Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 35 Departing Cocosia Village

Chapter 35 Departing Cocosia Village

While preparing lunch at the Rogue Town Naval Base, Roy rushed back to the Rogue Town Naval Base with Xue Zou and the second-generation ghost. So Xin Roy was wearing the uniform of a naval soldier, so he was not stopped.

"Roy, where did you bastard kid go?" As soon as Roy stepped into the cafeteria, he was immediately educated by Garp's love.

"Mr. Karp, I just went to buy a knife." Roy said aggrievedly, covering his head.

"This is Yukisashiro and the third generation of Onitoru from the Ryokuai Sword Fifty Works..." Bogart's eyes were fixed on Yukisashi and the third generation of Onitoru who were held in Roy's hands.

The supreme twelve swords, the twenty one swords, and the fifty swords are the weapons that every swordsman dreams of on the sea. Bogart naturally recognized the two swords in Roy's arms at a glance. arms.

"What is buying a knife, what is snow walking, what is the three generations of ghosts..." However, Garp is not a swordsman, let alone a good sword, even the supreme sword is not taken by Karp, it is another punch on Roy's head. "I don't know how to buy some senbei for the old man when I go shopping."

"Take it easy, Mr. Garp, there are so many people watching." Although it was not the first time he was beaten up by Garp, Roy still felt a little embarrassed in front of so many colleagues he didn't know.

"Major General Bogart, who is this?!" Chris asked cautiously.

"This is Lieutenant General Karp's disciple, Roy." Bogart said lightly.

"A disciple of Lieutenant General Garp?!" Chris said in surprise, a hint of envy flashed in his eyes.

Disciple of Lieutenant General Garp, this title alone means that the future of the young man in front of him is limitless, which is completely beyond what he can compare.


"Roy kid, do you dare to run around next time?" Garp squeezed his fist and looked at Roy fiercely.

"No more." Roy said aggrieved.

"Hmph, that's good." Garp said, retracting his fist. "Let's eat."

"Yes, Mr. Karp." Roy came to Gabot with Yukizou and Sandai Onitsu in his arms. "Master Bogart, what do you think of Yukisou and Sandai Onitsu?"

"It's a pity." Bogart said with a glance.

In Bogart's view, Yukizoro and Sandai Onito fell into the hands of Roy, who was not good at swordsmanship at all, and he really failed these two good swords.

"?!" Regarding Bogart's comment, Roy felt depressed for a while. Although his sword skills were not very good, he could cut through the sea anyway. What a pity.

"Have a meal."

After Roy wanted to argue with Bogart for a few words, after Garp's words, he walked to the table honestly and started eating meat.

"Mr. Karp, I have something I want to discuss with you?!" Roy said while eating.

"What's the matter?!" Garp looked at Roy unkindly after hearing Roy's words. "You kid, don't you want to run away again?!"

"No." Roy said decisively. "When I was buying snow and leaving, I heard something."

Roy told half-truths and half-truths about Cocosia and other villages.

"Are you sure? Roy." Garp's tiger eyes stared at Roy, and an incomparably terrifying aura erupted from his body, which made Chris breathless.

Garp never thought that in his hometown, such a thing would happen, the navy and pirates colluded to oppress civilians.

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Although this is just the news I heard, just in case, it's better for us to go to the villages of Cocosia to have a look."

"Okay, then let's go now." After hearing the news from Cocosia Village, Karp was not in the mood to eat.

"Lieutenant General Garp, please let me go with you." Chris said with the huge pressure on Garp.

Although Chris's position is only the senior colonel of the Navy headquarters, the non-commissioned officers of the headquarters are automatically promoted by two and a half ranks in the branch. It is not an exaggeration to say that Chris, who is a senior colonel of the Navy headquarters, is the number one in the East China Sea.

Chris also didn't expect that such a shocking thing would happen under his own rule. If it was true, then he would be ashamed of the navy uniform he was wearing.

Although there are some moths in the navy, more navies join the navy to protect civilians, and Chris joined the navy to protect civilians from pirates.

"Then let's come together!?" Garp got up and walked towards the door.

"Yes, Lieutenant General Garp." After entrusting the affairs of Rogge Town to his adjutant Honasan, Chris quickly followed in the footsteps of Garp and others.

"Move forward at full speed, aiming at Cocosia Island." Garp looked at the assembled naval soldiers, and Garp quickly ordered. "The fastest time has arrived at Cocosia Village."

"Yes, Vice Admiral Garp." The naval soldiers on the deck replied in unison.

Garp's warship rushed towards the island where Cocosia Village was located at the fastest speed.


Cocosia Village, Murloc Paradise.

In what was originally the murloc's territory, a human figure appeared.

"Colonel Mouse, this is your share this year." The evil dragon sat on the sofa with a sword, and pushed a box in front of Colonel Mouse.

"Squeak." A disgusting smile appeared on Colonel Mouse's ugly face. "It's so kind."

Colonel Mouse's hands, however, had no intention of tightening the box.

"Where, this is what you deserve, Colonel Mouse. If it weren't for you, Colonel Mouse, it would be impossible for us Murloc Pirates to have not been discovered by the Navy for so long." A trace of insignificance flashed in the eyes of the evil dragon. the disgust of the police.

"Squeak, creak, then I won't be disrespectful." Colonel Mouse accepted the box with a smile on his face. After opening the box, he looked at Bailey in the box, and the smile on his face couldn't stop, like an old flower. Chrysanthemums are average.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one will find out about the conditions in these villages in Cocosia." Colonel Mouse said, patting his chest.

"Then I'll have to trouble Colonel Mouse from now on." The loathing in the dragon's eyes was even stronger, but Colonel Mouse couldn't notice that Bailey had already avoided all his mind.

In other words, even if he noticed it, Colonel Mouse wouldn't care, after all, in the eyes of Colonel Mouse, Bailey was the real deal here.

"No more trouble."

"Then this glass of wine, I wish us a happy cooperation in the future." The evil dragon raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Well, happy, happy cooperation." Colonel Mouse agreed and raised the wine glass full of blood and tears of civilians.

(End of this chapter)

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