Rule the ninja world, starting from the incarnation of Iron Man

Chapter 74 Danzo's Confession and Invitation

Chapter 74 Danzo's Confession and Invitation

The figure of Danzo appeared, and Yuma noticed that Danzo's eyes were still blank at the beginning, as if he didn't know where he was.

And Danzo's right eye is not covered with gauze, and the eye there is not Sharingan.
Suspicious, Yu Jian did not act rashly, but was ready to wear the newly acquired third-generation steel suit at any time, and absconded after giving him a big move.

When the beam of light in Danzo's pupils was focused and calmed down gradually, Danzo's expression became complicated, and he murmured inexplicably:

"Oshemaru, you really are a genius, losing your Konoha is equivalent to losing the opportunity to complete the unification of the ninja world!"


After a long silence, Danzo looked at Oma and said words that made Oma's heart beat wildly: "Explosion, special perspective, unique, I may know, you are the inventor of the meta-cell that Orochimaru said."

Yu Jian almost lost his mind, but his face was calm: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Danzo nodded: "That's right, you don't know that you are being targeted, and you don't know what changes you have brought to the world. But if you have such a thing, maybe the old man can make a special case to admit your existence, even if you represent the heresy of this world."

Yuma frowned and said, "Why do I need you to admit my existence? Even if the world is destroyed, I will just say me, and no one has the right to hinder me. However, since you started the topic, I May I ask who is following me, Orochimaru?"

"I won't say anything." Danzo lingered on the spot, stretching his arms, as if adapting to his body, "but I won't tell you about you."

He didn't deny it. So the probability that Orochimaru is eyeing me is extremely high, and Oma feels heavy, thinking of the many times in the past when he lost spiders and other virtual life forms.

Has the technology of simulated molecules really been cracked?
When this body gradually caught up with Danzo's desired pace, his expression showed a gentleness that made Yuma sick, and the same disgusting words:
"Jian Yuma, maybe you and the old man can cooperate and win-win, and I will treat you as a ninja of the same level."

"Impossible!" Yuma sneered.

"Let's not talk about what you did to my parents. In the past few months, you have targeted me again and again, and finally sent Sai to kill me. We are doomed to die together."

"If it wasn't for being unsure of killing you, if it wasn't for your many subordinates and followers in the village, and if it wasn't for Konoha being my Konoha, even if you had a hundred lives, you would die cleanly."

Danzo was unmoved, with a calm expression: "There is no enmity that cannot be resolved. Some are just because of inconsistent goals and interests. As ambitious people, I think you will never lack this kind of consensus."

Danzo straightened his arms, as if admiring the complete pattern on it: "Because I know your ambition is in the world of Quannin, so I cooperated with your ambition and handed over my identity to those undead ninjas."

Sure enough, Danzo did what he did. Only then did Yuma focus on Danzo's arm, and suddenly found that the Hashirama cells and Sharingan on it disappeared.

Even the scars and scars left by the big and small battles have all disappeared.

It was as if this hand had been reborn.

"And they lived up to everyone's expectations and almost made Konoha an enemy in the ninja world. Unfortunately, it seems that they lost a game and fell short."

Danzo stared at Yuma and sighed slightly: "Since you gave the photo, your purpose must not be pure. Why did you let them stop in the end?"

"Although the old man didn't see the last scene of you negotiating with the undead for some reason, but they chose to leave, and most of Konoha's worries have been relieved. This is really a pity."

Oma smiled instead of being surprised: "The second-generation Hokage apprentice, the scavenger Danzo Konoha relies on, is now talking to me about making Konoha an enemy of the ninja world. This is not a pity, but ridiculous."

But he was sure that Danzo didn't see him take out the armor that could be worn by others, that is, his hole card was not exposed.

Even... Even if you think about it in the worst way, his molecular simulation technology has really been cracked.
At least, it is impossible for them to crack the breeding technology.

Molecules are only the foundation, and only when they are in hand can they be invincible.

"I'll tell you a story, old man." Danzang spoke calmly, as if he really let go of his hostility and calculations, and said lightly:

"Once upon a time, there were four children who lived in the land of newborn hope. They had an irreversible relationship, but they often quarreled because of their different opinions."

"They were supposed to be the hope of the next generation, the continuation of eternal peace."

"However, when the war broke out again, the four of them knew that the so-called hope was just another kind of despair."

"They escaped the era of complete war and possessed their own belonging, but they had to fight the war while maintaining their belonging."

"The scale of wars in the past was very small, so small that there were only [-] or [-] ninjas fighting locally, it was considered a war."

"But since the ownership has been established, the scale of the war has expanded greatly. In every war, tens of thousands of ninjas kill each other."

