Wizards of the East at Hogwarts

Chapter 7 Father and Son

Chapter 7 Father and Son
After eating, Li Ran washed up and went back to his bedroom to sleep.

The next day

Li Ran, who was still immersed in sleep, was pulled out of the bed by Li's mother. In the bathroom, Li Ran looked at a chicken coop in the mirror, and sighed silently.

"Mom, today is Sunday. Why did you get up so early? Isn't today your day off?" Li Ran helplessly shouted to Mother Li who was busy cooking in the kitchen.

"It's past seven o'clock. How early is it? In a month or so, you will be living in your own dormitory. Starting today, I will correct your bad habit of staying in bed, so as to save you from being late every day at other people's schools."

Mother Li replied while washing the spinach in her hand with water.

"Where's Dad? Why didn't you see him?" Li Ran wiped his face with a towel after washing, and went into the kitchen.

"Your dad? What else can your dad do? Your dad went out to play chess with people early in the morning, and he can't rest at all."

Mother Li didn't stop what she was doing, and said to Li Ran without looking back.

"Oh, then I'll go for a run downstairs, and I'll call dad to come up for dinner later." Li Ran looked at the unfinished meal, thought for a while and said.

"Okay, you can go, this meal will probably be ready in 10 to [-] minutes. You can just come back with your dad." Mother Li glanced at the rice cooker.

Seeing this, Li Ran nodded, turned around and went back to the bedroom to change into his school uniform.

Huaxia's school uniforms are of better quality than sportswear and more comfortable to wear.

After changing his clothes and shoes, Li Ran opened the door, walked into the corridor, and walked towards the first floor.

Li Ran walked out from the first floor, looked up at the sunny weather, and took a deep breath.

Then "huh" to spit out.

Li Ran walked slowly towards the nearest park, twisting his body and crotch while walking, doing warm-up movements slowly. After walking like this for about 5 minutes, Li Ran began to run slowly.

The nearest park near Li Ran's home is called 'Xingmin Park'. It is about 1-2 kilometers away from Li Ran's home.

Of course, the most important thing is that if Li Ran's father guessed correctly, he was also playing chess or watching others play chess in this Xingmin Park. Li Ran happened to call his father to come back for dinner.

Get more in one fell swoop.

While jogging along the avenue, Li Ran looked at the scene around him. There were street trees planted on both sides of the road, all of which grew straight and strong.

"哗啦啦" is the sound of the morning breeze blowing the leaves.

Hearing this voice, Li Ran's impetuous heart suddenly became peaceful.

All the things he has encountered since crossing seem to be left behind by him. At this moment, he just wants to run quietly and enjoy the tranquility and nature alone.

At this time in China, especially in the small third-tier cities where Li Ran's family is located, there are actually not many vehicles on the road, and more bicycles are replacing them.

So in this era, car pollution is not serious, because there are not many cars on the road at all, and the air is still relatively fresh, so Li Ran dared to go for a morning jog along the avenue instead of taking a long detour.

After jogging for about seven or eight minutes, Li Ran arrived at Xingmin Park.

Xingmin Park was built in 1956.At this time, there was no big stone standing in front of the gate of the park, as in the impression of later generations of Li, with the four characters of Xingmin Park written on it.

Now it has nothing at the door.

The area within one or two kilometers around Xingmin Park is called Xingmin District.

It is worth mentioning that the formation of residential areas in Xingmin District began in the late 30s and early 40s, when the Japanese wanted to increase the city's steel production capacity.

The expansion of the steel factory in this city began. At that time, the steel factory was surrounded by the residences of Chinese people, so the Japanese adopted a forced relocation policy to relocate the surrounding people to farther places.

A large number of them were moved to the southernmost and northernmost ends of the city and near the current Xingmin Park.

In order to attract businesses and people, the Japanese built stages, theaters, and Goulan in the Xingmin area, so people called the unnamed Xingmin area "Letiandi".

It means a place to have fun.After liberation, "Letiandi" was officially renamed Xingmin according to the original meaning and people's desire to live in peace, work happily, and prosper the people, and it has been used to this day.

