Chapter 80 Breakdown
Not long after the man in black left, a guy wearing a hood appeared at the door of the toilet.The man in the hood took out a rather high-tech mobile phone from his pocket. The mobile phone only had buttons and no display screen.But at the push of a button, an illusory projection becomes the phone's display.

He scanned the vicinity with his mobile phone, and several footprints appeared.There are three traces of footprints that are most recent in time, and data for two of them quickly match.One is an old man, and the other is matched to Tony Stark.The remaining footprint had no data matching for a moment, and after a while, a face with a synchronization rate of 99% was reflected
"Why is that guy here?" he said to himself.Obviously there is no communication device, but it seems that someone is talking, he responded, "I see, I will let you have a good call."

The man in the hood stared at the guidance on the phone and ran in the direction of the footprints.

The guidance of the footprints disappeared when they reached a corner, but the man in the hood found the whereabouts of the man in black after simply observing the scene a few times.

"Yeah, even you can see how he got up." The hooded man looked at the moss that had been scraped off the wall.The man seemed to be kicking back and forth between the walls on both sides and climbing up to the roof.

The hooded man looked around and found a maintenance ladder in the corner that went straight to the roof, and he began to climb up.

on the roof.

"I really don't know how to flatter, arrogant and annoying." The man in black said to himself.

"What should I do?" The black-robed man's voice was full of confusion, but in an instant it became sharp and harsh, "Get rid of Tony Stark, no one can resist us."

"But Tony Stark won't be in New York tomorrow."

"Don't worry, we don't need to do anything, someone has already killed Tony, we just need to watch."

"You're right, I'll just watch it. The arrogant Tony actually rejected my olive branch, so let him die."

"That's right, that's it. We were kind enough to save him, but he actually wanted to die. Once he dies, no one can stop us."

"Yes, no one can stop it."

A voice interrupted the man in black from talking to himself: "Although it's already night, it's best to go home if you're dreaming."

"Who is who?" The man in black turned around abruptly.At that moment, a touch of green under the black robe was revealed.

Seeing that there was no one around, the hooded man raised his hood, revealing a plain and honest face: "Bruce Banner, let's just say he's a Kamen Rider."

"Bruce Banner, I know you. Didn't you go abroad?" The man in black was surprised in his tone.He had heard about the man from his companions.His companions described him as a "beast-like man".

"Well, although it's fake news, few people know about the news that I went abroad." Bruce clapped his hands, brushing off the rust on his hands when he climbed the ladder just now.

The man in black robe suddenly launched an attack at this moment, punching Bruce.Bruce only had time to roll over with a lazy donkey, dodging the punch, and was kicked in the stomach by the man in black robe immediately, and several rolls followed after the rolling action.

"It's quite embarrassing, but it's not time for you to appear on the stage." Bruce said to himself.Of course he was talking to the Hulk.Although the hit just now didn't knock Hulk out, it was indeed quite painful, "You guys really don't give face, how can you suddenly attack in the middle of a sentence."

As he spoke, he took out a strange red and white thing from the backpack behind him, and slapped it on the waist.The prop automatically extended a white belt and put it on Bruce's waist.

"If you have anything to say, just hold back and say it in hell." The black-robed man fumbled on his body, took out two ball-shaped bombs, and threw them at Bruce.

The bomb exploded against Bruce.

The man in black smiled sinisterly: "I have improved the formula, so it won't kill people."

A gust of wind suddenly blew up on the rooftop, and the exploding fireball was enlarged, and the gust of wind howled out from the fireball.The man in black was slapped in the face before he finished speaking.

A black and green figure emerged from the flames.

"Hulk, blow!" The green half of the body's eyes lit up, and it made a rude voice.

"It's such a vulgar name." The man in black cursed, and at the same time quietly pressed the button on his arm.

"I don't completely agree with him," half of the black eyes lit up, "But Hulk, your name is really bad."

"You bastard, who the hell are you!" The black-robed man tried to buy time by talking.

"I've said it all, let's be a Kamen Rider." Bruce recalled the lines Chris told him, and opened his hand towards the man in black, "Okay, tell me what your sin is. Say something is that so?"

"Banner, I was wrong." Hulk denied.

"Hmph, you half-baked superhero." The man in black laughed.

"What's the point of hiding under the black robe, Norman Osborn. No, 'Green Goblin'." Bruce charged at the man in black robe, punching and kicking continuously, the man in black robe dodged left and right, but he was dodging A gust of wind blows the hood off Bruce's head as he kicks with his right leg.

"Tsk, when did you find me?" The man in the black robe lowered his hood, and it was Norman wearing the Green Goblin helmet.

Bruce moved his left hand: "Actually, I was still not sure before. I didn't expect you to admit it yourself."

"Damn guy, go to hell!" The Green Goblin angrily pulled out the jackknife on his back, and slashed at Bruce's feet. Bruce's left leg touched the ground, and he jumped up to avoid the sweep.

At this moment, from behind Norman who was leaning over, an unmanned aerial vehicle rushed over, caught Bruce by surprise, and was knocked to the ground.

The aircraft made a turn in the air, ejected the sharp blade at the front, and swooped down on the fallen Bruce.

"Hulk, get up!" Hulk slapped the palm of the right half of his body on the ground, and the airflow dragged his body up, Bruce retreated quickly, and the blade stabbed the ground in front of Bruce's toes.

At this time, from a part of the aircraft that blocked the line of sight in front of Bruce, a long knife stabbed over, as if aiming to attack Bruce before he could react.

Bruce was obviously just a frail scholar before, but now he looks like a seasoned fighter. The two fingers of his left hand easily clamped the blade, and he punched the knife with his right hand, breaking the long knife from the middle.

Coming and going without being rude, Bruce put his hands on the aircraft inserted in the ground, turned over and jumped over the aircraft that obstructed his vision, and kicked the green goblin who had just retracted the long knife that was broken in half behind the aircraft.

The Goblin was kicked in the back and crashed into the craft.Bruce took the opportunity to get up.Hulk's fist on the right side of his body was retracted, and a large amount of air flowed towards the right fist, wrapping around it.

"Hulk, swing your fist!"

Although the name is ridiculous, the effect can be very good.The vortex of the storm hit the Green Goblin directly, making him feel as if he had hit a car going backwards, and was sent flying along with the aircraft.

The blade on the front of the vehicle was also broken off and remained on the ground.

Retracting his fist, Bruce walked up to the Green Goblin, took off the Green Goblin's helmet, and revealed Norman Osborn rolling his eyes.Because of the blow just now, Norman passed out directly.

Folding the spread wings of the dual drive together, Bruce pulled out a USB drive to his left.The transformed armor disappears.The U disk on the other side also disappeared out of thin air.

"Hulk, you really don't plan to learn how to choose a name?"

"Is that so? How capricious." Dragging the unconscious Norman with one hand, Bruce slowly left the scene.

(End of this chapter)

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