It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 81 The evil group of six that appeared in advance?

Chapter 81 The Sinister Six that Appeared in Advance?

When Norman woke up, he was in darkness.There was almost no light in the room.

He tried to struggle a couple of times, but his hands and feet were tightly tied to the chair, and he couldn't move even with extraordinary strength.

Since he couldn't break free, Norman tried to find something from the darkness.

A bright light was turned on and shone directly into Norman's eyes.Just now, because he was trying to see things in the dark, his eyes' ability to receive light was magnified as much as possible. Now when he was illuminated by the strong light, he felt his eyes hurt, as if he was about to go blind.

After finally recovering from the pain, Norman's eyes slightly opened.The presence of tears automatically secreted by the eyeballs made him see things a little blurry, and he could only see a person sitting across the table from him.

After blinking several times, Norman realized that the person sitting opposite him was none other than Chris.At this time, Chris was wearing a pair of special glasses on his head and was eating a piece of French fries.

"Damn, why am I here!" Norman raised his hand, but still couldn't break free.

"I should be the one to say that, but it's been a few years since I got you in. It's been almost two years." Chris ate French fries calmly.The freshly fried French fries are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. They are seasoned with black pepper in advance and sprinkled with some salt after frying.

"You can really bear it, Norman. It's been two years. Do you know what happened to the agents who watched you for the past two years?" Chris ate a little bit of French fries and drank a mouthful of Coke.

Norman smiled disdainfully: "One goes to work with a sandwich at eight o'clock every morning, and the other takes over the previous shift at eight o'clock every night, and both of them are playing on their mobile phones while watching me. You S.H.I.E.L.D. Really capable."

After listening to Norman's words, Chris silently decided to ask the names of the two people later, and then put them on the list of SHIELD's own people.Seriously go to work?Hydera's; fishing every day?S.H.I.E.L.D.It is not true that there are people from S.H.I.E.L.D. working seriously, no, no.

Of course, Chris had to return the words: "Aren't you the same? Over the past few years, the Osborne Group is almost no longer surnamed Osborne."

Norman didn't need to put on the helmet, his face turned green.Before being discovered by S.H.I.E.L.D., Norman was a master in the Osborn group.But since S.H.I.E.L.D. discovered his true identity and was being followed every day, he could no longer appear as the Green Goblin, and could only pretend to be sick at home.Therefore, all the shareholders under him turned against each other and began to plan how to sell the Osborne Group.

In two years, the military seemed to have found a new home, abandoning the Osborne Group without Norman participating in the research.Thus, Osborne's capital protection ended.Even Chris, who hated Norman, found out, and couldn't help but lament how ruthless the military is.

"And you really have an idea. You actually found someone who looks like you to imitate your routine. Even I was almost fooled by you." Chris looked at the information on the table.

Naturally, Norman couldn't just pretend to be sick at home during the past two years. He also secretly trained a substitute.If Bruce hadn't happened to be nearby this time, no one would have noticed that Norman had a stand-in.Norman is also unlucky.The first time I used a substitute, it was discovered by someone.And Bruce wasn't even stalking him on purpose.

Bruce was indeed going abroad at the beginning, but before the ferry was out to sea, Bruce was called back by Chris.Chris directly tampered with the advent of reality to create a false body of Bruce to go abroad instead of Bruce.Then he handed Bruce the still-warmed dual drive.

The dual drive comes with six memories and can change into nine forms-but it requires two people.

Kamen Rider W can be called the Showa of Heisei—but it takes two people.

The line to count your sins is super cool - but, it takes two people.

It's a bit hot today, let's go eat ice cream later - but, two people.

In the original book, the original experimenters of W's dual drive should be Philip and Narumi Zhuoji, but Zhuangji died unexpectedly, so Shotaro and Philip transformed together.

The system-specific dual drive has additional restrictions—either, it must be two people who are very compatible; or, it must be a person who has split into two.

Chris wasn't sure he'd find a match, or find a way to split himself into Kamen Rider.After thinking about it, there is only one purpose for giving it away.

Instead of finding two people who are very compatible, Chris thinks it's better to use it directly for Bruce. Anyway, the wool comes from the sheep, and the wool obtained from Bruce can be given to Bruce.

Although Bruce can turn into Hulk, after all, Hulk only knows how to use brute force and is not flexible enough. Guys who encounter agility are easy to be targeted, and it is easy to cause accidental injury and large-scale destruction in a narrow environment.Even in the future battle of the Chitauri in New York, Hulk punched a stinky DD and played it refreshingly, but he also caused huge accidental injuries to the surroundings while fighting, and the flying stones even killed many people Soldiers who protect the people.

Therefore, Chris felt that it would be good to give the belt to Bruce, to enhance his usual combat effectiveness, so that there would be no problems that could only be solved by Hulk.Of course, Chris still has a small idea in his mind-in case Bruce, who turned into W, is beaten and disarmed one day, and just rolled around on the ground twice, before the enemy had time to sarcasm, he was punched by Hulk fly.That scene is so cool to think about.

After Bruce got the belt, he stayed in New York.Bruce would show up at the casino that day purely because of a stomachache while passing by, and ended up overhearing the conversation between Tony and Norman while squatting.

"Be honest, what are you doing there? I don't think you like gambling."

Norman smiled: "You know me very well, I really don't like things that I can't control. To tell you the truth, I went there to recruit Tony Stark to join our organization."

"What's your organization? If it's a Playboy resource sharing group, Tony might not join. After all, he will definitely feel that the things you touch are dirty and green like mold."

"Sooner or later, I'm going to tear your mouth apart." Norman said harshly, and continued, "Do you think only you superheroes will stick together? Tell you the truth, I formed a team , a team of villains, you can call it the 'Sinister Six' for now."

"Sinister Six?" Chris' expression was a little strange.He is too familiar with this organization, the sorority of Spider-Man's old friends, and it often happens that there are fewer than six members or more than six members, in short, it is definitely not six people.At most, there will be about twelve people.

"Yes, my code name is 'Green Goblin', and there are five members in the organization - 'Binary', 'Conqueror', 'Mystery', 'Baron', and 'Snakehead'." Norman looked grim, as if Wanting to scare Chris, "To tell you the truth, there are still five people in the organization who are as strong as me."

At this moment, Norman seemed to be the first Dark Four Heavenly King to appear in a classic fantasy game. After being defeated by the protagonist, he said harshly, "There are four more as strong as me."Moreover, there are often five of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, which is similar to the fact that they are members of the Sinister Six but are never six.

"Are the Sandmen one of the people your organization intends to invite?"

"Hmph, that's just a lucky guy who got 'evolution' from Osborn's particle accelerator by chance, but he didn't have the courage to step into the new world." Norman seemed to be very disdainful of Flint, and at the same time seemed Slightly sour about his near-immortality, "I just swear to him that Osborne has a potion that creates monsters that can wreak havoc, and then pays his daughter a little money for the operation, and he willingly Doing a self-righteous act of justice instead of being charged with theft."

"That guy is such a useful tool man." As he spoke, Norman's face showed complacency and madness.

Chris nodded: "He's quite naive, but you're even more unlucky than him. He can still drink and eat outside to accompany his daughter. If you're in your case, get ready to go to jail."

"Oh Norey!" Norman yelled before being dragged away to jail.

(End of this chapter)

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