Chapter 73

Yuma smiled: "I have no intention of summoning you. To be honest, you are too weak."

The ninjas who heard that the gods and beasts were undead were very disappointed, and suddenly had the desire to become stronger.

Yuma didn't care what they thought, just said: "Let's not talk about digressions, is it true that the signal you sent cannot be taken back?"

Da Jiaxuan wondered: "Let Konoha become the world's public enemy, isn't this what you expected, senior?"

Yuma shook his head.

He would do this at the beginning, in fact, it was only because he didn't dare to put the bet on the third generation at that time.

In case he finally chooses Danzo instead of himself, then he still has room for maneuver here.

After all, no matter how capable he is, if Yimei entrusts his own safety to an old man to decide, this kind of thing cannot be done by Yujian.

In addition, the age of the previous life is also a person in his 40s and [-]s. How can there be any passion and sensibility?
Of course, the beast and undead are really just idle chess, so Konoha has to rely on him to deal with this kind of trouble.

Because in fact, it doesn't matter if the choice of the third generation was not their own at that time, the big deal is to run away from Konoha, with a gopher in his body, who can stop himself without knowing the information?

But even though he is a rational person, there are always some so-called emotional belongings.

If you can get everything without leaving Konoha, that is the best situation.

Moreover, his grandmother Ayako Tsuchino was getting old at the time, and he didn't want her to wander around with him, eating and sleeping in the open.

Now everything is developing in a good way, and this is all created by himself.

The only variable is the discovery of the nature of the world and the biggest contradiction hidden between ninjas and non-ninjas.

That's why he decided to make a change.

Just because he wants a peaceful environment, not just running away or muddling along.

Later, with the passage of time, Oma forgot the reason why this move was used to threaten Konoha.

Now, at least he managed to let Konoha's internal contradictions emerge in advance, so it can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

Thinking of this, Yuma immediately said: "There is no need to talk about the photo, and you don't need to speculate on my intentions. Let me talk about the principle of your ability first, how to send back the signal?"

Dajia Chuxuan shook his head and said: "Senior, I'm afraid it's too late now. If the signal has just been sent out, the junior can send out the power of thought again to stop it. But now, even if the junior sends out the speed of thought power with all his strength, I'm afraid it won't be able to keep up with those signals."

"The signal itself has no effect of transmitting information, and it has no lethality. The only thing that can be done is to activate some tiny devices. After the devices are activated, the thoughts sent by the juniors later have no meaning."

The ninjas of the beast and undead panicked: "Then what should we do? Seniors probably don't want Konoha's deeds to be exposed?"

"Actually, senior, it would be great if you showed up sooner. At that time, we might not be so focused on revenge."

Yuma looked at the time, one minute and 30 seconds had passed, so there should be still time.

"If it's just to increase the speed of your thoughts, I have a solution. Are you a chakra of the thunder attribute?"

Dajia Chuxuan was stunned, and nodded.

So Yuma gave him a set of snow mastiff armor that had already been produced.

"Press the middle button to put it on and try it on."

Although he didn't know the meaning of this move, Dajia Chuxuan obeyed the order.

After pressing a button, the armor was automatically worn on Daika Izuhyun's body.

Immediately, various chaotic senses such as heaviness, courage, and lightness filled his heart, and he felt that he was many times stronger than before.

Even the chakra in the body seems to have increased weirdly.

He raised his head with a shock in his heart, his vision was good, and even a lot more sensitive.

What on earth is this?It actually improved my strength, and I felt like I could kill two or three of myself in the past with a single punch.

"Don't waste time, try to recover the thought power you sent out." Yuma reminded.

Dajia Chuxuan didn't delay any longer, and put his hands on his temples immediately, and released his unique secret technique-spiritual power.

The thought power surged out of his mind, and the speed suddenly increased. At that moment, he only felt that the speed had increased by at least 20% compared to usual.

What is this concept?
Dajia Chuxuan was startled, which means that with this set of armor, the ninja's strength can be increased by at least 20%.

Coupled with the weird and unreasonable physical bonus, the overall strength is four or five times stronger than before, which is more than enough.

These four or five times the improvement made him, an ordinary Chunin, reach the level of the strongest Chunin in one fell swoop.

And this is only done by a set of armor.

Simply, simply, can completely subvert the ninja world
"Boss, I'm so envious of you, this suit of armor is so handsome." A ninja spoke, showing envious eyes.

"Boss, how do you feel? Since it was bestowed by the seniors, it must be different, right? It shouldn't be comparable to the armor worn by those warriors, right?"

Dajia Dexuan did not answer the words of his companions, but raised his head and asked a question: "Senior, is this kind of armor blessing effective for ninjas of any strength?"

Yuma nodded and said, "It's not limited to ninjas."

Dajia Chuxuan immediately felt that a monstrous wave began to surge in his heart.

Not limited to ninjas, that is to say, civilians too?

The next moment, Daika Izuhyun pressed the button again, took off the armored suit and handed it back to Yuma respectfully: "I always thought that senior was just a benevolent and strong man, but I didn't expect that senior was still such a powerful man." A man of incredible ability."

"Could it be that senior's ambition is?" He didn't say this sentence.

This kind of ambition is so big that no one dares to think about it, it is really amazing.

