Chapter 8
"Crack..." Father Li opened the door with the key, and then put the key on the shoe cabinet next to him.

"Dad, I haven't asked you yet. Why are you just watching there today and not playing chess with Uncle Liu?"

Li Ran asked Father Li next to him while taking off his shoes.

"Damn, I forgot if you didn't tell me, I was so pissed off today, when I saw you Uncle Liu after get off work yesterday, I clearly agreed to meet you at Xingmin Park early this morning.

As a result, your Uncle Liu released the pigeons for me. I waited for a long time and didn't come, so I had to watch you Grandpa Yang and the others play chess. "

Father Li also bent over to take off his shoes, but he didn't stop talking, talking in an angry way.

"Maybe Uncle Liu has something to do suddenly!" Li Ran replied.

After the father and son finished taking off their shoes, they put on their own slippers and rushed to the dining table.

At this moment, Mother Li was holding a plate and putting the food on the dining table.

Seeing that one big and one small were already sitting at the dining table, they slapped the back of their hands with chopsticks: "You have to wash your hands before and after meals, why did you two just sit down, go and wash your hands quickly."

Mother Li held one in each hand, lifted Li Ran and Father Li from the stool, and pushed them to the kitchen.

Li Ran and Father Li, who were being pushed by Li's mother, looked at each other.

Father Li shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands in a helpless gesture.Li Ran glanced at his father and shook his head.

After eating, Li Ran wanted to go out for a stroll again to see his hometown, which he hadn't returned to for many years, but was pushed back into the bedroom by Li's mother.

"Son, you have to write your homework. Even if you have to go to Polaris after school starts, you have to keep up with your homework. Don't get there, you can't read two big characters." Mother Li pointed to the desk, facing Li Ran said, and then closed the door behind him.

At that time, Zhang Guodong had already said that although there were cultural courses in their school, they were not the strengths of those teachers. Don't imagine that his son would become illiterate after graduation, that would be unimaginable.

Li Ran thought about how he was a college graduate in his previous life, how could he be like what his mother said?
However, Li's mother didn't know about this matter, and of course it was impossible for Li Ran to explain this to Li's mother.

"Oh, I've been grounded again." Li Ran rolled his eyes upwards, laying down on the desk and blowing his bangs.

Apparently, Li Ran seemed helpless against his mother's 100% mobilization.

Habitually turning the pen with his right hand, Li Ran thought about the pheasant taken away by Zhang Guodong yesterday, if only Zhang Guodong had stayed at that time.

When I am bored, I can still lick the chicken as a pastime, but it is a pity that the chicken is obviously the public property of the school, so it cannot be given to me.

"By the way, didn't Principal Zhang leave a book yesterday? Where did you let me put it? Let's take a look and pass the time." Li Ran suddenly remembered this matter, so he turned around and searched in the bookcase.

After searching for a long time on the bookcase, I finally found this "History of Modern Chinese Magic".

After returning to the desk and sitting down, Li Ran gently opened the book, and a faint smell of book ink entered Li Ran's nose.

Obviously this is a new book that has not been opened.

Skipping the table of contents, Li Ran opened the first page of the text, and lines of text appeared in front of his eyes.

"Looking at the 5000-year history of China, there are countless famous figures in the magic world who have appeared in the long river of time.

For example, Li Er, the Taoist ancestor in the Spring and Autumn Period, is also known as Laozi in the world, Liezi in the early Warring States period, Zhuangzi in the middle period, Guiguzi and others.
And today we are going to introduce a pioneer who is farther and farther than these ancestors, Yi Yin of Xia Shang.

Yi Yin, Si surname, Yi family, first name Zhi, was born in Yichuan, Luoyang, the founding father of the Shang Dynasty, an outstanding statesman, thinker, and Chinese chef.

Yi Yin has been clever since he was a child, diligent in learning and motivated, and cultivated in Youshen country.After being hired three times by Cheng Tang, he served as the right minister, and joined Zhong Fei to assist Shang Tang in defeating Xia Jie.

After the establishment of the Shang Dynasty.As Yin (equivalent to the prime minister in the Qin Dynasty), he governed the world with the theory of "using a tripod spoon" and "harmonizing the five flavors".Actively rectify the administration of officials, gain insight into the people's hearts and national conditions, and promote economic prosperity and political clarity.

