Chapter 182 Pit

Like you said, if there is no money in the village, then you should learn how to make money. I didn’t do anything yesterday and 2 million came out of nowhere. Let you guess how I got this 2 million I don't think you can guess the funds. "

Xiaoharu suddenly opened his eyes wide, unable to refute Tsunade's words for a while, with doubts and self-esteem in his eyes, he thought it was not appropriate to ask Tsunade how to write 2 million funds out of thin air, and his heart felt uncomfortable for a while.

Tsunade aimed at Fei Yu, using a meaningful communication method to make Fei Yu understand the meaning in her eyes.

Feiyu instinctively wanted to avoid Tsunade's gaze, but as soon as he met Tsunade's gaze, he couldn't help but be attracted to her and couldn't escape when his eyes met.

Of course, he also knew the meaning in Tsunade's eyes in his heart, that is, if the group of people still mentioned the issue of money and no money later, let Feiyu solve this problem. To put it bluntly, it is money. Let Fei Yu come out, which makes Fei Yu can only laugh helplessly in his heart.

Tsunade's eyes scanned the other people on the conference table again, waiting for the next person to tease her.

"Alright, we don't talk about money, but when you talk about distributing treatments, ninjas, one of the problems we are facing now is that there are not enough healing ninjas resident in the village. If we want to train a new batch of healing ninjas, there must be someone who How many healing ninjas would be willing to take up the position of teacher besides you now, and you must be trained to the extent that you can truly practice medical ninjutsu, and you must also consider taking assignments on the battlefield at any time .”

"With me here, what are you worried about? I am in the village now. I can start selecting talented students to teach at any time, not to mention that it is not difficult to receive assigned tasks, and at the same time, I need to have the opportunity to lead Going to the battlefield, going to get experience, and protecting them from dying in the battlefield, I can still do it."

"Then let me ask our Miss Tsunade, do you want to use the shadow clone technique to teach separately many times by yourself? But no matter how much time you have, you can't support your physical strength and will be overdrawn...?" Mitomen Yan looked a little bit unbearable, and couldn't help but said to Tsunade.

Tsunade closed his eyes, and Feiyu could see that Tsunade had been forced to go to Liangshan at this time, with an anxious face, and the fire in his heart had nowhere to vent.

In fact, everyone knows Tsunade's temper, so anxious, and impatient, the blue veins in the corners of Tsunade's eyes have been exposed and clearly visible.Someone secretly speculated that in the next second, their conference table might become a mess, scattered all over the place.

Tsunade maintained her rationality, and repeatedly told herself in her heart to calm down and pull her thoughts to think. She also knew very well in her heart that she could not teach so much by herself, and she had to cultivate multiple students in a short period of time. Medical people, this is also an unlikely thing.

But I was thinking in my heart, at least to get rid of this group of grandchildren today, as long as the medical reform plan is approved and implemented, there will always be a way to solve the manpower problem.

In Tsunade's silence, Fei Yu said:
"I thought of someone who might be able to help you."

Xiaochun's gaze met Feiyu again, and he quickly made a gesture of money to him, and Feiyu continued without hesitation:
"And it can solve Xiaochun's problem at the same time, because that person doesn't need money."

Everyone opened their eyes in deep thought, and Qi Qi cast his gaze on Fei Yu, waiting for him to tell who this great free character is.

"She is the director of Konoha Hospital, Yakushi Hemu, and her daughter, Yakushi Nonoyu."

After Fei Yu dropped the names of the two people, the people on the conference table immediately exploded into conversation, each talking about various things.

"What? Invite the only dean of Muye Village to be a teacher? Will she be willing?"

"If the dean of Muye Hospital is no longer in the hospital, what kind of dean is it called? And Muye Hospital can't be without a dean. Besides, if He He is not in the hospital, who will be the dean? Responsible?"

"Yeah, that's what I said. I still can't ask his daughter Noyhouyu to be the dean, right? How old is she? There's still a lot of research on qualifications, and I'm thinking about recruiting him to be a new batch of directors." The teacher of the medical ninja, the Konoha Hospital is no longer in charge."

"No one cares, do you care? So this proposal will not work."

"But it's not impossible. What can the director of Muye Hospital do in the hospital all the time? Besides, there is no one in Muye Village. If there is any major event in the hospital, you can go to the ninja school to teach back to the hospital at any time if necessary. long."

"The position of dean itself does not mean that there are too many things to do. If you can use the remaining time to teach a new batch of medical ninjas, this is not a good proposal."

"Look at what you said. In this case, our dean doesn't need to rest? Her physical strength is not that of a mortal."

"If you want to say that she is tired, each of us has worked hard. It is normal for us to work hard now when we are employing people."

"The dean will not talk about it. Maybe her extra time can still be compared relatively, but Ye Naoyu is also involved. Do you know that the people in her Anbu have been trying to poach her? If she is allowed to be a wooden Ye Village’s teacher, why not recommend her to the Anbu to be a data-gathering spy that she is good at, wouldn’t it be more useful?”

"In short, I think this proposal is not good. The dean of Muye village is not working as a teacher in the hospital. It's shameful how decent it is."

"But the main problem now is that she doesn't want money, which is really doubtful."

"I don't think it's necessary to bring in both of them, or to bring in the older dean, or to bring in No Naiyu. This would be more suitable, and there are people in the hospital. There are also people in the school."

Fei Yu listened to the group of people who were getting more and more complicated and wanton and loud, and could no longer hear how many people opposed it and how many people agreed with it.

Suddenly there was an explosion, smashing the conference table first, and everyone in the room fell silent in an instant.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment and didn't dare to speak. First, they turned their eyes to Tsunade. According to common sense, the conference table should be smashed by Tsunade.But Tsunade still stood up in the same posture as before, and his hands were still tightly holding the few speech papers in his hands.

So everyone looked at Fei Yu's face, which was still in the smashing action.

Feiyu was expressionless, and she couldn't see any anger. The meeting room returned to its proper quietness, and she sighed in relief.

After returning to calmness, everyone knew in their hearts that this proposal was very appropriate and not wrong.

If medical reform is the top priority, spending money is also an essential issue, but now that someone has solved the problem of money, why can't they support this proposal?
(End of this chapter)

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