Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 67 Barrier Fruit

Chapter 67 Barrier Fruit
In front of the Iron Wall Pirates, Roy's warship has been waiting here for a long time
On the warship.

Claudio, who has recognized the flag of the Iron Wall Pirates through the telescope, looked seriously at Roy who was standing at the front of the deck, and said to Roja, "Lieutenant General Roy, the Iron Wall Pirates have entered our artillery fire." We are within the attack range, shall we launch shelling?"

Compared with the inferior artillery of the pirates, the navy has an absolute advantage in artillery fire. After all, behind the navy is a man who has led the world in technology for 500 years.

According to the navy's consistent standard of encircling and suppressing the navy, when encircling and suppressing pirates, generally speaking, a round of fire coverage will be carried out first. After all, on the sea, once a ship is damaged, it is no different from death.

In long-range artillery battles, it is time to engage in boarding battles.

"Then launch the shelling." Roy said casually.

In Roy's view, it's just a dream to destroy the Iron Wall Pirates just by bombardment. Pirates with a bounty of over [-] million can't be wiped out by artillery fire. It's not the so-called firepower coverage, but the combat power of the five lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy, prepare for shelling." Following Roy's order, Claudio quickly ordered.

"Ready to shell."

"Ready to shell."

The muzzles of Roy's warships were aimed at the coming Iron Wall Pirates.

Boom! Boom! Boom!
The muzzle of the artillery suddenly let out a huge roar, and the dense ammunition smashed towards the ships of the Iron Wall Pirates.

"Cannonballs, such things are useless to our Iron Wall Pirates."

On the deck Magadan showed a thick mocking smile on his face.

"Giant barrier."

A huge transparent barrier appeared in front of the Iron Wall Pirates, and Magadan was the barrier man who ate the barrier fruit.

The shelling launched by Roy's warship hit the barrier made by Magadan, and a huge flame rose, but there was not even a trace left on the barrier.

Pirate ship.

After seeing the shelling launched by the navy was easily blocked by Magadan, the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates burst into cheers.

"Long live Captain Magadan."

"Kill that gang of marines."

Compared with the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates who were in a state of frenzy, the atmosphere on Roy's warship became slightly dignified.

"Lieutenant General Roy, do you want to continue the shelling?" Claudio gritted his teeth and asked.

"No need, the other party is a devil fruit capable person, shelling is useless, and launching shelling is just a waste of ammunition." Roy shook his head and said.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Roy." Claudio drew out his weapon and continued to give orders. "Stop shelling, prepare weapons, and prepare for boarding."

Following Claudio's order, the navy on Roy's warship drew out their weapons one after another, ready to fight.

However, from the beginning to the end, the Iron Wall Pirates have not carried out any shelling. After all, the barrier effect created by Magadan is two-way.

"Hehe, did you give up?" Magadan's face became more and more mocking.

"Stay here, and leave the rest to me. You just need to be responsible for cleaning up the mess..." Looking at the ships of the Iron Wall Pirates getting closer, Roy's figure disappeared instantly. above deck.

"Wait a minute, Lieutenant General Roy." Before Claudio finished speaking in a hurry, Roy's figure turned into a black spot.

"Captain, is there someone flying over in front?!" A cadre of the Iron Wall Pirates exclaimed as he watched Roy approaching.

"Is it the same ability as the guy before?" Magadan showed a fierce expression on his face. In the previous battle with the G-4 branch, Angelo had already revealed the existence of the Navy Type [-]. "However, my ability is invincible."

Roy, who was floating in mid-air, pulled out the third generation ghost from his waist, and let out a soft drink.

"One knife flow, ascend to the gods."

next moment.

An incomparably gorgeous golden-red sword energy poured down like a waterfall, and landed on Magadan's barrier in an instant.

boom! !

Although Roy's slash did not break Magadan's barrier, but with the burst of sword energy in vain, the burst sword energy rolled up a huge gust of wind and waves.

Looking at the extremely shocking scene in front of them, no matter the marines following Roy could not help but stand still, even Mardan was no exception.

Just one sword is enough to shake the sea.

"Is this guy a monster?" The complacency in Mardan's heart was instantly destroyed by Roy's sword.

"That, that guy is Giotto Roy, the monster who defeated the legendary pirate's green pepper." Mi Sai, who saw Roy's appearance clearly, said in horror. "Captain, this monster is not what we are waiting to deal with, let's run away."

"What?" A trace of panic flashed in Mardan's eyes. Although Mardan has enough confidence in his own strength, Mardan also understands that he is far from being the opponent of those old guys now. What I faced was this kind of monster.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a navy, don't worry, captain, as long as that guy comes down, I will smash his head with a hammer." Payson still roared recklessly, the only one of the Iron Wall Pirates who has not been killed Roy was so frightened that he was the only one with muscle in his head.

"It really is the barrier fruit in the original book that can block the King's Fist, which is said to be comparable to the attack of the Four Emperors." Roy murmured, looking down at the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates.

"However, the barrier fruit can't block all directions." With a flick of his eyes, Roy flew over the other part of the barrier in the sky and landed directly on the deck of the Iron Wall Pirates.

"Die to me! Navy." As soon as Roy's figure fell, Payson rushed towards Roy with a hammer.

"Wait a minute, Payson, this guy is not something you can deal with alone."

"Boring." Roy raised the third generation of ghosts, and easily blocked Payson's hammer. With a backhand turn, he chopped Payson upside down, and directly smashed the seas of several Iron Wall Pirates into the air. thief

"Iron Wall Pirates, you have been arrested."

"Let's go together and kill this guy, or we won't be able to escape." Seeing the timidity on the faces of the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates, Mi Sai shouted sharply, drew out his saber, and was the first to point at Luo. Yi pounced on it.

Seeing Mi Sai pounced on Roy, the pirates of the Iron Wall Pirates also uttered strange screams, and rushed towards Roy one after another.

"Useless struggle." Roy, who launched the plateau bloodline and Alpha raid, disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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