Konoha's training from zero

Chapter 80 9-Tailed Demon Fox

Chapter 80 The Nine-Tailed Demon Fox
The days passed day by day, and the day of Naruto's birth was getting closer and closer. Nobita met Fuyue this time, and Fuyue was very happy holding the newly born Sasuke.

Nobita also hugged him, Er Zhuzi was really cute when he was a child.

Minato and Nobita were called into the secret room by the former Hokage, and Hirizhan said: "Minato, Kushina must pay attention to giving birth to a child. If there is a slight difference, if the nine-tailed fox comes out to make trouble, it will endanger the safety of Konoha."

Minato said: "Master Hizaru is right, I need to use your wife's power to create an enchantment for Kushinai, and I also need to choose a place far away from Konoha Village for production."

"Okay, this time it is related to Konoha's safety, I will definitely cooperate with all my strength."

On the other side of the camera, Kakashi has completed his mission and ended the protection of Kushina. Tomorrow Kushina will give birth. Kakashi looks at the mother who is about to give birth, knowing that everyone has high hopes for this child .

At the same time, this child also warmed Kakashi's cold heart. Kakashi was no longer as cold as before, and Kakashi gradually opened his heart.

Kakashi came to the cemetery, where all the people who died fighting for Konoha were buried, but many people couldn't find their bones, only a cloak mound.

The Obito tombstone that Kakashi wants to see today is like this. Kakashi is now in front of Obito and Rin's tomb, and said with emotion: "You have been dead for so many years, I miss you very much, tomorrow, the child of Minato-sensei It will be born, and I hope this child will bring light to the world."

Kakashi put the flower in his hand on the tombstone and left, but what Kakashi didn't know was that after he left, a person was formed by time-space ninjutsu behind a tree, and a person was wearing a mask Obito.

Obito heard all Kakashi's words, and now Obito has only one purpose, to catch Kyuubi.

The next day, in the cave outside Muye Village, Kushina was about to give birth here, and Nobita led Anbu to guard Kushina around the cave.

Nobita knew that Obito would definitely come, and killed his teacher and mistress with his own hands.

That night, as in the original story, Obito used his power to avoid Konoha's barrier and came to the cave.

There was an explosion in the cave, and Nobita immediately led Anbu to support it. Unfortunately, the barrier at the entrance of the cave became an obstacle to stop Nobita and others from supporting.

Daxiong is very anxious now, there is no mark in the cave, and he cannot use Flying Thunder God to enter.

Nobita condensed the spiral pill with his hands, and launched an attack on the barrier with the spiral pill.

Several other Anbu also used ninjutsu to attack the barrier after seeing it.

With a "bang", like the sound of glass cracking, Nobita and others broke through the barrier at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, Minato had already fled with the newborn Naruto, and Obito made a move against Kushina, Nobita threw a shuriken at Obito, and the shuriken passed through Obito's body, causing no harm to Obito .

Several other Anbu also swarmed up, but for Obito who has no entity, they are not opponents at all.

Obito took three downs, five divisions and two divisions to solve these Anbu.Nobita holds Kunai to maximize the power of the flashlight, and Obito looks at Nobita who is attacking, and blurs his body. completely blurred).

Nobita's Kunai didn't attack Obito. When Nobita's attack passed through Obito's body, Obito suddenly materialized, grabbed Nobita with his hands, and used Kamui to suck Nobita into his Kamui.

Nobita's body began to twist, and seeing that he was about to be sucked into his divine power by Obito, Nobita immediately used Flying Thunder God to escape from here.

This time, Nobita teleported to Konoha Village. Nobita knew that he was not Obito's opponent, so he had to tell the Sandai Hokage in the village immediately.

Daxiong ran to the home of the third generation in a flash.

Nobita ran to Sandai's door, and Nobita directly broke into Sandai's home. Seeing Nobita entering in this way, Sandai immediately felt the seriousness of the situation, and hurriedly asked, "Sanada, what's wrong?"

Daxiong said: "Three generations, it's not good, the nine-tailed demon fox has left violently."

The third generation turned pale with shock, and said, "Sanada, please inform Anbu immediately to move all civilians and underage ninjas to a safe place, and we must leave a kindling for Konoha."

"As ordered!"

On the other side, Kai saw that Kakashi's condition has improved a lot recently, so he took Kakashi to drink, the two of them came out of the tavern, drunk, at this time Kai said: "Kakashi, do you feel It's cold around."

Kakashi said: "You really feel a little cold when you say that."

At this time, Obito appeared in Konoha Village, bit his fingers, and made seals with his hands, "Psychic art!"

A huge nine-tailed demon fox appeared in front of everyone.

Konoha Village immediately entered a state of emergency, and Kyuubi, who was controlled by Obito, began to attack Konoha Village.

Fugaku was shocked when he saw the huge Nine-Tails. At this time, a person from Anbu appeared in front of Fugaku and said, "Master Fugaku, Sandai Hokage ordered that all the Uchiha clan immediately organize civilians and young ninjas to move to a safe place. .”

At this time, the veins on Fuyue's head bulged, and Fuyue was very angry. At the critical moment, Konoha didn't believe in the Uchiha clan.Fu Yue immediately suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said, "Fu Yue, obey!"

Nobita saw Kyuubi appearing in the village, knowing that Minato is still fighting with Obito, Nobita felt that he should keep Kyuubi away from Konoha no matter what.

Konoha's ninjas were all mobilized to deal with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Most of the ninjas were completely cannon fodder in front of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. Soon, more than half of the ninjas were killed or injured.

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzai stood up, and used the Vajra Nishiki stick to knock out the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, and pushed Nine-Tailed to the edge of Konoha Village.

But Ri Zhan is old after all, and physically unable to support his body.Daxiong went all the way, and ran towards the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox along with the three-generation Vajra Wishful Stick.

Kyuubi saw a blue light running towards him, his body was suppressed by the vajra wish stick and he couldn't break free, Kyuubi gathered the tailed beast jade in front of his mouth, and a tailed beast jade struck Nobita.

Nobita's eyes froze, there was a refuge behind him, if this tailed beast jade fell on the refuge, everyone in the refuge would die.

Nobita took out his shuriken, put his hands across his chest, and opened the Flying Thunder God Barrier, the Tailed Beast Jade hit the Flying Thunder God's barrier, was absorbed by the Flying Thunder God, and then appeared in the deep forest behind Konoha, The Tailed Beast Jade exploded, and a huge air wave covered the entire Konoha Village.

Nobita transferred the Tailed Beast Jade and didn't stop, he continued to turn on the flashlight and ran towards Nine Tails, Kyuubi saw that he couldn't hit him, so he gathered another Tailed Beast Jade, at this time Nobita had already run in front of Kyuubi, Nobita jumped to Kyuubi On the body of the tail, seeing that the tailed beast jade of Kyuubi has formed, Nobita knows that he must transfer Kyuubi out of Konoha, otherwise the tailed beast jade will explode in the village.

Nobita held down Kyuubi's body, at this moment Kyuubi's claws attacked Nobita on his body, and now Nobita was turning his body's chakra and preparing to fly the Thunder God technique, and there was no time to dodge Kyuubi's attack .

Just when Kyuubi's sharp claws were about to hit Nobita, a person appeared and blocked Kyuubi's attack.

(End of this chapter)

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