Chapter 37
"I didn't say yes to him, and the next day, he disappeared.

Later, I saw him under countless full moons, but he didn't invite me again, just stood on the deck, as if guarding the full moon.

On a bright moonlit night, I agreed to the invitation I did not know how long ago, and walked onto the white boat along the moonlight bridge built on the sea.The man who invited me greeted me, his words were sweet and familiar.

He has a bushy beard and wears a white robe like canvas.He said his name was Theseus.

Afterwards, under the white brilliance of the beautiful full moon, we rowed to the mysterious south amidst the songs of the waves and tides..."

"... This is undoubtedly a journey like a dream. During the voyage, we passed a city surrounded by thick black fog. Theseus told me that it was Voodoo, the paradise of the dead and the paradise of the living. The tomb. There the corpses lived happily.

We have also been to ■■■■ (crossed out), I can't remember the name of that place.But there is no doubt that it is a strange garden.

We got there in the rising sun, under a sky that was like rose gold.

It is bright and beautiful, and I never knew it.Great terraces were built from the sea, lined with trees, and strange temples were everywhere, with white domes and columns gleaming.

Theseus said that this land holds all the beautiful dreams and thoughts that man has produced and forgotten.When I look back at the patio, I know he's right
Many of the landscapes that unfolded before me had been seen beyond the misty horizon or in the phosphorescent depths of the ocean.Besides, there are forms and fantasies more sublime than anything I have ever known, the imaginations of young poets who died before the world understood what they saw and dreamed.

We set foot there, and stayed there countless days and nights...

... After that, we boarded the white ship again and continued our journey.I once asked him where we were going.But he sang loudly.

Let's go, let's go, to the unknown distance——

Follow the waves—

Follow the sun--


He sang a poem I didn't understand, and its tune was so similar to the ballad that the waves and tides beat on the day we sailed...

..., I do not know how long later, we came to the Aegean Sea.

We came to Athens, where it seemed like everyone knew Theseus.I chatted with them wantonly about my views on art, and I talked about philosophical words that I don’t know what they are…

We met a big white bird, which Theseus told me was a bird in the sky, and it was said that it would lead people to Atlantis, the city of thousands of secrets.

At my urging, we ended our journey in Athens and began chasing the birds of the sky.During this period, Theseus always hoped that I could return, because Atlantis is a place that no one has ever been to.

On the No.30 day when we followed the sky bird, we saw the basalt pillars in the west.They are shrouded in thick fog, and the scene behind the pillars cannot be seen, nor can their tops be seen.

Some even say they reach to the sky.Theseus began to beg me to turn back again, but I ignored him completely and fancied that from beyond the basalt columns the joy of singers and organists far exceeded the sweetest melody of Athens.

That sounded like a compliment to me, to have sailed the long way under the full moon to get here.

The white ship sailed in the direction from which the melody came, past the basalt columns.When the music fell silent and the mist cleared, I saw it.

It is grander than any city I have ever known or dreamed of.The steeple of the temple pierces the sky and goes far and wide. The cold gray wall extends straight to the end of the horizon. From outside the wall, only a little bit of streamer can be seen. The streamer turns into gorgeous friezes and charming sculptures. roof.

However, when I was in ecstasy, the calm sea suddenly turned into a raging sea.In the irresistible current, our sailboat was helpless, and was rushed to an unknown destination.

Soon our ears were filled with the roar of the cascading torrent, and far ahead on the horizon, the frothing foam of a monstrous waterfall, where all the seas of the world plunged into the abyss of nothingness.Tears rolled down Theseus' cheeks.

He tightly blindfolded his eyes with his hands, as if he wanted to dig them out in the turbulent current. He said: "We have abandoned the beautiful Athens, and we will never see it again. The gods are far more powerful than human beings." Greatness, victory will always be theirs."

I squeezed my eyes shut before the violent crash, because I didn't want to see the bird of the sky flapping its blue wings mockingly over the rapids.

There was darkness after the impact, and I heard the wailing of human and non-human things.A great storm blew from the east, and I crouched on the wet rock rising from my feet, shivering from the cold...

… I heard the crash again, and when I opened my eyes, I found myself on the lookout of a lighthouse that had passed almost an eternity since I sailed.

In the darkness below, I vaguely saw a dark ship crashing into the unforgiving reef.It was only when I looked away from the wreckage that the lights of the lighthouse went out for the first time since my grandfather started keeping them.

When it was darker, I climbed up to the lighthouse and found that the calendar on the wall still showed the day when I boarded the white ship.When dawn came, I went down from the tower to look for wreckage on the reef, but found only the carcass of a bird I had never seen before, the color of the clear sky, and a fragment of a mast whiter than the spray and the snow on the mountaintop.

After that, the sea never told me its secrets again.Countless nights have passed with the full moon shining high above the sky, but the sails of the white ship never appeared in the south..."


The sound of the book closing awakened Linde, who had been restless for a long time, from the dream-like story.

The surroundings were silent, and it was unknown how long they had been sitting on the stage.

"Hey, it's boring. I thought I could have something that could stand the test. After a long time, it was a novel." Jane sighed with disdain, stood up from the stairs, and patted her buttocks. gray, with a look of disappointment.Her opinion is completely different from that of Linde.

Andersen stood on the window sill, the moonlight shining on it dyed its feathers a strange purple.

Linde couldn't help but shuddered, he felt his jaw itch.

The new turtleneck sweater just scratches, he thought, this is the first time he's wearing it.

He stretched out his hand to scratch, but felt three soft cracks.

what's the situation? !I don't know when my gills came out, why I didn't feel it at all.

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

Jane who stood up looked puzzled at Linde who was still sitting, a little strange.

"What are you doing, you won't be frightened by such little stories!" She teased.

Linde put his turtleneck back together, and stood up with his shoulders shrugged, trying to cover his head as much as possible.He put the hood of his robe back on and put his hands in the pockets.

"It's just that my legs are a little stiff from the cold after sitting for too long." Linde stood up.

"Hehe, who told you not to wear more." Jane smiled gloatingly, and then walked in front with her book in her arms.Linde tiptoed and followed behind with his whole body wrapped up.

(End of this chapter)

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