Konoha's training from zero

Chapter 81 Seal 9 Tails

Chapter 81 Seal the Nine Tails
The one who blocked Kyuubi's attack was none other than Nobita's father, Hidecho Sanada.

"The art of earth escape super rock fist!"

A gigantic giant rock hand held Nine-Tails' giant hand, and Nine-Tails' attack was stopped.

Sanada Hideaga turned back and said, "Son, hurry up, I can't stand it anymore."

Nobita immediately held Kyuubi with his hand, and performed the Flying Thunder God Technique, trying to transfer Kyuubi out of Konoha Village.

But what Nobita didn't imagine was that he didn't have enough chakra to transfer a tailed beast as big as Nine Tails.Nobita failed to transfer Kyuubi and exhausted his chakra.

With cold sweat on his head, the Third Hokage said, "Is Nobita's chakra not enough?" After finishing speaking, the Third Hokage also knelt on the ground, loosened the Vajra Omnistick, and the Third Hokage kneeling on the ground gasped and said: "It's true that time doesn't forgive people."

Sanada Hideaga held Kyuubi's giant rock hand, which was quickly freed by Kyuubi. Kyuubi regained his claws and attacked Nobita and his son.

Nobita's father stood in front of Nobita and said, "Nobita, let me show you the strength of the elite jounin who served as Konoha for my father."

Hidena Sanada formed a seal with both hands, "Water escapes water and breaks waves!"

A high-pressure water gun was ejected from Sanada's mouth, directly cutting Kyuubi's claws. Nobita was shocked to see his father's water escape ninjutsu, as if the Second Hokage was standing in front of his eyes.

Kyuubi, whose hand was cut, was in pain, retracted his hand, and attacked Nobita and his son with its nine tails. Sanada Hideaga turned his head and said, "Son, look after me, I will teach you another move for my father."

Hidena Sanada made seals with both hands, "Water escape and water dragon dance!" (group attack of water dragon bullets)

The nine water dragon bombs flew towards the nine tails of the nine tails at the same time, repelling the nine tails of the nine tails.

Xiuchang said: "Kyuubi is about to run away, Nobita, you run first, you still have the strength to escape."

"No, I will fight with you, father."

Sanada Hideaga said very angrily: "Fool, you haven't understood yet, you will only drag me down here."

Daxiong knew that he couldn't be arrogant now, and said, "Father, you must come back alive."

After finishing speaking, Nobita turned around and jumped off Kyuubi.

Kyuubi saw Nobita in the air, and stretched out his claws to attack Nobita again. Hidecho Sanada jumped in front of Kyuubi and said, "Your opponent is here."

Hidena Sanada formed seals with both hands, "Water escapes water, explodes and destroys dragon!" (enhanced version of water dragon bomb)
A huge water dragon bomb condensed out, at least 10 times the size of an ordinary water dragon bomb. The huge water dragon hit Kyuubi and pushed Kyuubi out. Kyuubi lost his balance and had to retract his hand to hold Balance on the ground.

At this moment, the Sharingan Gouyu in Kyuubi's eyes disappeared, Obito was defeated, and lost control of Kyuubi.

Kyuubi, who regained consciousness, saw Hideunaga in front of him, opened his mouth and bit towards Hideunaga.

Hidecho, who was in the air, had no way to dodge, he covered rocks on his limbs with soil, and supported Kyuubi's bite with his hands.

Kyuubi is very happy now, a ninja was sent to his mouth like this, Kyuubi condensed a small tailed beast jade in his mouth, Xiuchang watched the formation of the tailed beast jade in front of him, there was no fear in his eyes, but Filled with relief, he turned his head and shouted at Nobita: "My son, you must live on, Dad loves you!"

After Xiuchang said this, the Tailed Beast Jade was activated, and Nobita wanted to rush up to save his father, but unfortunately he couldn't jump that high without Chakra.Daxiong stretched out his hand in the air to grab his father, but his father was too far away from him,


Father was sent flying by the Tailed Beast Jade, rushed a long way, and then exploded.

Nobita looked at the direction of the explosion with tears in his eyes, a surge of hatred surged into Nobita's heart, and Nobita roared at Kyuubi.

The terrible chakra burst out from Nobita's body in anger again, and Nobita formed a seal with his hands, "Thunder escapes thunder!"

Countless giant lightning bolts were shot from Nobita's palm, and the giant lightning struck Kyuubi, and even Kyuubi was hurt by Nobita's ninjutsu attack.

Kyuubi clenched his fists and punched Nobita, Nobita formed a seal with both hands, "Lan Dun Wave Slash!"

The slash condensed by Lan Dun was extremely sharp, Jiuwei's fist was cut by the wave slash, and blood flowed out.

The Third Hokage rushed over with Anbu at this time, and said to Anbe: "Take Hideo Sanada away immediately, and use your own chakra too much, and you may die. You can't let him die here."

"As ordered!"

But these anbu are soy sauce players at all, and they were shot away by Kyuubi before they got close to Nobita.

The Third Hokage extended the Vajra Nishiki stick and flew towards Nobita, and the front end of the Nishiki stick turned into the upper body of the ape demon, hugging Nobita.

Nobita struggled wildly while being hugged, but Ruyi stick retracted and brought Nobita in front of the third generation. Looking at the crazy Nobita in front of him, he sighed and hit the back of Nobita's neck with a hand knife, knocking Nobita unconscious.

The third generation picked up Nobita and escaped from Kyuubi.

Seeing that Sandai Hokage and Nobita wanted to escape, Kyuubi gathered the Tailed Beast Jade, and the condensed Tailed Beast Jade flew towards Sandai. The moment the Tailed Beast Jade was about to hit the third generation, a Flying Thunder God Barrier unfolded, and the Flying Thunder God Barrier absorbed Nine-Tails Tailed Beast Jade and moved it outside the village.

Namikaze Minato appeared on Hokage Rock, and Minato rushed to the battlefield.

When Kyuubi saw Minato, he knew that this person ruined his good deed, and fired the Tailed Beast Orb at Minato again, and the Tailed Beast Orb flew forward, knocking down one building after another, and flew in front of Hokage Rock. Another Flying Thunder God barrier opened, absorbing Nine-Tails' Tailed Beast Jade into it.

Kyuubi gathered another Tailed Beast Jade, but just after this Tailed Beast Jade was gathered, the Fourth Hokage psychically produced the toad boss Bunta, who fell from the sky and sat on Kyuubi's body.Kyuubi's Tailed Beast Jade didn't gather together this time, so Wen Tai sat on his ass and wiped it out.

Namikaze Minato jumped onto Kyuubi's head, and used Flying Thunder God to transfer Kyuubi out of Konoha Village.Only Wentai and the messy Muye Village were left behind.

Lingling was in the back mountain, and heard the news from the front, and heard that Nobita was fighting with Kyuubi, she was very anxious, Lingling wanted to help Nobita now.

Lingling walked out of the crowd and walked towards the village, Fugaku came out, grabbed Lingling, and said, "I know you are worried about Sanada now, but you can't go, our Uchiha's order is to protect the civilians in Konoha here. "

Lingling broke free from Fuyue's hand and said, "Uncle Fuyue, Nobita is in danger now, I have to help him."

Fu Yue said angrily: "Based on what you can do to help him if you go now, you will die in vain if you go."

"Even if I die, I will go."

Fu Yue had no choice but to say: "Uchiha-san, Uchiha Yixin, you two stop Lingling, if she wants to go to the village, you are allowed to use force."

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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