Chapter 181 Fish

"Maybe, you think too highly of yourself. Being able to lead so many people's hearts and wanting to drive the crowd is not something that can be done by being strong, but you should have a heart that can understand others. This in itself is a very important thing." Slim chances give others a chance to trust you. The power of one person is never enough, and you have to look at who is standing behind you in many cases."

"Then according to what you said, there will never be a strong person in a person's world."

"If you don't have an enemy, why do you need to be strong? If you don't have an opponent, how can you make progress? If you don't have a companion who trusts you, what's the difference from being alone in your own world?"

After the third generation finished speaking, he turned around silently and left, cigarettes surrounded his sides repeatedly.

Fei Yu silently looked at the slowly leaving back, feeling a little lonely in her heart, and suddenly felt a little sad for no reason.

In the next second, he remembered that he had asked Sandai to follow up with him to discuss the issue of medical reform.

For a moment, she felt as if she had been fooled by the third generation. Feiyu calmed down and carefully recalled the words of the third generation just now, and realized that before the medical reform started, a more important prerequisite was that there must be a medical system in the village. Partners who help each other and benefit each other, only with the spirit of mutual support can it be possible to promote the implementation of a new plan.

Jonin with special positions attached to Konoha has begun to enter the meeting room one after another. The only thing in the meeting room is a long circle of tables and benches.

Soon a dozen or so people came in, and the overhead lights suddenly made a blunt switch sound, instantly lighting up the dark and dreary atmosphere of the room.

After everyone found their place and sat down, the discussions at the health care reform meeting kicked off.

Feiyu arrived very early, and only saw the main characters who came in first, Sandai, Danzo, and Mitomonyan.

Mitomonyan is in charge of logistics consultants and procurement of supplies. Fei Yu rarely sees him appearing. The few times he sees him by chance, he can be seen with a loud voice, and has been directing his staff to put the corresponding supplies. The corresponding part of the warehouse is a guy with a clear mind.

But it seems very bad at communicating with people.When facing communication with people, I always end the topic while hesitating to speak.

The other person sitting next to the main seat is Xiaochun, a money accountant in the village.

He has an unusual sensitivity to money compared to ordinary people, and of course he also has a unique way of thinking clearly and instantly counting numbers.

He usually has an honest face, and when there is no special need for him to speak, he will not show up and send kisses extra, but only under circumstances that have nothing to do with money.

I heard that this person has been responsible for the flow of large and small funds in the village for decades, and he has never made a mistake. I don't know if it is true.

Fei Yu was staring straight at his small eyes, only to see drooping eyelids, holding a computer in his hand, small eyes but flowing with moist and bright vermilion light, constantly holding up the pimple on his face. Wood frame glasses frame.

Until he finally found someone's gaze and met Fei Yu's gaze, there was no trace of a smile on his face but he cast strong hostility towards Fei Yu.

Fei Yu looked at the unkind look he gave her, and guessed that it might be the reason why he cheated three generations of two or three hundred million a few days ago.

In this atmosphere of looking around, everyone waited quietly and calmly for all the people who entered the meeting to enter the venue one after another.

Not long after, Fei Yu saw Tsunade's upright figure coming in from the gate.

Familiar golden hair, the sun behind her seemed to follow her.Her appearance made the dark room brighter instantly, and the originally dull atmosphere also gave birth to a little human touch.

Although Tsunade didn't show even the slightest smile on his face, and it could even be said that his fierce eyes were paired with a face with a heavy responsibility on his face, but in the eyes of others, the meeting unconsciously increased a bit of improvement. Appreciation style of sensitivity.

After Tsunade came in, he followed a few jounin and a few little soldiers who didn't need to care about it one after another.

Fei Yu didn't even pay attention seriously, but put her hands on her chin with crossed hands, closed her eyes, and prepared to listen to what the first person to speak would say.

After taking a dull puff of cigarette for three generations, he was the first to speak:

"This medical reform has been delayed for a long time, but we still waited for this opportunity, so if you have anything you want to speak about, feel free to suggest it."

Tsunade quickly took the words and said:

"Then let me start. After all, the health care reform plan was originally issued from my side. I will not talk nonsense and get straight to the point. I want to focus on two major themes for everyone to analyze and implement the possibilities. implementation plan."

Tsunade paused in his words, glanced at the serious expressions on the faces of all the people sitting, and then said:

"First of all, I think that every ninja team on a mission should be assigned a healing ninja; second, build more mobile medical stations, and the personnel inside can be selected directly from the ninja school, which leads to the third The first point is that the ninja school needs to establish a medical ninja specialty, so that a new generation of talented students can learn medical ninjutsu."

"Let's not talk about the second and third ones. You have a big problem with the first one. You said that every traveling ninja team will be assigned a healing ninja. It's too simple to say, let's not talk about teaching How many chances do the students who come out have to achieve the level of healing? It takes a lot of time in the practice, and a lot of materials in the village are needed to fulfill it.” This sentence seems to have been pondered for a long time in the mind of the third generation. After Tsunade's first sentence, he quickly followed up.

Menyanyan who was sitting on the side nodded vigorously in response.

Is Tsunade there? Faced with the first rebuttal and questioning, his emotions were aroused, and he said in a slightly excited rhetorical way:

"But now is the time when medical ninjas are needed. If you don't start education and training now, what is the future? And I believe that among the new generation of students, there must be qualifications and talents to be medical ninjas."

"But so what? Now that we are in a time of war, the time that students can still spend in school is very hard-won. What's more, you have to establish a new major. Do you have any idea how much it will cost? Xiaochun, who was counting money, quickly held up the frame and said to Tsunade sternly.

"I know that you are very accurate in calculating money, but now is the time to train medical ninjas. When money comes in, it is waiting to be spent. There is nothing wrong with spending it in the village where it is needed or even urgent, and it can be established. The value and deep significance of the new generation of medical talents, the money is worth the money."

"But as I said, there is no money left in the village, did you hear that?"

"You have the qualifications to calculate money, but you don't have the ability to make money. Do you have to reflect on it?"

(End of this chapter)

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