People in Fuyuki: Opening sign-in Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist

Chapter 37 Have You Heard of the Knockout Tournament

Chapter 37 Have You Heard of the Knockout Tournament

No one could see clearly what happened just now. Everyone saw a flash of white light. The man holding the crossbow rolled his eyes and lay on the ground. The crossbow was also cut into two sections.

He didn't kill just now, he slashed with the back of a knife, but even this is not something ordinary people can bear.

Huashan was also a little shocked when he saw this scene, after all, it is rare to have a speed that makes him unable to see clearly.

He looked in the direction of the water gate, nodded his head lightly to express his gratitude, and then quickly killed those people in a whirlwind.

A group of people were scared out of their wits at the time, and they crawled out of the front hall with a few half-dead wounded.

"Minato-kun, what was that move you just made?"

"Hehe, Feitian Yujianliu, a small trick."

After listening and nodded, he asked himself that his neck was not as hard as a crossbow.

Just based on the trick just now, this Minato has the same capital as himself.

However, this seemingly simple move of Tian Xiang Long Shan cost him a lot, and now he is even a little bit out of strength.

After a simple bandage, the two returned to the backyard to eat again. Although the food was cold, both of them ate very deliciously.

Fei Cunai curled her lips aside: "It's said that it's the first battle victory celebration, and no one is here."

The three of them shook their heads helplessly, especially him, who was a grandfather, was extremely worried.

The younger brother put away the tableware, Huashan took a look at Feicun Tianyi.

The latter immediately understood, and then pulled Ai Feicun, and took the little round face out of the way in the name of teaching her sword skills.

There are only two people left in the house.

No one spoke first, and Minato didn't know why, and he didn't speak first.

In the end, it was Huashan who asked, "Minister Minato, how is your strength other than the sword?"

Um?Why would he ask such a question?It's not that they want to pull me into the Huashan group, but forget it.

Minato thought for a moment and said, "It's barely okay."

"Then Minato-kun, have you ever killed someone?"

Another weird question.

"No, what's the matter, it's not your style to beat around the bush."

After pondering for a while: "I want to invite you to participate in a competition, the name is the Knockout Competition. I am looking for people everywhere for the competition, and you are very suitable for me. Of course, this competition is also very dangerous. If you refuse, I will not It's your fault."

What?Boxing match?I don't want to be too familiar with this, okay? In order to compete for the dominance of the Chamber of Commerce, as long as you can get No. 1, you can get huge benefits, but how does Huashan know this kind of thing?

Seeing him a little confused, Huashan decided to say a few more words, a strong man has his own arrogance, and he really hates being lied to by others.

Immediately said: "I have also paid a lot to participate in this competition, and of course I will participate in it myself.

Participation requires the support of the company. The minimum registered capital of the company is [-] million. I can barely make up a family now, and I will try my best to find a way for yours. There are still about two months before the competition. If I hadn’t seen your strength today , and the possibility of getting the prize money of this competition, I will not invite you so hastily. "

Although he really wants to participate in the competition now, and although he is not absolutely sure that he will win the final victory, the final prize is really irresistible. Money does not matter. If he wins, he will have more. Even if he loses, he still has room for success. , no matter what.

After pondering for a while: "But with your current status, Mr. Huashan, you shouldn't be short of money, right? Why do you want to participate in such a dangerous competition?"

But he is not short of power or money, and he is not a greedy person.

At this time, Huashan's eyes showed a trace of longing: "As long as you can become the president of the Chamber of Commerce, you can get in touch with the high-level officials of the academy city. Their advanced technology can make people extremely powerful, even if they are not superpowers. To have comparable skills, only becoming stronger is my ultimate goal.”

This kind of answer was also within his expectation, external things are not important, of course it is to work hard on self-improvement, very good, this is very beautiful.

Suddenly he stood up.

"But before that, I have to be responsible to you, Grandpa Feicun and Sister Ai. I will personally test whether you are qualified to participate in the competition."

After speaking, he took off his coat again.

There are many bandages on the body.

Minato frowned, he didn't expect to have such a hand, but he didn't want to take advantage of the danger of the people he knew, so he just wanted to talk.

Huashan directly snatched the words: "If you think that you are bullying me or taking advantage of me because of my injury, then it would be too contemptuous of my Huashan and Quanyuan competition."

With what he said, there seemed to be no reason to refuse, but the injury just now seemed fierce, but it was actually a little skin trauma, which had no effect on the battle at all.

Minato took a deep breath and put on a combat stance. This is not a life-and-death battle, there is no need to be too fierce, just let him admit it.

Facing his muscles as solid as steel, Minato didn't panic at all. He opened his weakness perception and found the weak point. For him, this kind of pure strength player was much easier to deal with, and he didn't have so many flexible and weird changes.

Huashan still adhered to the idea of ​​attacking from behind, Minato carried Liushuijin first, and punched him three inches below the lower abdomen, the punch wrapped around Liushuijin was full of strength, and mixed with this vortex-like force, hitting him completely pain.

He grabbed him with his hands, but how could that huge body keep up with Minato's dexterous pace, and he was dodged one after another.

Huashan knew that this battle would be meaningless if he didn't show some strength.

Using eight points of strength directly, the speed became faster, but it was still useless.

However, Minato's attack couldn't cause a particularly large trauma, and the two of them couldn't help each other for a while.

Minato didn't want to waste any more time, and directly used the Flowing Water Breaking Rock Fist. Countless shadows of the fists bombarded him, and every attack was to attack the weak point of the defense.

Huashan, who was strong for a while, could only be beaten passively.

Suddenly the corners of his eyes lit up, seeing a good time to counterattack, Shidun's big fist suddenly appeared in front of Minato.

And this is also expected, after being hit by Huashan, he took advantage of the situation to use flowing footwork to relieve part of the force, which was also realized from his recent continuous practice.

Although he was hit with a punch, the force received was less than one-fifth, but the power of the fist that Minato punched out reached [-]% terrifying power, and the force was wrapped around his hand to prevent him from being injured.

With a bang, Huashan, which weighed nearly three hundred kilograms, was blown away by a distance of four meters.

(End of this chapter)

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