Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 36 Death of the Dragon

Chapter 36 Death of the Dragon
"Boss, it's not good, a naval warship appeared outside the village." A catfish murloc rushed in.

"That trash, Colonel Mouse." A stern look flashed in the dragon's eyes.

The trash still patted his chest to promise that no one would discover the villages of Cocosia. As a result, a naval warship approached here within a few days.

"What are you panicking about? It's just a lowly race." The evil dragon stood up from the reclining chair. "Chew, bring a box of Baileys to meet those marines. If they accept Baileys, forget it. If they don't want to, then just kill them."

There was a ferocious expression on the dragon's face. If the navy that suddenly appeared was as sensible as Colonel Mouse, I didn't care about these Baileys. If I didn't, then I could only send these marines to hell After all, there are not a few navies killed by evil dragons.

"Yes, Boss." Chiu got up from the swimming pool, and water drops fell from Chiu's body.


"Navy Hero Garp?!" Jiu, who was carrying the box, saw Garp on the deck of the navy warship, his face became extremely ugly, and he dived into the water instantly.

Chirp never thought that the owner of this warship would be the naval hero Garp.

"Mr. Garp, it seems that the news I received is true!" Roy, who had already caught the chirping in the sea with his knowledgeable domineering look, said, looking at Garp who was full of anger.

"Murloc?!" Although Roy's news has not been fully confirmed, the appearance of Jiu has proved that Roy's news is not groundless.

"Mr. Garp, leave the village of Cocosia to me." Roy said proactively.

"Roy, don't kill them all." Garp said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, Mr. Karp." Roy flew towards Cococia Village on moon steps.

On the side, Chris's face became extremely ugly, and this kind of thing really happened under his rule.


"Boss, it's not good." Jiu rushed in with a panicked expression.

"Chirp, what happened? Did the navy disagree with our deal?" the evil dragon stood up and said with a murderous look on his face.

Since this group of marines don't know what is good and what is bad, then their big swords will see blood again today.

"Oh, oh, kill the Marines."

"Kill them."

The murlocs around the pool shouted excitedly.

The murloc pirates of the murloc pirate group who followed the evil dragon to the East China Sea are all extremely determined members of the murloc race. If it were not for the restraint of the evil dragon, they would have slaughtered the navy of the East China Sea long ago.

"Boss, that is the warship of the naval hero Garp." Jiu said anxiously.

Hearing Chiu's words, the Murloc Paradise instantly became silent. Garp, the naval hero, is an opponent that every pirate would not want to face.

"Everyone, get out of here immediately." The evil dragon said with a gloomy face.

Although the evil dragon doesn't pay attention to the navies of the East China Sea, the evil dragon understands that the naval hero Garp is completely different from the trash navy in the East China Sea, and Garp is not something he can fight against.

Although giving up the territory of Cocosia Village made the evil dragon feel distressed, but only he was still alive, and he would take back all these lost things sooner or later. After all, Karp would not stay in the East China Sea forever.

"Leave?! Don't you think it's too late to leave now?"

"Navy?!" The evil dragon looked at Roy's in the sky, showing his sharp teeth, and a trace of fear flashed through his erect pupils.

"Lan Jiao, Chi Luan Wu."

Countless silver-white slashes fell from the sky like crescent moons, emitting dazzling light.

Sharp slashes filled the entire Murloc Paradise, and there was a chaotic sound of clanging and cracking.

Under Roy's slash, this murloc paradise built in the blood and tears of these villages in Cocosia collapsed. Almost all the murlocs in the murloc lost their lives immediately, and the only fish that was still breathing People only have dragons.

However, the evil dragon whose limbs were cut off by Roy Lan's feet was even more miserable than the murloc who took his life in the first place.

"Damn navy?! Kill me if you can!" The blood-stained dragon looked at Roy in front of him angrily, and his sharp teeth gleamed coldly, wanting to bite Roy to death.

"Trash." Roy looked at the dragon, kicked it again, and kicked the dragon away.

"If it wasn't for Mr. Karp's order, or if it was too cheap to kill you, do you think you would survive?" Roy said coldly.

Although Roy wanted to kill the evil dragon right now, it was better to let the evil dragon play its last remaining heat than killing the evil dragon here.

"Damn navy, I, I must kill you." Roy's insulting behavior drove the evil dragon into a complete madness.

"Ah." A bloody flower scattered, and the dragon's original howling of a mournful dog turned into a whining cry.


"Everyone..." Garp looked at the angry, sad, and hopeful eyes of the villagers in Cocosia Village, and knocked his head heavily on the ground. "The old man is late."

Kneeling together with Lieutenant General Garp were also the sailors who went ashore together.

"Lieutenant General Garp..." Ah Jian pushed away from the crowd and came out. "You don't have to do this, it's not the navy's fault, it's all those damned pirates, you guys are here, those damned pirates are going to be finished..."

Speaking of this, thinking of the harm the evil dragon has done to the village over the years, Ah Jian's eyes could not help but shed tears. Finally, he finally waited for such a day.

It is a pity that Bermer never saw the day when the village of Cococia was liberated.

"No, it's all the old man's fault. If the navy and the old man had discovered these things earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer these pains." Karp's eyes shed painful tears. In addition to the Dragon Pirates, the navy's inaction and the release of the Dragon Pirates into the East China Sea are also one of the main reasons.

"Lieutenant General Karp..."

"Mr. Garp, the Dragon Pirates have all been killed." Roy walked over with the dragon that had been reduced to a fish.

"Evil dragon..." Seeing the evil dragon in Roy's hands, unparalleled hatred flashed in the eyes of the villagers present.

"Mr. Garp, get up first." Roy persuaded Garp. "The evil dragon still needs you to deal with it."

Hearing Roy's words, Garp finally stood up slowly.

"Roy, kill him." Garp looked at the dragon in Roy's hand and said.

The reaction of the villagers in Cocosia has shown that the evil dragon is not even qualified to be imprisoned in Imperton.

"Yes, Mr. Karp." The three generations of ghosts were scattered, and the head of the evil dragon fell directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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