He replied: "However, no matter what senior wants to do in the future, the undead spirits of the gods and beasts belong to the undead of the seniors, and will be driven by the seniors at will."

The other ninjas also echoed: "The juniors are willing to be encouraged by the seniors!"

Yuma was indifferent, and didn't accept it because of the person's expression of service, but asked the same question again: "If that's the case, I still say the same thing, why do you want to see me?"

Yes, why do you want to meet seniors?
This time, everyone fell into deep thought because of this sentence.

They were undead that shouldn't belong to this world, because they were experimental subjects, and their body secrets had long been revealed.

Even if he returned to his original village, he would surely be executed.

But with no place to go, they can only wander like rootless duckweed. Since they have no fear of death, this state is even more terrifying than ghosts.

Because they will choose to kill themselves at any time due to their mood. They have tried countless times in the prison of the laboratory, but they were all blocked by restrictions.

They are like walking dead without a goal. Once no one pulls them, even if they walk out of the dark place of the laboratory, they will only gradually walk into deeper darkness.

After all, their hearts have long been empty, and their motivation for living is unclear.

Fortunately, Yuma rescued them and did not give up on them, and gave them photos of laboratory materials.

As it should be, they regard this as the only goal and instruction to survive, and regard this as the goal that the strong in the tiankeng want them to achieve - to make Konoha feel pain.

They have always thought so, and they have always done so.

For the past few months, he has been living well, trying to recover and recuperate his body, and then broke out at this moment, embarrassing Konoha.

However, Yuma has clearly stated that his purpose is not to make Konoha an enemy of the ninja world. If this is the case, what is the point of what they have done in the past?

They thought they were accomplishing Oma's goal, so they came to Konoha's area hoping to meet Oma and get his encouragement.

Otherwise, if it's just revenge, they don't need to all rush to die together, even if they are not afraid of death.

But in fact, they seem to have screwed up, because Oma's ideas are fundamentally different from their goals.

So what are they doing all this for?

Seeing the confusion of a group of people, Yuma sighed: "No matter what happened in the past or what is happening now, you still have to think about the future."

"Even if you have been heinous and sinful in the past, what does that have to do with me? In my opinion, Konoha has used you as experimental materials for three full years to offset those crimes that I don't know if they exist."

"So, if you can't figure this out, then what are you going to do after today? I can tell you clearly that although I saved you, it doesn't mean that I want to take you in and give you hope. That's your own. I have no reason to bear it."

After speaking, Oma waited for the passage of time.

It is estimated that in a few minutes, after Dajia Chuxuan's thought power is blocked, Konoha's predicament this time will be resolved.

Although he doesn't care whether Konoha will become the enemy of the ninja world, because once the banner of revolution is raised, sooner or later he will launch a war to change the world.

But one thing more is worse than one thing less. Until then, it is better to try to maintain peace.

Oma originally thought that he would have to wait for this group of people to think for a long time before hearing the answer. Unexpectedly, the next moment, Kazuhyun was no longer confused, and clearly expressed his thoughts:

"The younger generation knows what the older generation means, and wants us not to regard your intentions as the motivation to live, at least to preserve our own subjective consciousness."

"But I think senior, you are wrong to think that what we do is just because we want to get your approval."

"Huh?" Yuma nodded to him, motioning to continue.

"Thinking about it now, from the beginning to the end, it is our own mind to want revenge on Konoha, it is also our own mind to see seniors grateful to seniors, and it is also our own minds to listen to seniors' intentions and give up revenge."

Dajia showed a firm look in his eyes and said: "From the moment senior rescued us from the darkness, we have our own ideas, that is to live for the senior, and to go through fire and water for the senior."

"Maybe you think we're useless, and the idea is ridiculous, but that's what we think."

"It's not just about whether you agree or not, but we hope to follow behind our predecessors and continue to treat the world kindly."

"This is the will of all of us. Please let the seniors do it, you just need to point us in a direction."

The other divine beasts and undead ninjas gradually stopped being confused, as if they wanted to understand the meaning of their coming here, and followed their leader to answer: "Please let the seniors be fulfilled, we only want to live because of the seniors."

Yuma was silent.

Is this dependent on me?

Live because of me?Really good at licking.

Oma no longer understands the thoughts of ninja people.

Just like Bai, because he got Zabuzhan's approval, he willingly became his puppet.

And I just saved the life of the undead soul of the beast, so I am willing to live for me
Forget it, why bother with this kind of entanglement, since others want it so, I just give an order.

"I promise."

In this way, Yuma gave the way of survival for the undead of the gods and beasts in the future-go to the country of waves and wait for the time to come.

I believe that when the country of Wave is in short supply of manpower, it will quickly accept these hundreds of ninjas.

And not long after, Oka Dehyun's mind power caught up with the power of the fireworks, and successfully prevented the possibility of Konoha's human experiments being exposed.

As for the group of ninjas who were in charge of promoting the photo incident, Oka Dehyun also had orders.

That is, if you do not receive a specific execution signal afterwards, burn all those photos, do not publish them, and do not cause any further complications.

The incident seemed to have come to an end, and the undead of the beast also left with Yuma's token.

It's a pity that God suspected that he didn't want Yujian to settle down, and was about to lift his foot to leave when a familiar figure appeared.


Impossible, the spider definitely checked the surroundings, how could Danzo be here?

Yuma stood up as if facing an enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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