Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 133 End and Follow-up

Chapter 133 End and Follow-up

When the white beard and the red hair really stepped into the battlefield, both the navy and the pirate couldn't help but stop what they were doing, and carefully looked at the two men in front of them.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, I'm here to stop this war." Shanks pulled out Griffin, his lingering eyes swept across the audience, a domineering to the extreme, as if to destroy everything from the domineering arrogance The red-haired body swept away in all directions, and in front of the red-haired domineering arrogance, the weak navy or pirates fell down in pieces like wheat being harvested. "If there are any of you who want to continue fighting, then let our red-haired pirates be your opponents..."

Following the sound of the red hair, Beckman and others also stood behind the red hair.

Although the number of red-haired pirates has not even reached the number of double ten, compared to the number of people participating in this war, it is even a drop in the bucket.

But no normal person would think of opening a stand with the red-haired pirates at this time, not to mention the red-haired pirates, but there is still a white beard with an unclear attitude.

It's a pity that among the pirates, neither Bigumum nor Beast Kaido can be regarded as normal people.

At the same time that the red-haired overlord-like arrogance erupted, a domineering aura of overlord-like aura swept out from the bodies of Bigumam and Beast Kaido.

The collision between the three overlord-colored arrogances produced huge ripples, and with the violent vibrations, the entire sky seemed to be shattered.

"Hahaha, red hair and white beard, you came at the right time. Let's join forces to wipe out all the navy, and this world will belong to us." A huge roar came from Bigumamu's mouth, and the huge sound spread all over the place. the entire battlefield.

Hearing Bi Gumamu's words, the faces of Sengoku and others couldn't help but change, and Roy also clenched the third generation of ghosts in his hands.

If the white beard and the red hair do what Bigum said, and join Bigum's side, it will be a disaster for the navy.

If it weren't for what Hongfa said before, maybe the Warring States period would already be thinking about retreating.

"Red hair, do you want to stop this war just because you, a kid?" Beast Kaido's red eyes stared at red hair like a ghost.

In this battle, the Beasts Pirates lost the most. How could Beasts Kaido agree to end the war.

"Of course..." The domineering spirit on the red hair pressed towards Kaido like a tsunami. "If you don't intend to end this war, then let me be your opponent, Beast Kaido..."

Redhead already understands that with the appearance of himself and Whitebeard, the navy no longer wants to continue fighting, and the key to ending this battle is Beast Kaido and Bigumamu.

"Then let me see, you little brat, what qualifications do you have to say the words to end this war..." Enraged, Kaido moved his huge body and ran directly towards the red hair.

The black hair and whiskers fluttered with the strong wind, making Beast Kaido look like a demon god who came out of hell.

Neither Akainu, Kizaru, and others have any plans to stop Beast Kaido. After all, Beast Kaido's attack on Red is good news for the navy.


"Ku la la la, this war is over..." Before the red hair could make a move, the white beard clenched the knife in his hand, and strode towards Kaido, the whole ice surface followed The white beard kept shaking.

The white beard who has returned to the peak can cause huge shocks with just a few gestures.

Yong Dao, which shattered everything, was swung down heavily.

With the fall of White Beard's Yong Dao, everyone present, even Roy, felt like they were on the verge of falling in front of the aura that was as overwhelming as Mount Tai.

In the atmosphere, dense cracks appeared, spreading all the way to Kaido of Beasts.

The huge force that seemed to crush everything into pieces directly chopped Kaido of the beasts upside down.

"If you still want to fight, then let the old man be your opponent." After killing Kaido with one blow, Whitebeard's Yong knife hit the ground heavily, terrifying The power was directly introduced into the sea, stirring up monstrous waves, smashing the ice layer one by one.

"Is there still a figure to continue fighting?" Whitebeard let out a roar, and the domineering and invincible armed force that suppressed everything swept the entire battlefield, and his domineering eyes stared at the navy and pirates in front of him.

"Whitebeard..." Looking at Whitebeard who sent Kaido flying with a single blow, Bigum's face was filled with horror.

As Whitebeard's former "companion" and current opponent, Bigumamu is most aware of Whitebeard's terrifying power at its peak.

