Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 68 Trading

Chapter 68 Trading
When Roy's figure appeared on the deck again, Mardan was the only one who could stand on the entire deck of the Iron Wall Pirates. Payson and the others had already lost their breath and turned into A corpse is displayed on the deck.

Facing Roy's extraordinary speed, there was no difference between Payson and the others and the pigs waiting to be slaughtered. Payson and the others didn't even see how Roy drew the sword clearly, so they lay dead on the spot.

"Devil?! You devil..." Mardan looked in horror at Roy who was slowly approaching in front of him.

"Devil, maybe?" Roy said calmly, and slowly raised the three generations of ghosts in his hand. The three generations of ghosts are also worthy of the name of the demon sword. Without leaving any bloodstains, it became more and more coquettish.

"Then let me, the devil, send you down. Maybe you can get the news of ONE PIECE from Roger when you get down there?" Roy's voice fell, and the figure disappeared into the spot again. .

After killing Payson and the others, the maintenance time of Roy's plateau blood was increased to 10 minutes.

"It's not that easy to kill me." Mardan roared fiercely, and a barrier suddenly erected between himself and Roy.

It's a pity that Mardan's speed of activating the barrier fruit ability was too slow. Before the barrier was erected, the sword blade of the third generation of ghosts shining with purple light had already scratched Mardan's neck.

The sentence just now was the last sentence of Mardan's life.

[The battle is over, you killed a spiritual creature and obtained 500 points of essence]

"Buy Kyle, Angel of Justice." Roy didn't even look at Mardan, who had already fallen to the ground. After putting the three generations of ghosts into the scabbard, Kyle's Starfall Grace was directly lit.

"Unfortunately, if the barrier fruit appears, the moment of divine judgment can be activated now." Roy took out the apple from his bosom, took a bite, and walked towards the cabin.

After the devil fruit user dies, the devil fruit will reappear on the fruit, so Roy specially brought an apple.

If the devil fruit happened to appear on the fruit I brought, wouldn't I earn an extra fortune.

Although the devil fruit didn't appear on his own fruit, what if it appeared on the ship, or there happened to be hundreds of devil fruits in the hands of the Iron Wall Pirates that hadn't eaten yet?
However, it is a pity that even after the navy brought by Roy turned the ship of the Iron Wall Pirates upside down, they did not find any devil fruit.

"Lieutenant General Roy, the battlefield has been cleaned up. The Iron Wall Pirates have a total of..." Claudio looked at Roy in front of him with a look of admiration. It was so easy to be wiped out by Roy, and there were zero casualties in this battle.

"About this battle, after returning to the G-4 branch, you can go back and compile a report and give it to me." Roy said lightly. "Now we are going to go to the capital of seven waters."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy." Claudio said excitedly.


Half a day passed.

Roy's warship soon arrived at the capital of seven waters again.

After making arrangements on the warship, Roy went to the Carrera Company again alone. Unlike the last time, this time Roy entered Bingshan's office alone without disturbing anyone.


"Camille, you go down first, I want to stay for a while." Seeing Roy sitting in his seat, Bingshan immediately blocked Camille with his body, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, President?!" Camille, the purple-haired beauty from before, although she didn't understand Bingshan's words, she still retreated obediently.

"Ah, is Mayor Bingshan really cautious?!" Roy, who was crossing his legs, looked at Bingshan with a smile on his face. "Are you afraid that people will discover your relationship with me, or the navy?"

"Lieutenant General Roy, why did you come to see me?!" Bingshan ignored Roy's teasing, and asked calmly as he pulled his tie.

"Of course it's to thank Mayor Bingshan for your help." Roy crossed his hands and said with a faint smile. "If it wasn't for the mayor of Bingshan, I wouldn't be able to solve the Iron Wall Pirates so easily."

Hearing Roy's words, Bingshan's eyes changed slightly, and Bingshan didn't expect Roy to solve the Iron Wall Pirates so easily.However, the iceberg soon recovered. ,
"If it's just to thank me, it's not worth Lieutenant General Roy's trip yourself?!" Bingshan walked to the wine cabinet beside him and poured a glass of wine. "Would you like a drink?"

"Of course..." The smile on Roy's face grew wider.

"Good wine..." Roy praised after taking a sip of the fine wine that Bingshan handed over.

"Lieutenant General Roy, can you tell me now, what is your purpose for coming here late at night?" Bingshan stared closely at Roy.

"Of course it's for the transaction?!"

"Deal?!" Bingshan frowned slightly. "If it was the previous transaction, Lieutenant General Roy can rest assured..."

"No, no, no..." Roy waved his fingers. "The other deal I'm talking about is about your mentor, Mayor Bingshan, Master Tom who used to build ships for One Piece Roger."

Hearing Roy's words, Bingshan's expression changed drastically.

"Lieutenant General Roy, I don't understand what you're talking about..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Roy smiled lightly. "How about these fifteen devil fruits, regardless of the type, for Spandam's life?!"

Although the devil fruit is called the treasure of the sea, it is extremely rare, but this is only in relative terms, just like to the Tianlong people, the devil fruit is just a toy.

As for Bingshan, who has close ties with the Dark World, the Revolutionary Army, and the World Government, although it is not an easy task to get fifteen Devil Fruits, it is not difficult at all.

After all, what Roy wanted was not to specify the type of devil fruit. Among the superhuman devil fruits, there are many waste fruits. As for the animal fruits, in the eyes of nobles who are not short of money, the ability of animal devil fruits that can improve physical strength is unknown. The Superman fruits are much more valuable.

"Sorry, Lieutenant General Roy, I still don't know what you're talking about..." Bingshan was really moved by Roy's words.

Bingshan also thought about offering a reward to Spandam to avenge Tom more than once, but due to Spandam's status as a world government official, no one would accept this reward even in the dark world.

But after thinking of Roy's identity, Bingshan still endured it.

"Well, this is a phone bug I picked up." Roy had already expected Bingshan's caution, and didn't care about Bingshan's words. "Say it first, Mayor Bingshan, I need to pay first here?!"

"Then I will take my leave first, Mayor Bingshan."

(End of this chapter)

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