Chapter 210
Jialan Group, market value: 326.7 billion Chinese dollars.

Jialan, an emerging high-end cosmetics brand in Huaguo, is involved in skin care, make-up, perfume and other product fields. It is mainly aimed at mature women with higher education and income levels, aged 25 to 40.

With the in-depth research on Chinese herbal medicine in Huaguo, Jialan has developed a series of acclaimed cosmetics and skin care products, and is known as "the leading brand of local cosmetics brands in Huaguo".

Currently, all major investment institutions are optimistic about the prospects of Jialan Group, so the future of this group is unlimited.

As the president and CEO of Jialan Group, Xiao Yuyan's personal assets are conservatively estimated to be around 190 billion.

Rich woman!

This was Lin Yu's first reaction after reading the information. At the age of 32, he was able to earn a net worth of nearly 200 billion. The key is that he is still very beautiful and maintains such a good figure. He is simply the perfect Bai Fumei in the eyes of men.

It's just that [The Lonely Star of Heaven's Evil]'s fate is a bit deceitful, as long as she has contact with her, she will always be unlucky and have accidents, and no one can hold it!
Xiao Yuyan stepped forward and opened the door of the villa at this time, and invited Xiao Yunting, Xiao Yuya, Lin Yu and others in.

As for Zhao Yuheng, he had already got off the car on the way, went to the hotel reserved by the management bureau, and stayed at Xiao Yuyan's house, probably too long.

Before parting, he also persuaded Lin Yu to get off the car with him, but Lin Yu refused.

Because Lin Yu has already used the ability of [King of Sages] and has a certain resistance to Xiao Yuyan's curse, as long as there is no more physical contact, the problem will not be big.


In the villa, because Xiao Yuyan asked the cleaning lady to clean the room in advance, after Lin Yu came to the guest room, he could rest directly.

When it was evening, everyone began to discuss where to eat. Xiao Yuyan meant to eat at a restaurant outside.

But Xiao Yuya felt that she really didn't want to move her body after a day's flight, so it's better to have a simple meal at home.

After saying this, she immediately looked at Lin Yu who was watching the short video with pitiful eyes.

"Okay, don't look at me like that. I've paid for today's dinner, so it's an advance payment for the accommodation expenses for the next few days."

"Okay! Dad, sister, you are blessed this time. Lin Yu's cooking skills are so good that even sister Liu is willing to bow down."

"Oh, even the girl of the Liu family has surrendered, so I have to taste it!"

Xiao Yunting immediately became interested. He knew Liu Qingqing's culinary skills, and they definitely reached the first-class level. In some respects, they even surpassed some state banquet masters.

Although Xiao Yuyan didn't speak, there was a trace of expectation in her eyes.

When he came to the kitchen, Lin Yu first checked the kitchen utensils, and unexpectedly found that the kitchen utensils here are all custom-made, which only professional chefs can do.

Especially the kitchen knife used for cutting vegetables, the handle of the knife has undergone obvious special treatment, and the feeling of holding it is similar to Liu Qingqing's special kitchen knife.

It's strange, why the kitchen knives here are customized according to the size of Liu Qingqing's hands. Could it be that Liu Qingqing has cooked here before?
"Whatever, I'll do it myself!"

Lin Yu temporarily put this question behind him and began to prepare for tonight's dinner.

Main course: Tonkatsu
Main ingredients: Crab pig (mammal of the boucidae family, although it is round in size, it can walk agilely on six legs. It can come and go freely on the hillside, and it can move at the same speed as a cheetah on flat ground run.

Such a powerful athletic ability, coupled with a substantial amount of activity, makes its body very compact, and its fat content is much lower than it looks.The taste of the meat is light, but the rich taste is concentrated, and the taste is like top crab meat, hence the name. )
Meat dish: shredded pork with fish flavor

Main ingredients: red haired pig (the leftover from the last time I made ecstasy.)
Vegetarian Dish: Broccoli Salad
Main ingredient: broccoli tree (from the vegetable sky in "The Captive of Gourmet", it is a genetically mutated vegetable, and the whole tree is a huge broccoli. The part of the crown with dark green buds tightly attached is edible The part of the tree. The sap flowing out of the tree trunk tastes like Thousand Island salad dressing. The taste of eating it together is like eating broccoli salad. It is even possible to eat up the whole tree unconsciously. People can't stop eating one bite after another.)
Soup: fish soup
Main ingredient: lychee sturgeon (also from "The Captive of Gourmet", the sturgeon with lychee flavor, although the temperament is fierce, but its meat is very delicious, in the delicate and fragrant meat, you can also taste the strong taste of lychee. It is delicious when used in stew, and the sweet and sour taste of lychee can also neutralize the greasy and fishy fish itself.)
Staple food: Rice

Main ingredient: blissful rice (the leftover from the last sad meal.)
After more than an hour of busy work, three dishes and one soup were served on the dinner table.

Xiao Yunting and Xiao Yuya rushed to the dining table first. They could smell the aroma of the food just now, and their stomachs began to growl involuntarily, but they were too embarrassed to rush into the kitchen and start cooking.

Xiao Yuyan's performance was fairly stable, but after sitting at the table, she couldn't help swallowing.

"Okay, ready to eat!"

Seeing that everyone was here, Lin Yu was about to uncover the bowl on the plate, but at this moment the doorbell rang.

"Who will come over at dinner time?" Xiao Yuya reluctantly stood up and walked towards the door.

When I opened the door, it was Liu Qingqing who came.

"I smelled the fragrance when I was outside. It must be Lin Yu who is cooking again!"

"Sister Qingqing, your nose is really sharp!"

"That is, as a qualified chef, the sense of smell is also very important." Liu Qingqing said proudly, then went straight to the dining table, found an empty seat and sat down.

Dinner for four now becomes five.

Lin Yu uncovered all the iron basins covering the plate. This time he did not use special luminous effects. That kind of thing is only suitable for showing off in public.

"Wow, it smells so good!" Xiao Yuya sighed.

"The ingredients here don't seem to be simple!"

As an extraordinary person, Xiao Yunting could naturally feel the energy emanating from these dishes, so he immediately knew that the ingredients used in them were definitely not ordinary things.

This is indeed the case. The dishes made with the ingredients in "The Captive of Gourmet" can improve various attributes of a person, and how many attributes are improved is determined by the level of the ingredients.

Take the last dish of dejected ecstasy as an example. After eating, Liu Qingqing and Xiao Yuya's spirit and physique each increased by 5 points.

(If you eat a certain amount of gem meat before, your physique and strength can be increased by 10 points.)
And these attribute enhancement effects can be superimposed infinitely, and there will be no situation where the more you eat, the worse the effect will be.

So this is also the reason why "The Prisoner of Gourmet" can be rated as an SSS-level dungeon. You can superimpose attributes indefinitely just by eating, just ask you if you can't hang it!

(End of this chapter)

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