The five generations of monarchs, Chengtang, Waibing, Zhongren, Taijia, and Woding, with the honorary title of "Aheng", served in the government for more than [-] years, and made great contributions to the prosperity and strength of the Shang Dynasty.

According to historical data, Yi Yin's identity in Shang was not only the prime minister of the regime, but more importantly, he was also a wizard.

The Shang Dynasty was a dynasty that believed in ghosts and gods very much. All major events in the country had to be done through divination.

Yi Yin was the number one shaman in the Shang Dynasty. In ancient times, shamanism, history, and medicine were integrated. Most of the shamans themselves also had the function of medicine. Yin" as "Governance".

Kang Yin, an ancient philologist, pointed out: Yin, "is like holding a needle in his hand, showing that acupuncture is used to treat people's diseases"; the official name Yin "is also an extension and transformation of the meaning of medical treatment".

"Yiyin" has the meaning of medicine and phase from Yishui at the same time, in the final analysis, it is still a wizard from Yishui."

Li Ran nodded. It seems that this book is quite informative. After all, I have never heard of Yi Yin, but the book has written all the deeds of this person.

Moreover, it is written in the book that the life expectancy of this person is as high as a hundred years.

In ancient times, the average person lived to be five or sixty years old, which was enough to be called the end of life, but he lived to be a hundred years old.

And it is written in detail in the book that this is the first Chinese wizard recorded in historical materials.

Li Ran then looked down.

"Yiyin's wizard school has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and it is also the largest school of wizards in our country.

In today's era when the inheritance of Taoists is fragmented, his influence on the extraordinary forces in our country can be said to be quite great.

The Yi family is also one of the most prosperous families among the wizard families in our country. "

Li Ran frowned when he saw this. It turned out that the Taoist school in China had not been well passed down, so today's China's extraordinary world is dominated by wizards.

This also reasonably explains why the school that enrolls him is called Huaxia Polaris Magic School instead of Huaxia Polaris Taoism School.

"However, after many generations of hard work, the magic world in our country has now sorted out the broken and complicated Taoist inheritance, and integrated it with traditional wizards and today's foreign wizard schools, taking the essence and discarding others. Dross. It has formed a unique Taoist culture in our country."

Li Ran's frown relaxed again, which is a good thing.It seems that Huaxia still has some capable people.

"However, considering that its main body is still dominated by the wizard school of Yi Yin's ancestors, we still habitually call it wizards, but its core is different from foreign wizards.

Now I only hope that future generations can reorganize and summarize the Taoist theories lost in the long river of time. "

Li Ran closed the book silently, probably having a little understanding of the current situation in the Chinese magic world.

Its main body is the shaman stream passed down from ancient times, and Yishi is the center of gravity, and then it is mixed with Taoist traditions from the east and west, and finally adds a little bit of the shaman school from Europe and the United States.

Li Ran shook his head, this is really complicated.But there is no way, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. If there is no inheritance that has been sorted out now, perhaps in the international arena, Huaxia will not be as tough as it is now.

It can only be said that the right thing was done at the right time.

After all, you have to overcome the immediate difficulties before you can consider the future.

Li Ran thought about it, and probably knew what was driving the integration of inheritance.

It should be the nightmarish invasion decades ago.

Maybe, hidden behind the gunfire, there is still a battle between Onmyoji and Daowu?

Li Ran didn't know.

 Come, come, Chapter 2 is finally finished with 20 minutes left.

  Ask for a ticket!
  In addition, when writing the last paragraph, the author had a lot of thoughts in his mind!

  There was still some emotional turmoil inside.

  Pay tribute to the ancestors who fell on the road of resisting the invasion of foreign enemies. It is hard to imagine the blood and pain they experienced at that time!

  I can only say!Now, this prosperous world is as you wish!
  "I built the Great Wall with flesh and blood! Protect China's 13 billion people!"

  Not to mention, the author has goosebumps!
  In the end, I hope that in the future, if there is still a war!
  Everyone can fight for the dragon blood shed on their bodies!
  You and I are comrades in arms!salute!
(End of this chapter)

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