Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 134 Impelton and the Science Troops

Chapter 134 Impelton and the Science Troops

As Wulaoxing's office door opened, Zhan Guo strode out with a gloomy expression.

"Zhan Guo, you have done a good job." Gang Gukong patted Zhan Guo on the shoulder and said comfortingly. "After all, your situation is not good now. I think that kid named Roy will understand your difficulties..."

Although Steel Gu Kong was the former Admiral of the Navy, after he became the commander-in-chief of the world government, Kong Gu Kong's identity was separated from the Navy Headquarters.

Even if Steel Bone Kong can't hold the navy, it can be biased towards the navy in a small way, but from a big standpoint, Steel Bone Kong still has to stand on the side of the world government.

"I know, Commander Kong, thank you very much for today..." Zhan Guo also understood the difficulty of Steel Gu Kong. It was already very uncomfortable for Steel Gu Kong to be on his side when the five old stars were planning to dismiss him. easy.

"Where is it, Warring States. Although there is a crane, you still need to go back to deal with the affairs of the Navy headquarters as soon as possible, so I won't keep you..." Steel Gu Kong said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Commander Kong..."


Marin Vando.

For the previous war, the Navy boot camp was also given a rare holiday.

However, on the training ground of the Navy Recruit Battalion, the two figures were constantly fighting.

No, to be more precise, Roy should be "playing" with Sauron.

"Three Swordsmanship, Tiger Hunting." Sauron bit the word Hedao in his mouth, and the two ordinary knives in his hand quickly slashed towards Roy.


Roy swung the saber in his hand that didn't match his figure at all, and easily blocked Sauron's slash.

It's just teaching Sauron, but Roy has not yet used the third generation of ghosts, not to mention that in the battle with Plague Quinn, there was a crack in the sword of the third generation of ghosts.

Roy didn't want to use the third generation of Onitsu at will before he completely repaired the third generation of Onitsu, so Roy simply borrowed Nami's saber.

"Not bad slash. It seems that you have become a lot stronger during the time in the navy boot camp, Sauron." Roy said lightly, with a slight force on his arm, Sauron was easily pushed back. .

"Damn it, take it seriously." Sauron bit his words, opened his eyes wide, and stared at Roy viciously.

Roy's playful attitude undoubtedly angered Sauron's pain points.

"Hey, hey, hey..." Roy said with a face of coping. If Sauron hadn't insisted on pestering him to compete with him, Roy had no plans to fight Sauron.

Not only because of Sauron's current strength, but also because of Roy's lack of interest. More importantly, Roy doesn't understand swordsmanship at all, and there is no such thing as giving pointers.

Randomly find a Commodore General who is proficient in swordsmanship from the Navy Headquarters, or even a Colonel, is much more reliable than Roy.


"Soron, you are so weak, you lost so quickly..." Nami, who was sitting in the stands, looked at Sauron who was easily knocked down by Roy, and said worriedly while looking disgusted.

During this period of time, Nami and Sauron have become good friends. Of course, apart from the relationship of friends, Nami and Sauron also have a relationship of debtor and creditor.

"I didn't lose..." Sauron roared with a blushing face.

Although with Sauron's current strength, he couldn't even find a single opponent among his peers in the navy recruit camp.

But Sauron's current opponent is not those of his peers, but Roy, who is known as the second strongest lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters.

Sauron also knew that he was definitely not Roy's opponent, but Sauron also wanted to see how far he was from Roy.

"You guys dare to yell at me..." Nami looked at Sauron, startled for a moment, and then showed a devilish smile on her face.

"Do you want to continue..." Roy waved the saber in his hand and said.

"Of course..." Sauron said firmly, finally getting Roy to agree to compete with him, Sauron didn't want to end this competition so soon.

"Then...wait a minute." Just as Roy was about to continue, the phone bug in Roy's arms rang.

When Roy answered the phone bug, Sauron looked at Roy quietly, holding back
"Yes, Marshal Zhan Guo, I'll be right there." After Zhan Guo on the other end of the phone bug hung up the phone bug, Roy took the phone bug back into his arms.