"The death of companions, the disability of relatives and friends, and the scars of war, these chilling things made these four children choose to join the war at the same time, so they became the apprentices of the second generation of Hokage."

"But just as they have had differences in their views since they were young, they also have constant differences as the second generation of Hokage apprentices."

"A child who believes in moderation and stability is Sarutobi; a child who believes in retaliation is called Shimura; a child who believes in honor is called Mito; a child who believes in eliminating minor hidden dangers is called Zhuanju."

"They have different personalities, even contradictory, but under the witness of the Second Hokage, they have their own beliefs, that is, the interests and stability of Konoha are the most important."

"So the four of them embarked on the road of determined to dedicate their lives to Konoha and complement each other."

"They were very good at the beginning, so they became the mainstay in the constant big and small wars, celebrities in the ninja world."

"But then it was bad, because they didn't treat the enemy and the captives the same way."

"From Shimura's point of view, enemies need to be killed and then used as experimental materials."

"Sarutobi, who doesn't want to violate the prohibition of human experimentation established in the first generation, thinks that captives need to be treated kindly, so as to reduce hatred and ease war."

"He succeeded, because the original intention of Ninja Village was peace. So he became Hokage."

"But even if you treat the enemy with consideration for the enemy, the war will never be less, and even those damn restraints will make the war more and more intense."

"Because everyone can use these constraints as an excuse to fulfill their ambitions, including Shimura."

"It's a pity that he failed. After that failure, he sank down and walked into the darkness of Konoha."

"But it was also from then on that he became clear that the so-called bondage does not exist, and the so-called war is also illusory."

"The reason why the world cannot be peaceful is not because people always like to make excuses, but because there is no party to adjudicate right and wrong and reconcile right and wrong for these excuses."

"So Shimura decided to be that side, or let Konoha be that side."

"But Konoha also likes to use peace as an excuse. He thinks that peace means that the village is in peace, so he really has nothing to do."

"Since then, Shimura has learned that to achieve real peace, what is needed is to get rid of peace, complete a real war, and then conquer everything with the absolute winner after the war."

"But this kind of war has been fought more than once in the past, and there is no real winner every time. He didn't believe that Konoha had that kind of strength at that time, so he continued to lie dormant."

"Until now, a ninja named Jian Yuma appeared."

Having said that, Danzo stopped talking, and looked at Yuma calmly.

Oujian suddenly felt a chill in his body, and hated this kind of unequal enemy looking at him with a gentle expression, which would make Yuma think it was a kind of contempt.

But he still forcibly calmed down and said:
"What you said is all nonsense. After talking for a long time, I thought you were going to say something. In fact, what you said was just my ambition to rule the ninja world."

"Yes, and no." Danzo smiled, and his naturally gloomy face matched the smile, which was even uglier than crying, full of viciousness.

"The old man just wants to show the old man's sincerity."

"What sincerity?"

"The sincerity of cooperation, use your ability to make Konoha the only overlord of the ninja world, not the overlord of reputation, isn't this our common ambition?"

Hearing this, Yujian calmed down, and no longer resisted the friendly gaze of the person opposite, he laughed suddenly after a while, and then turned into a mocking laugh.

After laughing for a while, until tears came out, Yu Jian turned cold and stern and said: "You have to find out, who has the same ambition as you?"

"We have different thoughts and different hearts. After hearing your short experience, I am sure that our goals are not the same."

Yuma said sonorously: "Your ambition is real ambition. You just want to become the real overlord of the ninja world. That is a kind of arrogance to power. My ambition is not ambition. A comfortable environment."

"If there is such an environment in the world that can exist without war, I think I will choose to enter without hesitation, regardless of the flood outside?"

"Of course!" Yuma put on the third-generation steel suit, and he has no interest in talking nonsense with Danzo, "If you insist on mixing my ideas with your ambitions, then make it clear."

"You think about conquering the world, I think about conquering history."

"Railgun LV2!"

B-level ninjutsu power, B-level light beam, or that is called Optimus Pillar.

Just a beam of light cannon is as thick as a human's torso, and when it is fired out.

The place Danzo was standing suddenly turned into a sea of ​​dust.

The explosion spread, the light beams splashed, and there were countless flying lights.

All the movement disappeared, Danzo was completely turned into dust, and the place where he was standing became a huge pothole an inch deep.

Yuma himself was shocked.

"Is this the power of a B-rank? No wonder this is a ninjutsu that can only be used by a Jonin. It's really scary."

However, when Oma thought that Danzo stood stupidly and was beaten into pieces by himself, a strange force emerged in the air, and then the Danzo that should have been turned into pieces began to reorganize.

Like a bunch of shredded paper reorganized, the sense of isolation is too heavy.

Yuma's pupils suddenly widened: "If I'm not mistaken, this is the reincarnation of the dirt?"

(End of this chapter)

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