"Whitebeard, I'm going to kill you..." Beast Kaido, who got up again, howled fiercely, and rushed towards Whitebeard once again as if he was crazy.

"Ku la la la, Kaido, I said that this battle is over..." The Yong Dao Dao in Whitebeard's hand was surrounded by a white halo, and with one swing, the carrier had a devastating impact, He blasted towards Beast Kaido.

With Whitebeard as the center, the air shattered like a spider web, and the sky fell apart. Whitebeard's attack was so powerful that no one could take it head-on, not even Kaido the Beast.

"Whitebeard..." Beast Kaido howled angrily, and a huge wound appeared on his hard body.

After becoming the Four Emperors, Kaido of Beasts did not fail to find trouble with Whitebeard, but Whitebeard at that time was far less terrifying than he is now.

"Kaido, do you want to die?" Whitebeard stepped forward again. Compared with the body of the beast Kaido, Whitebeard's body was much smaller than that of an ordinary person, but Whitebeard's domineering aura was stronger. Much better than Beast Kaido.

Beast Kaido stared at Whitebeard, not daring to take any action. Beast Kaido had a feeling that if he continued to provoke Whitebeard, he might really die here.

Although Beast Kaido has always been on the way to death, provoking Whitebeard, and attacking the Navy headquarters...but this is just the way Beast Kaido becomes stronger. If Beast Kaido really wants to die, just eat one Devil fruit is enough.

"This war is over, do you have any opinions?!" After subduing Beast Kaido, Whitebeard's majestic gaze swept across the audience, except for a very few people, who were avoiding Whitebeard's attack. look.

"Whitebeard..." Roy kept trembling while holding the arm of Sandai Guiche. Now that Whitebeard has returned to the peak, it can be said that he has a relationship with Roy.

If Roy hadn't led Whitebeard to Dressrosa, found the healing fruit, and healed all the hidden wounds on his body, it would have been impossible for Whitebeard to regain his peak combat power.


"Fufurfur, this is really interesting. Facing the threat of pirates, what will you do? Sengoku..." Doflamingo turned his attention to Sengoku above the stands.

There are many people like Doflamingo. It can be said that all the navy present set their sights on Sengoku.

With Whitebeard subduing Beast Kaido and Bigumam not taking action, the final direction of this war depends on the attitude of the Warring States One.

"Warring States..." Lieutenant General He stared at Warring States closely, and Lieutenant General He already understood that the current Warring States was under such pressure.

Once Warring States agrees to the request of Red Hair and White Beard, all the responsibility for the defeat of this war will fall on Warring States alone.

And if the Warring States wants to continue fighting, every navy will follow the Warring States to fight.

But once you choose to continue the war, what the navy will welcome may be that all the navy participating in the battle this time will die here, in exchange for the heavy losses of the Four Emperor Pirates.

"The war is over." Warring States closed his eyes in pain.

Although I, Karp, Zefa, Crane and others still maintain the combat power of a complete victory, the larger navy has no combat power to continue fighting, even Akainu and others...

Facing the scarred navies who couldn't even hold their weapons firmly, how could the Warring States choose to continue fighting.

"Thank you, Marshal of the Warring States Period..." Hearing the words of the Warring States Period, the red-haired man was undoubtedly relieved.

If Warring States chooses to continue the war, then Red Hair can only choose to join the Pirates side, so this is not what Red Hair wants to see.

Following the words of the Warring States Period, the navy present silently put away their weapons and rescued their comrades.


The Battle of the New World, which was hailed as the biggest war in the history of the Navy and Pirates, was launched by Beast Kaido and Bigumamu. Under the white beard and red hair, the curtain finally came to an end.

In this battle, the navy and the pirates invested a total of more than [-] troops, and nearly one-third of them died in battle.

On the pirate side, Plague Quinn from the Hundred Beasts Pirates died in battle, 13 ministers from the Bigumamu Pirates died in battle, and more than half of the cadres under his command were killed.

The casualties of the navy were also not small. Only 210 and seven generals above the rank of admiral were killed in battle, including three lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters.