"Zoro, there is no way to continue the competition. I need to go to the Marshal of the Warring States Period." Roy walked slowly to Nami's side and returned the knife to Nami.

"Nami, please take Zoro to Lieutenant General Momotu..." Roy rubbed Nami's head and said.

During the period when Roy left the Navy headquarters, Nami took Sauron to find Momotu.

So Roy was also very relieved and planned to hand Sauron to Taotu. After all, Taotu, who was proficient in swordsmanship, was more suitable for teaching Sauron than himself.

"Don't worry, I'll leave it to you, Brother Roy." Nami said, puffing up her budding chest.

"Yeah." Roy smiled slightly and turned to Sauron. "Sauron, let's try another day."

"Okay." Although Zoro still wanted to continue to compete with Roy, he still pouted.


When Roy's figure disappeared in the training field, Nami jumped to Zoro's side.

"Since Brother Roy said so, I'll take you to Aunt Gion." Nami tiptoed and patted Zoro's shoulder and said. "By the way, in this way, the Bailey you owe me is another [-] Bailey."

"Why..." Sauron said unwillingly. "This time it's Uncle Roy who asked you to take me to Lieutenant General Taotu, why do you want me to pay..."

Because of Sauron's powerful road-crazy attributes that he can get lost even going to the naval training camp, Nami is responsible for picking up Sauron every time.

It is precisely because of this that Sauron was charged a huge amount of guide fees at Nami's place.

"That's right, Brother Roy asked me to take you to Aunt Gion, so I took you to Aunt Gion this time. I didn't charge you, but Roy didn't tell me to take you back, so this is There will be a fee..." Nami counted her fingers and said solemnly.

"Then why is it [-] Baileys? Isn't [-] Baileys enough if you just come back..." Sauron said excitedly.

Although Sauron doesn't care about these Baileys at all, after all, Sauron can't spend much money now.

But the way Nami stared at herself and Daoyi's words still made Zoro feel uneasy for a while.

"Sorry, the price has increased." Nami said solemnly, but Nami would not tell Sauron that this was for revenge when Sauron yelled at herself.

"Damn it..." Looking at Nami, who was smiling like a mouse that stole cheese, Zoro bowed his head and gave in.

If I don't agree to Nami, maybe I can't even leave the Navy boot camp.


"Marshal of the Warring States..." Roy pushed open the door of the Marshal of the Warring States' office and greeted the Warring States.

Looking at Sengoku's face, Roy could easily see that Sengoku's journey to Mary Gioia was not a pleasant one.

"I'm not the admiral of the navy anymore..." Zhan Guo said in a deep voice.

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Roy couldn't help being taken aback.

Although in the original book, Sengoku also resigned as admiral of the navy after the top war ended, but the navy's plan to weaken the Four Emperors by eliminating the Whitebeard Pirates failed.

Whitebeard used his own death to start the second peak of the era of great pirates, and Blackbeard even directly stole the results of the navy.

But this time in the battle with Bigumamu and Beast Kaido, the navy can be said to have "won". Roy never imagined that Sengoku would have any reason to resign as admiral of the navy.

"Forget it, let's not talk about my business..." Zhan Guo waved his hand. "Roy, sit down first."

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period." Roy sat down obediently.

"Roy, this time the world government is very dissatisfied with us for arbitrarily fighting the Bigum Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates." Warring States told Roy in detail about what happened to him in Mary Gioia .

"Five Old Stars..." Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Roy secretly squeezed his palms tightly. As guessed by the bigwigs in the previous life, the World Government and the Navy Headquarters are not in the same camp at all.

Justice for the Navy is never justice for the world government.

"It's not just me, the Five Old Stars will punish you for causing this war..." Warring States glanced at Roy before saying slowly. "Originally, Wu Laoxing planned to remove you from the post of lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, demote you to major general of the navy headquarters, and transferred to Impelton as the deputy warden..."

Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Roy couldn't help being taken aback. Impelton, the submarine prison, isn't this the place he dreams of going to?
"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I am willing to accept the punishment this time. Whether it is in the navy or in Imperton, I will uphold my justice..." Roy lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

Looking at Roy, who was neither sad nor happy, Warring States became more and more satisfied with Roy, a junior.

I also feel more and more wise about my previous decision to insist against transferring Roy to Imperton.

"Don't worry, Roy, although your demotion was dismissed by the five old stars. But under the argument of the commander-in-chief Kong and me, the matter of transferring you to Imperton is still cancelled." It's..."

"Ah?!" Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, Roy, who had originally planned to save a fortune in Imperton, suddenly raised his head.

"What's wrong?!" Warring States looked at the startled Roy, and asked a little strangely.

"It's nothing, thank you so much, Marshal of the Warring States Period..."

Although Roy wanted to say no, I am willing to accept this punishment and go to Impelton, but under the eyes of the Warring States, Roy still did not say these words.

"Well, although the transfer to Imperton has been cancelled, the Five Old Stars are still planning to transfer you to the Navy's scientific unit."

"Naval Science Corps..." Roy's gaze changed instantly after hearing the name.

Although the Naval Science Force is in the original book, only the tip of the iceberg is revealed.

But whether it is a pacifist or a man-made devil fruit, they are all talking about the horrors of the Naval Science Corps or Vegapunk.

Since Vegapunk can develop super-scientific weapons like pacifists, it may be possible to have its own gravity cabin. After all, Vegapunk's science and technology are 800 years ahead of the world.

"Well, Roy, although you have been transferred to the Science Corps, I will transfer you back from the Science Corps as soon as possible." Warring States continued. "After all, with your current strength, it would be too wasteful to stay in the scientific army."

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period..."

"Although the Five Old Stars did not recognize the results of this battle, after all, Roy, you killed Jack the Drought and Quinn the Plague alone. This is an indelible feat. What do you want..."

"If possible, I hope to exchange for a powerful devil fruit..."

"Devil Fruit?!" Hearing Roy's words, Sengoku couldn't help but frowned.

Not because Roy's request was too difficult, but because it was too simple.

In the navy, there are indeed many powerful devil fruits, and even rare fruits such as phantom beasts, but these devil fruits are not suitable for Roy.

Not only can the devil fruit not improve Roy's ability, but it even adds the fatal weakness of sea stone to Roy.

"Roy, with your current strength, the devil fruit is not necessary for you, and it may distract your energy..." Zhan Guo persuaded.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I never thought of becoming a devil fruit capable user..." Roy also guessed the worries of the Warring States Period, and took the initiative to explain.


"I heard that Dr. Vegapunk has developed the ability to make dead things eat devil fruits. This devil fruit is prepared for the third generation of ghosts. After all, the third generation of ghosts can't keep up with my strength. .”

"If you want to change a weapon, there is no need to use Devil Fruit technology. I remember that there is also a famous sword in the Navy, the Scourge, which ranks 21st in the Great Quick Sword. Although it is not as good as the Supreme Fast Sword, it is still famous. 's famous sword..."

"So that's it, I understand." Sengoku nodded and said, the ability of dead creatures to eat devil fruits is no secret in the navy.

"No need, Marshal of the Warring States Period, I still like the third generation of ghosts more than the scourge, and the third generation of ghosts is more suitable for my swordsmanship..."

If Roy is willing, it's not that he can't find a famous sword that is better than the third generation of Onitoru. Seven Star Sword...

But Roy is still going to give Sandai Onitsu a chance to stay by his side. After all, Roy is used to Sandai Onitsu's demon sword.

"In that case, I won't force you anymore." Hearing what Roy said, Zhan Guo didn't say much. After all, Zhan Guo didn't know much about the swordsman.

"This is my handwriting. Since you want to pick a devil fruit, then go ahead. I will keep it for you." Zhan Guo leaned over and wrote a handwriting, and handed it to Roy.

"Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period."

After accepting the handwriting, Roy chatted with Zhan Guo for a while before leaving Zhan Guo's office.

 If there is no time to revise, it will be published first, and the sentence and typo will be corrected tomorrow, without the sorrow of saving the manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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