Chapter 38 The Cunning Sword
Hua Shan suddenly jumped up from the ground, the marks from the powerful attack just now remained on his body.

When he wanted to rush over again, Minato quickly stopped him: "This is not a real competition, it's almost."

It was only after he said this that he realized that a person like him would become excited when he met a strong person to fight.

If it hadn't been stopped in time, he would have to be completely knocked down and talk in a while.

Hanashan calmed down, and the violence in his eyes subsided. He looked at Minato and nodded. Although he still couldn't tell his depth, with this kind of strength, he could still fight in the boxing competition.

The bandage on his body had some blood stains on it, but he didn't care, it should be said that he didn't notice it.

The rematch started the next day, and the opponent was named Suijian. It was a genre as well as his own name, although he didn't know why he signed up like this.

After the two parties came to the stage, Minato couldn't help sighing that his name really lived up to his name. A man who looked very strange stood there, with very long bangs covering one of his eyes, and the whole person felt extremely gloomy.

This made him wonder if this guy was born wrong with Matou Shinji, and the aura on his body is almost the same as Matou Zouyan.

After the start of the match, he didn't attack as brainlessly as in the previous match. He had heard about this person from Fei Cun Tianyi, and he still had a few tricks.

Seeing that the opponent didn't move, Wei Jian rushed forward with a very elegant footwork and slashed diagonally.

Minato took advantage of the trend, but he didn't expect his sword to bend, like a poisonous snake, and the tip of the sword stabbed straight at his neck.

What a sinister move. It turns out that the strange sword technique does not mean that the sword technique is strange, but that there is something wrong with the sword itself.

However, this was not a threat to Minato at all. His kendo mastery had already risen to a high level, and a powerful chop directly broke the sword.

An even more incredible scene happened next. He pulled out the sword like a whip. The sword instantly more than doubled in length, turning into a whip full of sharp blades. If it was caught, it would be bloody and bloody.

Strange tricks come one after another, but this kind of trick may be magical and weird in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, this kind of trick is no different from a child throwing sand.

A move of Dragon's Nest Flash directly broke all his attacks, and quickly came to the front, and as quickly as lightning, he used Dragon's Hammer Flash again, directly knocking him down to the ground.

I thought this match was over, but I didn't expect that just as he was about to step down, Suijian stood up again.

Holding the soft sword, he slammed it out again, but this time it was different, the entire blade flew out, and there was an iron chain hanging behind it.

A chubby figure appeared in Minato's mind, and he was still muttering: "Yuanfang, what do you think?"

Isn't this just a chain knife? What are you doing here with me?

At this moment, Minato was no longer interested in playing with him, so he concentrated on his Liushui footwork, and walked to him slowly without rushing.

Every attack was dodged by him with a very small distance, a fist appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't dodge it no matter what he wanted to dodge.

As the referee's voice sounded, cheers sounded again in the arena. Many spectators were surprised that this little-known person could defeat Suijian.

As soon as Minato stepped off the stage, he saw Ichiro Aishina looking at him with great interest.

I remember that his opponent seemed to be a relatively powerful kid from a family of swordsmen this time, but he didn't expect the battle to end so soon.

The two didn't say anything when they met, and there was no hostility. In comparison, they were more curious.

In the next few games, Minato's luck was quite good. He did not encounter any particularly strong opponents and made it all the way to the finals.

Except for Ichiro Weiming, his other opponents are basically treated as passers-by.

He didn't know until the day of the final that there were actually two contestants sent by Wei Mingjia.

The second place is the girl in front of me, Tsukina Weiming, she only knew some information before the competition. She and Ichiro Weiming are brothers and sisters as well as senior brothers and sisters, but she is more rigid in comparison. Having only learned most of the swordsmanship, the inheritance was incomplete, but she herself did not think so.

Most people would secretly call it bad luck when they heard the news, but Minato was very happy, just worried that there would be no one who could practice in advance, so this is what happened.

Different from his elder brother, Weiming Yuena is a standard black, long, straight and beautiful girl, but her face is a bit too cold, and she can feel the aura of not entering even ten meters away.

She is an offensive faction. At the beginning of the game, her swift pace made it difficult to see her figure clearly. When she stopped, she had already swung a knife, and the sharp knife light flashed, but she missed the cut. The pause is another extremely fast two knives.

One word cut · two consecutive.

The three consecutive sword blows were extremely fast for ordinary people, but Minato knew that these were just appetizers, and that her true abilities had not been revealed yet.

In order to get to the bottom of it, he chose to only defend and not attack.

But this kind of behavior completely angered her, because this kind of avoidance behavior always reminded her of the competition between her and her brother, every time it was a competition between offense and defense, and every time it was She was defeated, which made her with extremely strong self-esteem unacceptable. Over the years, she even developed hatred towards men.

However, it has been a long time since her swordsmanship has been successful, and no one has been able to compete with her like this, and her anger instantly ignited to the peak.

Ashina cross cut

The light of the two knives mixed with this sword energy struck, and Minato knew that he could no longer play. First, the tornado dodges, and then the combined skills of tornado, spin and tornado, Lan.

Wei Mingyue Nai retreated quickly, and shouted in a low voice: "Secret Biography - Kuoyundu." Countless small sword qi burst out, and slashed quickly with the sound of piercing the air.

But this didn't end there. He briefly charged up his strength on the spot, and followed closely with a more powerful sword move.

Mystery·Undead Slash

Different from the small and dense sword energy just now, Undead Slash's violent attack is extremely powerful, with a ferocious momentum that tears everything apart, it attacks mercilessly.

Seeing this scene, Minato fully believed that even a layer of steel would be broken by this ferocious momentum.

I really didn't expect that such a beautiful girl would act like an aunt who hadn't been here for half a year, and she was extremely irritable.

Although the two attacks were extremely sharp, he could still crack them, but in comparison, his guard against Ichiro Weiming had gone up to a higher level.

Slowing down, facing the countless sword qi that shattered the air, he lowered his body, drew his sword and swung it out quickly, and the wind pressure directly blows away those tiny sword qi.

Little sister, today I will tell you what society is.

Nine-headed dragon flashes! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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