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Chapter 209 Xiao Yuyan's Advice

Chapter 209 Xiao Yuyan's Advice
But if a person is unlucky, his teeth will get clogged if he drinks cold water.

Just as Lin Yu left the airport gate with his luggage, the sneakers on his feet suddenly broke.

Then the body staggered and entered the taxi pick-up passage, and a speeding taxi happened to rush out from the corner.

Judging by the speed, the driver probably lost his mind, didn't notice the people on the road ahead, and didn't intend to slow down at all.

At the critical moment, Xiao Yunting stepped forward again and dragged Lin Yu back to the safe area at extremely fast speeds.

"Xiaoyu, what crime did you do in your last life? This is the first time I've seen a man as unlucky as you after being cursed!"

Xiao Yunting sighed, according to the current situation, Lin Yu will be sent to the hospital [-]%, and he will stay there for a month.

Lin Yu himself felt that continuing like this was not an option. No matter how careful he was, accidents would definitely happen.

Instead of being constantly tortured by small accidents, it's better to bet on big ones!
"King of Sages, begin to analyze the curse on me!"

King of Sages: [Received, the analysis begins... The backlash of the curse will erupt within three days, please take precautions against the host! 】

As the [King of Sages] began to analyze, Lin Yu finally returned to his normal state and sat in the car for more than an hour without any accidents.

But he still didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, for fear that the catastrophic accident would happen suddenly.

Xiao Yunting, who was sitting in the co-pilot, also noticed that something was wrong. The situation happened frequently just now, why is it suddenly all right now? Could it be that this catastrophe was just avoided?

At this time, Xiao Yuyan was driving her own Cullinan, closely following Lin Yu's car, so that she could help in time in case of an accident.

"Sister, there seems to be no accident on Lin Yu's side!"

"It would be the best if this is the case!" Xiao Yuyan also let out a sigh of relief.

"Sister, why do you shake hands with Lin Yu!"

Xiao Yuya couldn't figure it out. First of all, her sister knew her own situation, and shaking hands represented a curse.

Secondly, my sister usually hates contact with boys, so why would she shake hands with Lin Yu specially today!
"Didn't you say that you had a strange feeling about this Lin Yu the night before yesterday, so I want to check it out for you!"

When talking about this, Xiao Yuyan paused, and then said earnestly: "Yuya, listen to your sister and stay away from this Lin Yu. I felt at first sight that he didn't look like that kind of dedicated man, and he just now Staring at my breasts and thighs for more than 30 seconds is a typical pervert!"

"Sister, I didn't say I like him! Besides, your figure and appearance are really beautiful, which man would not be tempted to see you! As for whether you are dedicated or not, you will only know after getting along with him!"

Xiao Yuya didn't agree with Xiao Yuyan's thoughts, maybe it just echoed the old saying: Love is always blind.

Although Xiao Yuyan has never been in a relationship, she still knows men very well, and her eyes are very vicious.

"Believe it or not, I'm sure the relationship between Qingqing and Lin Yu is not simple!"

"Sister Qingqing? Impossible, she's not interested in men, and it's not like you don't know, otherwise she wouldn't have had anything to do with you back then..."

When talking about this, Xiao Yuya's voice suddenly became quieter, obviously there is a secret hidden here.

However, Xiao Yuyan didn't care about it. Instead, she continued on the basis of this: "Because I know Qingqing well, I took a special look at her when I picked up the plane just now. As a result, I found that she was completely different from before, and even looked at her. There is a touch of sweetness in Lin Yu's eyes, which are the eyes that only girls who have just fallen in love will have."

"It's impossible! Lin Yu and Sister Qingqing only met the day before yesterday, and today is only the third day. It's impossible to fall in love so quickly!" Xiao Yuya still doesn't believe it.

But Xiao Yuyan's next words made her fall into deep thought on the spot.

"My good sister, think about it. You and Lin Yu have only met a few times. You have some kind of affection for him."

yes!Only then did Xiao Yuya realize that she and Lin Yu didn't seem to have known each other for long, but unexpectedly got along very happily, and their relationship progressed even faster!
Xiao Yuyan continued to add: "I still know Qingqing very well. She is 29 years old this year, and she is not a little girl anymore. She has a special desire for love. Maybe it was at dinner that night that she and Lin Yu got it right. Eyes, so let’s strike first!”

After listening to so many analyzes, Xiao Yuya's expression is no longer as confident as before, and her sister's analysis seems very reasonable.

Liu Qingqing's business in Qingxia had just started and it was a busy time. She had said very firmly before that she had no time to come to Beijing, so why did she suddenly change her mind now.

Especially during the flight just now, she chatted with Lin Yu very openly, which is not like her previous style at all.

"Sister, if Sister Qingqing really likes Lin Yu, then I..." Xiao Yuya became more and more worried as she thought about it.

But Xiao Yuyan is even more worried. She can see that her sister has developed a lot of affection for Lin Yu, which is not easy to deal with!
Unless she can get the evidence that Lin Yu is really famous or philandering, no matter how much she talks about, her innocent sister will not give up.

Besides, Liu Qingqing, she didn't go with Lin Yu and the others, but went directly back to the Liu family's old house in Shangjing.

After returning to the house, she went straight upstairs and came to a special room.

I saw a middle-aged woman who looked six to seven points similar to her, lying quietly on the bed, wearing a breathing assistance device on her face, and various life support instruments placed beside the bed.

"Mom, I'm coming back to see you. When the arrangements for Qingxia's side are almost settled, I'll take you there with me!"

Liu Qingqing looked at her mother who had been judged to be brain-dead three years ago, tears flickered in her eyes.

However, she didn't notice that behind her was a phantom invisible to the naked eye, watching her with gentle and distressed eyes.


At this time, Lin Yu and others also came to a very luxurious villa.

"Team leader, is this the hotel provided by the play management bureau?" Lin Yu asked.

"This is where Yu Yan lives. There are too many people in the hotel provided by the Management Bureau, so it's a little quieter here." Xiao Yunting replied.

"I'll go, this villa costs tens of millions!"

Lin Yu's eyes were full of envy, and he secretly made up his mind that he would also buy such a villa with an independent yard and swimming pool when he returned to Qingxia.

"Sister, I remember you spent almost [-] million on this villa!" Xiao Yuya also got out of the car at this time, and answered Lin Yu's question casually.

"Two billion???"

This is too expensive!But when he thought that this was Shangjing, Lin Yu felt that the price was normal. After all, it was the center of Huaguo, where every inch of land was precious!
Xiao Yuyan said in a flat tone: "Well, it cost 2000 million yuan to get it all down, but now the housing prices here have risen again, without 2 million yuan, I don't think I can get it down!"

As soon as Lin Yu heard this, he immediately understood that Xiao Yuyan was a local tyrant!So quietly asked [King of Sages] to check her background.

(End of this chapter)

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