Chapter 69 Hulk and Banner

"So, skip all the politeness and let's get straight to the point." Nick ended the farce with Chris and started a conversation with Dr. Bruce Banner.

"Don't you need to know about each other's information? For example, who am I and who are you?" Bruce took a sip from his water glass.He always felt that his throat was very dry, as if he had poured tons of salt water into his stomach.

"The full name of our department is Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency. As the name suggests, it is directly responsible for the World Security Council of the United Nations. It is inconvenient to tell you other details." Nick leaned back on the sofa, " As for the information about you, Dr. Bruce, we are an intelligence agency after all."

Nick's implication is: the information gap between us is not equal, we know everything about you, and even you know our names, I kindly told you for free.

"So Dr. Bruce, how much do you know about the mutation that happened to you?" Nick asked.

Banner shook his head: "I don't know too well. I just remember that after refracting the serum, I didn't feel too much pain. But after receiving the gamma ray irradiation, I completely lost consciousness, just like Poured a liter of LSD into my head."

"I only remember a few sporadic images. In my field of vision at that time, I grew very tall, and my girlfriend Elizabeth Rose fell to the ground, crushed by the falling equipment. I wanted to go to Help her, but it seems that someone is hitting me with a stone. I, I seem to have punched him in that dream." Bruce rubbed his forehead, "Sorry, no matter how I recall, I can only feel too much noise, Can't tell anything."

Bruce took the second glass of water from Coulson and drank it again: "When I woke up again, I was already in ruins, dressed in rags. You must know what happened after that. I started to flee. During this period, I also discovered the abnormality of my body."

"My personality started to become a little irritable, and once I let the anger break through my reason, I would turn back into the Hulk. I tried to kill myself, but it didn't work. Instead, it would arouse the guy's self-preservation psychology , snatch control of your body with me."

Chris asked: "Haven't you ever thought that he is not only protecting himself, but also protecting you?"

"Don't be kidding, sir. It's a monster." Banner's face was full of fear. "I transformed twice during my escape, and the last time was on that stowaway boat. Not only angry, but as long as my heart rate reaches A value, whether I'm excited, tired or scared, it will reappear in this world and destroy everything."

Banner looked at Nick Fury solemnly.Among the few people present, Coulson was too kind, Chris was too young and not serious, only Nick seemed to have a story and was dignified: "I'm not threatening you, but a warning—don't study That monster, don't hold the idea of ​​restoring the experiment again."

"Are you already thinking about dying?" Chris asked.

"If it's not desperate, no one wants to live, sir." Banner smiled wryly. He pulled up his wrist, revealing his right arm, which was hairy but had no wounds. One worked. Not only was the guy physically strong, but he even had incredible self-healing abilities. I think you all saw that when you caught me on that ship."

"I can prove it." Chris raised his hand.Among the few people present, he had more say than Banner, who was unconscious when Hulk occupied his body.Nobody knows better than him, Hulk.No matter how Chris shoots with an arrow when attacking Hulk, although he can successfully cut Hulk's skin, the wound will heal itself soon.And even with Gungnir's chill interfering with the healing of the wound on Hulk's waist, at the end of the battle between the two, Chris could see that the wound was almost healed.

"In short, what you mean is that you don't know why you became a monster, right?" Nick concluded.

"That's right, unless Captain America is also a green monster, maybe my research on the serum is in the wrong direction." Bruce recalled all the details before, but couldn't find anything wrong.

Coulson asked his own question: "When you transform, are you still in it?"

"No, I think it and I are two completely different existences."

"But listening to your description just now, it makes me feel that it seems to be you. It seems to be." Coulson tried to describe it with suitable words, "It seems that your brain is overloaded and out of control."

"I don't want to control it, I just want to destroy it!" Bruce's tone was agitated, and he hammered it on the table, scaring Chris who secretly took out his mobile phone to play snake eating, and the snake hit the wall and died .

"Sorry." Banner hurriedly tried to calm himself down, looked at the wristwatch he was wearing, and saw that his heart rate reached 130, which hadn't reached his preset warning line of 150.At this time, the law he observed during this time, once the heart rate reaches 200, he will transform into the Hulk.

Chris put the Game Over phone into his pocket: "If you want to destroy it, I have nothing to do. But if you want to have a good talk with it, maybe I can help."

"Sir, I think a considerable number of people have already used their lives to prove that guy's uncontrollable." Banner sighed, expressing doubts about Chris's words.

"That's right, that's right, it might be hard for you to believe me." Chris stretched out his left arm, manifesting Aegis' gauntlet alone, and then ice crystals began to climb and spread on the armor.

"This is! You are the 'White Knight' from that day!" Of course Bruce remembered who the owner of this gauntlet was, but he didn't expect it to be the young man in front of him.No wonder he was so disrespectful, but still qualified to stay in this room, it turned out that it was because of his big fists.

Chris took off his armor, condensed two ice cubes and put them in his Coke, took a sip, and let out a long hiccup.

"So, if it were you, you would indeed have the ability to control that Hulk." Banner sighed, "But I'm still not optimistic about the result of 'talking' with it."

"Hey, he's just a newborn baby. If he dares to be disobedient and refuse to sit down and have a good talk, then I'll beat him until he sits down obediently." Chris was very confident.

Banner shook his head and looked at Nick Fury: "Although he is very strong, he is not too young? I think he is a little too optimistic."

Nick curled his lips: "You don't think so if you know his name."

"Major General Chris Oppenzeid, a former Roaring Commando member, a friend of Captain America, and a special advisor to our Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistic Support Agency. Date of birth is March 1915, 3."

"Why is this 90 years old?"

Banner felt like he was witnessing a biological miracle, not even The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

(End of this chapter)

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