Pirate's endless costume

Chapter 107 Castellano

Chapter 107 Castellano

Marin Fando, after the last time the three generals of the navy gathered in the office of the Warring States period, the four veterans of the navy also rarely gathered in the office of the Warring States period.

"Hahaha, this brat Roy is very energetic. He really deserves to be the disciple of this old man..." Garp smiled, and found a bag of senbei from the deepest part of the Warring States drawer, and grabbed a bag from the bag. After stuffing the senbei into his own mouth, he handed the remaining senbei to Tsuru. "Xiaohe, do you want some?"

"I don't need to use it, Garp just eat it by yourself..." Lieutenant General He rejected Garp's kindness with a wave of his hand.

"Really? That's a pity, the senbei bought in the Warring States Period tastes quite good..." Garp said regretfully, and poured the remaining senbei into his mouth at once.

Since Xiaohe didn't want it, Garpu had no choice but to work hard on his own to wipe out these senbei.

"Karp..." Zhan Guo looked at Garp with a livid face, and summoned Karp himself, not for a tea party.

"Oh, Sengoku, do you want some too?" Garp said vaguely with his mouth full of senbei, and the crumbs of senbei in his mouth were scattered all over the floor. "It's a pity that there are no more. Next time, remember to prepare more. Just this bag of senbei is not enough for my teeth..."

Hearing Garp's words, and looking at his own Warring States with a layer of paste, blue veins popped up on his neck.

Dirty your own table, eating your own senbei is not enough, you have to prepare some more senbei yourself, can I make you a senbei right now.

"Okay, Warring States, it's just a bag of senbei..." He came out to smooth things over.

"Warring States, you mean Roy went to find Whitebeard..." Zefa also asked beside him.

Following Zefa Hehe's opening, Sengoku, who was annoyed by Garp, also calmed down. Maybe it was because of a conflict of characters. Whenever he was with Garp, Sengoku could be very angry with Garp.

"Yes, I just received the news from Roy..." Zhan Guo rubbed his forehead. When he received Roy's call bug, Zhan Guo almost went crazy.

Roy is now able to defeat Doflamingo. It can be said that Roy will have the strength of the admiral of the Navy headquarters for at most ten years.

At that time, Roy hadn't really entered the peak period of combat power. When Roy really entered the peak period, even the Warring States couldn't imagine how terrifying Roy's combat power would be at that time. The white beard is even more terrifying.

But now, Roy actually told himself that he went to find White Beard, so how could he not let Warring States get angry.

"Warring States, I want to go to the new world..." Zefa said after being silent for a while.

For the sake of Roy's disciple, Zefa, who has been out of the front line for many years, is preparing to return...

"Do you want to trouble that old guy with the white beard? Then count me in..." Karp on the side said eagerly after hearing Zefa's words.

"Zefa, it's fine that Garp is ignorant, why are you like Garp now..." Zhan Guo looked at Zefa with a headache.

"Okay, Zefa, Roy is not an impulsive kid, I think he must have his reasons for going to Whitebeard's territory, otherwise Roy wouldn't have taken the initiative to tell the Warring States about this..." He Zhong Will persuade Zefa on behalf of the Warring States Period.

Lieutenant General He believes that Zefa has his own sense of proportion, but Karp may not.

Although the Navy Headquarters is above the Whitebeard Pirates, a full-scale war with the Whitebeard Pirates is not what Sengoku and others want to see.

As Whitebeard's old opponent, Warring States knew that only with Whitebeard, even if the Navy won the battle with Whitebeard, Whitebeard would definitely bring huge casualties to the Navy.

"Xiaohe, Zefa finally wants to go out for a walk, let him go, leave that guy with white beard to me..."

"Garp, you bastard, please be quiet..." Warring States shouted furiously, looking at Garp who was afraid of chaos in the world.

Seeing that Zhan Guo seemed to be really angry, Garp smiled dryly, and quietly closed his mouth. If he really angered Zhan Guo, he would not want to continue to be so relaxed...

In the end, under the discussion of Zhan Guo and others, it was decided not to interfere with Roy's actions for the time being, and to wait and see what happened.

Based on the understanding of Whitebeard in the Warring States Period, Whitebeard would not lower his face to attack a junior. As long as Whitebeard does not attack, there are very few people in the Whitebeard Pirates who can pose a threat to Roy.

However, Zhan Guo and others have also decided that if Roy is really in danger, they will let Huang Yuan go to the new world as soon as possible.


As the head of the Four Emperors, the Whitebeard Pirates, nearly one-third of the islands in the New World are covered with the Whitebeard Pirates' pirate flag, under the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Castella Nuo is one of these many islands.

Due to the large size of the territory, the Whitebeard Pirates send various teams to take turns guarding different islands every year.

And Castellano happened to be guarded by Blenheim, the captain of the Whitebeard's [-]th Division.

"Lieutenant General Roy, Castellano is ahead..." Standing at the forefront of the deck, Claudio could already vaguely see the busy figures on Castellano's pier.

As the warship slowly approached Castellano, the first thing that caught Roy's eyes was the flying skeleton flag...

"It's really ironic..." Roy shook his head helplessly as he looked at the residents of Castellano who were facing an enemy.

Unlike the four seas and the first half of the great route, the positions of the navy and pirates in the new world seem to have been completely switched.

"Navy...you are not welcome here..." A strong man said fiercely to Roy and the others.

"One knife flow, ascend to the gods..." A sharp sword energy shot out from the three generations of ghosts, and instantly tore Dahai's body with a huge wound.

"Are you going to stop me now?" Roy said calmly after retracting the three generations of ghosts from the scabbard. Roy would not care about this with a commoner who didn't understand anything.

"Goo..." The big man who just spoke looked at Roy and swallowed subconsciously. If Roy's goal just now was not the sea, but himself, he would have already turned into minced meat.

"Since you have no objections, then we will go in..."

As Roy's eyes swept across, the residents of Castellano, who had already been silent all around, lowered their heads, not daring to meet Roy's eyes.

It is true that Castellano is Whitebeard's territory, but they are not members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But he didn't have the confidence to provoke Roy, let alone provoke the Navy for the sake of the Whitebeard Pirates.

(End of this chapter)

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