Li Ran looked at this park that had witnessed the city's decades of history, and silently slowed down his steps into it.

In his previous life, Li Ran grew up, not to mention this Xingmin Park, he didn't even come back to this city a few times, and he has been experiencing life's ups and downs in the magic city alone.

When he was a child, he was inexperienced. Although he often came here to play, he didn't take a good look around this Xingmin Park.

At this time, he had the opportunity, but he wanted to take a good stroll. After experiencing the initial panic of going back to the past, Li Ran now only had the joy of rebirth.

His state of mind has never been so peaceful.

In this life, he just wants to protect his family and friends well, and then settle down to feel the natural miracles left to people by this world.

Make up for the things you didn't do in your previous life, and take a new look at this beautiful world from the perspective of a traveler.

There are some euonymuses planted in the park. This tree is also known as silk cotton wood. Its branches and leaves are graceful and delicate, and its posture is graceful. beautiful.

It's a pity that it's summer at this time, and Li Ran can't see this kind of beauty anymore.

Passing through the woods, he came to the pavilion area in the center of the park. The pavilion was full of stones. The stones were black as a whole, and they might contain iron.

I don't know where this pile of black stones was collected. Li Ran guessed whether they were collected from Luotuo Mountain when the garden was built.

The stones in the east and west mountains all contain iron and have the same color as it.

A group of people surrounded the pavilion in the center, Li Ran looked carefully for a while, and found that his father was standing in it.

Li Ran walked over and patted his father on the back.Father Li, who was immersed in watching chess, was taken aback.

"Li Ran, why are you here?" Father Li turned around and saw Li Ran who was a little lower than his chest. He wondered why the child had grown taller again, and opened his mouth to ask.

At this time, Li Ran, who was about ten years old, was about 145cm tall. The main reason was that the Li family had better genes. Li's father was also about 1.8 meters tall, and Li's mother was 172cm tall.

Li Ran looked at the center of the crowd first. Two old men took two small folding chairs and sat there playing chess.

"I came out for a morning run to exercise, and my mother asked me to stop by and call you home for dinner." Li Ran scratched his head and said to Father Li.

"Okay, let's go home and have dinner first." Father Li nodded and said to Li Ran.

Then he grabbed Li Ran's small hand with his callused big hand and walked towards the gate of the park.

Li Ran felt the hard callus on the palm of his hand, and his heart suddenly soured.
I was a little embarrassed at first, and wanted my father to let go of his hand, but now I can't say it anymore.

My father always faces himself and his mother with a smiling face.

But behind it, there is probably hidden pain that no one knows about, maybe every adult man is like this.Li Ran thought to himself, recalling the experience of working alone in a foreign land in his previous life.

I thought of my parents who hadn't seen each other for many years after working in my previous life.

I thought of the self who hadn’t made any money for several years, and the self who hid in a rented house on New Year’s Eve and ate instant noodles while calling his parents. Presumably, the parents who found out that he suddenly disappeared in the previous life would be very upset. Let's cry.

Li Ran endured the tears that suddenly appeared in his eyes.Fortunately, God gave me another chance.

He wiped his eyes with his left hand, but firmly held his father's calloused hand with his right hand.

Feeling the sudden force from his hand, Father Li lowered his head and looked at Li Ran in doubt: "Son, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Dad, the weather is really nice today." Li Ran smiled and looked up at the sky.

Seeing this, Father Li also raised his head and looked towards the blue sky. A few white clouds floated by, and he also smiled.


The north in July is not as sultry as imagined, and there will be a breeze blowing from time to time, blowing the green leaves on the trees.

The breeze took away the heat, and what was left was the backs of two people, one big and one small, walking slowly into the distance.

 The next chapter will follow.

  I'm a bit stuck.. Mainly because I've run out of cigarettes.. I'll go downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes first, and then come back and continue to code.In addition, shake your head and ask for tickets~ Attachment: This chapter has not been refined yet. If there are typos or sentences that don’t make sense, you can say it in this chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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