation.

Now no matter how much he explains, the other party probably won't listen, so he can only find a chance to escape first, and then go to that old guy to settle the score!

Summoning transformation, Lin Yu summoned the trumpet "this handsome guy".

The support from the Game Management Bureau also rushed to the scene at this time, there were about 30 people, and they all completed the summoning transformation.

But Lin Yu scanned around with [wisdom eye] and found that the highest level among this group of people was only level 48.He wondered, isn't the minimum level 50 required to play the Management Bureau?

What is this group of people like?Reserve team member?

Then this group of people launched an attack on Lin Yu, and colorful skills poured in.

Facing such a dense attack, there was no way to hide, so he could only resist head-on.

So he summoned the Frost Moon Spear and released the skill [Unparalleled Skill Sweeping Quartet].

The spear swept across, defeating all the skills in front of him.

Combat support [Attention, there are energy fluctuations on the ground, the analysis shows that it is: Tier 3 Earth Magic·Earth Explosion! 】

After Lin Yu received the reminder, he jumped up immediately, and the place where he was standing just now exploded suddenly, and rubble fell everywhere.


At this time, in the forest not far from the management bureau, a group of people were watching the battle, including Zhao Yuheng who was driving last night.

"Leader, have we gone too far!"

Xiao Yunting, who was grilling meat skewers, said indifferently, "It's okay, you are here, and that kid is going to die by then, so you go out and stop the fighting."

Zhao Yuheng was still a little worried, "Leader, what if Lin Yu's bodyguard shows up? Those boys can't stand up to that monster!"

"Are you stupid? That bodyguard has appeared, so go up and intercept it!"

"That's right, but the strength gap between the two sides in the team leader's exercise is not a bit big! Although our reserve team members are low-level, their attributes are similar to those of players with more than 50 levels. Can Lin Yu withstand it?" Zhao Yuheng asked.

"He has to stand up to me, at least for another 10 minutes, otherwise how can I arrange him directly to play in the management bureau? If I don't show some decent results, others will chew my tongue behind my back." Xiao Yunting finished. Continued to grill the kebabs.

Zhao Yuheng secretly rolled his eyes, thinking that whoever dares to chew your old man's tongue behind his back would be too long.


Back to the battlefield
Lin Yu can only defend passively now. He is afraid that if he doesn't grasp the severity and kills the opponent, it will be a big deal.

So he opened the game store to see if there were any good skills that could be applied to this situation.

Finally, when he was looking through the "Saint Seiya" store, he saw a good skill.

Crystal Wall: One of the fighting skills of the Golden Saint Mu, a defensive move, transforms countless crystals created by the small universe into an invisible and impenetrable protective wall, blocking defense or rebounding enemy attacks, surrounding the enemy .

Price: 10 game currency
Grade: pink rare
Crystal Web: One of the fighting skills of the Golden Saint Mu, the bondage move, which uses the small universe to visualize the telekinetic power into a crystalline web that is difficult to see with the naked eye, making the opponent trapped in a spider's web, blocking the ability to move.

Price: 9 game currency
Grade: pink rare
Lin Yu would have considered this price in the past, but since he has the game currency provided by the copy of "PUBG Mobile", aren't these two skills the same as picking them up for nothing?

buy it!buy it!
It happened that the players who were playing the management game released the "skill rain" again at this time.

Lin Yu opened his right hand to aim at the flying skills, and his whole body began to emit golden light.

"Crystal Wall!"

A transparent crystal wall rose from the ground, absorbing all the skills and defenses.

Lin Yu's MP bar also disappeared a lot at the same time. It seems that the more defensive skills, the more mana consumption.


Immediately after Lin Yu gave an order, the crystal wall bounced back all the attacks absorbed just now.

The players who played the management bureau saw that their skills were completely blocked by a transparent wall, and they still haven't recovered from it!
The reflexed attack has already come to them.



Under the bombardment of skills that rebounded, the entire gate of the Game Management Bureau was completely turned into ruins.

It was even worse for the reserve team members who played the management team. Their previous formation was too dense, so the reflected skills immediately covered them all.

In an instant, almost all members were seriously injured.

Lin Yu withdrew his right hand, glanced at the battlefield, and suddenly felt dizzy.

"I haven't used my strength yet, how come you all fell down, how much money do I have to pay for the gate to blow up like this!"


Zhao Yuheng, who was watching the battle from a distance, also saw this scene, and the game props in his hand, which was used to observe the battle situation, fell to the ground with a "crack".

Seeing him like this, Xiao Yunting lost his temper immediately.

"Stinky boy, how many times have I told you to be calm when things happen! What's wrong? Is that kid Lin Yu dying soon? "

Zhao Yuheng turned around and said with a sad face, "Team leader, Lin Yu just used a super awesome skill, which deflected all the attacks from the reserve team members. The reserve team is now almost completely wiped out, and the gate of the Play Management Bureau has also been affected by the attack just now. It’s turned into ruins!”

Xiao Yunting, who was about to drink water, almost choked to death on a mouthful of water when he heard the news!
"Ahem! Don't scare me, kid!"

He immediately picked up the game props that fell on the ground, and looked at the gate of the Play Management Bureau.

When he saw the gate that had been reduced to ruins, Xiao Yunting shook his hands and the prop fell to the ground again.

"Team leader, calm down. Didn't you say that you must be calm and calm when you encounter problems!"

But Xiao Yunting turned around and said loudly, "I'm so calm, the gate of the management bureau has been blown up like this, how much money do I need to pay for this exercise to deal with the aftermath! Prodigal son, who arranged the exercise at the gate of the management bureau! "

The team members who played the management bureau were too frightened to speak out, but they raised their hands together and pointed at him.

(End of this chapter)

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