Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 108 Unwilling

Chapter 108 Unwilling
After scaring off the residents of Castellano, Roy also sat down directly holding the third generation ghost.

Roy's slash just now was not only for the purpose of deterrence, but also to fish Blenheim out of Castellano. Compared with finding someone by himself, Roy still prefers the target to take the initiative Deliver it to your door.

When I saw Roy, he was sitting swaggeringly behind the pier.

The residents of Castellano on the pier all ran away in an instant. They didn't want to be affected by the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

But there are still one or two who do not know how to live or die, hiding in the distance and looking at this place.

Not long after, the target Roy was waiting for appeared in Roy's sight.

Blenheim, who was carrying a big knife, walked slowly towards the pier with a dozen people.

Leroy felt a little surprised by the appearance of Blenheim and others. Logically speaking, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates left in Castellano were far more than these talents.

However, it doesn't matter, after all, Roy's real target is Blenheim alone.

"Giotto Roy, this small island belongs to Dad's protection, and the navy is not welcome here..." After seeing Roy's face clearly, Blenheim drew out the big knife in his hand on his back, and sank Said loudly.

The dozen or so members of the Whitebeard Pirates who followed Blenheim also took out their weapons and stared at Roy as if facing a big enemy.

Roy was not surprised that Blenheim was able to call out his name. Thanks to the blessing of the World Journal during this period, Roy's reputation can be said to be rising slowly. It can be said that the biggest man of the moment is very Roy was none other than him.

"I seem to have heard this sentence just now..." Roy smiled and pulled out the three generations of ghosts. "It's a pity that the person who just said these words ran away before he finished speaking? Blenheim, do you want to try?"

Blenheim looked at Roy in front of him, and tightly held his big knife.

Castellano is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates. Roy came to Castellano and found trouble, so there was no other possibility.

"What? Isn't the sword out yet? Or do you want to change places?!" The smile on Roy's face became wider and wider. "Blenheim, as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, you shouldn't be afraid..."

Hearing Roy's words, Blenheim's body erupted with a cold killing intent, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who followed Blenheim also glared at Roy.

Not only Blenheim, but in the eyes of all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates (cross out the black beard first), the Whitebeard Pirates are above all else, except for the old man, they do not allow anyone to tarnish the glory of the Whitebeard Pirates , even if it is myself...

"One blow, thunder." Blenheim's big knife suddenly slashed at Roy with a sharp sword.

When Crocodile challenged Whitebeard, Blenheim had already followed Whitebeard, and Blenheim had witnessed everything with his own eyes.

Blenheim had to admit that he would not be Crocodile's opponent.

And since Roy was able to defeat Doflamingo, who was also the king of Shichibukai with Crocodile, Blenheim was naturally not sure of taking Roy.

But because of Roy's words just now, even if Blenheim knew that he would never be Roy's opponent, this battle was imperative.

As the captain of the ninth division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Blenheim's strength is naturally not weak.

However, it also depends on who it is compared with. At least in terms of Blenheim's current strength, he is not a star behind Roy.

With Roy's speed, when Blenheim just raised his hand, Roy was already ready, the sword light was scattered, and the three generations of ghosts suddenly slashed at the sword that Blenheim shot quickly. on air

Blenheim's slash was directly cut off by the third ghost on the spot, and the splashing sword energy dissipated in the air in an instant.

"Well, although this is not a good place to fight, but as long as it is this level, it shouldn't be a fight..." Roy waved the third generation ghost in his hand, and his figure disappeared in a flash, and he came to Brun in an instant In front of Haim.

Facing Roy who was in front of him almost in the blink of an eye, Blenheim didn't have time to react, and he didn't even catch Roy's figure with his knowledgeable domineering...

Zheng! !!
Under Roy's strange power, the three-generation Onitsu, who was entwined with armed and domineering, appeared an extremely domineering and powerful sword pressure on the blade, and as the three-generation Onitsu's blade slashed fiercely on Blenheim's big sword Going up, instantly cut Blenheim's sword into two pieces.

At the moment when the sword of Blenheim's broadsword was cut off, the three generations of ghosts flew up across the air, and stopped on Blenheim's neck at an undetectable speed.

When the skin on his neck felt the piercing chill and weird aura from the sword of the third generation of ghosts, Blenheim knew that he had lost, and the loss was miserable, and he didn't even know how he lost. ...


"Lieutenant General Roy, are we going to let them go like this!?" Kaius looked at the ship that was about to disappear on the sea level, and whispered, but Roy could see the unwillingness in Kaius' eyes at a glance .

Roy also understands that Blenheim is the captain of the ninth division of the Whitebeard Pirates. As long as Blenheim is sent to Imperton, it means a lot of military merit.

Although most of the military merits belonged to Roy who defeated Blenheim, the remaining military merits were not a small sum for Kaius and others.

"Even if Blenheim is sent to Imperton, it is futile. As long as Whitebeard is still alive, Imperton will not be able to lock up any member of the Whitebeard Pirates (cross out Ace and Jinbe )..." Roy withdrew his gaze, and clenched the three-generation ghost in his hand.

Now in his 60s, Whitebeard, although not at his peak, is still the strongest man in the world...

It can be said that as long as Whitebeard is still alive, the Whitebeard Pirates will not disappear.

Although Roy let go of Blenheim in order to lure other members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and use the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates to kill Doflamingo...

But Roy felt a sense of resignation just like Caius.

However, it's not that Roy's unwillingness is not because he lost a battle, but because his strength is far from strong enough.

If I have the strength of Whitebeard now, I can go to Whitebeard directly, so why use this method...

If it has the power to sweep everything away, even if it hits Dressrosa directly and kills Doflamingo, what can the world government do...

(End of this chapter)

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