It can be said that in this war, there is no winner in the Navy Headquarters, Bigumamu, and Kaido of Beasts. If there is a winner to be named, it is only Shichibukai and Red Hair.

In this war, Shichibukai did not suffer any losses.

And the Red Hair Pirates, even after the end of this war, surpassed Beast Kaido and Bigumamu, and became the second largest force in the New World after the Whitebeard Pirates.

However, this has nothing to do with Roy.

After the war ended, Roy returned to Marlin Vandor with Bannona and others.


Mary Joa.

In the meeting room of Wulaoxing.

In addition to Wu Laoxing, Steel Gu Kong, the commander of the entire army of the world government, and Admiral Sengoku, all gathered in this office.

"Sengoku, this war has caused such a huge loss to the navy, you need to take full responsibility for it..." Ogata Kenichi first said to Sengoku.

Ogata Kenichi couldn't wait to support a new Admiral of the Navy again, and took back the Navy Headquarters, directly ignoring the results of the Navy's battle this time.

"I will fully bear the consequences of this time." Zhan Guo said firmly, for the consequences of choosing a truce, Zhan Guo had already prepared.

"Very good, then you can hand over the position of Admiral of the Navy." Kenichi Ogata said coldly, baring his fangs without hesitation.


"Wait a minute, Mr. Ogata Ken, I don't agree with Sengoku stepping down as Admiral of the Navy at this time." Just as Sengoku was about to accept this order, Steel Gu Kong said.

When Cyborg served as admiral of the navy, Sengoku was a subordinate of Cyborg Kong, and when Cyborg was promoted to Admiral of the Navy, Sengoku became Admiral of the Navy, and when Cyborg Kong was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the world government, Cyborg Kong was even more The position of Admiral of the Navy was handed over to Sengoku.

However, it is said that the Warring States was lifted up by Steel Gu Kong, and Steel Gu Kong is the most clear about the abilities and character of the Warring States.

Steel Gukong thought that if he lost this time, he would seize the position of admiral of the Warring States Navy.

So I am sorry for this veteran who has dedicated his life to the navy, and it is too much of a waste of the ability of the Warring States Period.

"Sora, do you have any questions about our decision-making?" Ogata Kenichi looked at Steel Bone Kong and said with displeasure.

"Although in this war, the Sengoku did not wipe out Bigumamu and the Hundred Beasts Pirates, but it also severely damaged the power of the two Four Emperor Pirates." "And if what the navy needs most is recuperation, if there is anyone who can be qualified for the position of admiral of the navy besides the Warring States Period, is it Karp or Sakaski, Polusalino, Kuzan and the others..."

If the steel bone is empty, it will undoubtedly block Kenichi Ogata.

It is true that Ogata Kenichi wants to push Akakenu to the top, but in terms of merit and qualifications alone, the current Akainu is really not enough.

Once Sengoku resigned from the position of Admiral of the Navy, the credit and qualifications can convince the public, and only He, Garp, and Zefa are qualified to become Admiral of the Navy.

However, Crane and Zefa are not strong enough, and Garp's identity as a descendant of the D clan has already blocked Garp's way to become admiral, even though Garp has no desire for the position of admiral.

Not to mention, the three cranes and the Warring States are still good friends...

"If that's the case, let Sengoku take up the position of admiral for the time being. We'll see how Sengoku performs, and then consider whether to restore Sengoku to the position of admiral." Kei Sonobe said with a final decision.

What Steel Gu Kong said is not wrong, the navy is still inseparable from the Warring States Period.

However, Ken Ogata had already expressed the attitude of the world government early on, and he had to punish the Warring States Period.

Although Warring States still held the position of admiral of the navy, the first two words of temporary appointment have already shown the attitude of the world government.

"Hmph..." Although Ogata Kenichi was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything.

"Yes, Sonobe Kei-sama." Warring States didn't have any dissatisfaction with the punishment of Wu Laoxing.

"Okay, now that this matter is over, the rest will be dealt with by Vice Admiral Giotto Roy, who caused this great war..." Following Masato Hirano's words, Sengoku's expression changed slightly .

(End of this chapter)

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