It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 68 The capture is complete

Chapter 68 The capture is complete
On both sides of Chris and Hulk, it is like two high-speed trains running towards each other, and they are about to collide.

At this time, Chris bent his knees, squatted down, and then jumped up suddenly. The spear in his right hand hit Hulk's head, and he flipped in the air and passed Hulk.

Hulk was like a big truck with a brake failure, unable to stop his momentum, and was hit hard on the head, and crashed straight into the ice wall under the effect of inertia.

"Please, do I look so stupid to fight you head-on?" Taking the opportunity to pull away, the four vents on Chris' limbs and the dragon pattern on his chest lit up, and a spiral spear appeared in his hand. The tip split into five heads.

He bumped the spear and threw it at Hulk who was stuck in the ice wall.

"Pierce through. Pierce through. Pass through! Try this sure shot!"

The moment he let go, the spiral spear turned into five blue rays of light, hitting Hulk's chest and limbs in an instant.With the wound as the center, the ice wrapped Hulk in a breath.

Hulk struggled to get out of the freeze, the ice on his body was continuously squeezed and cracked by its huge force, and healed continuously due to the follow-up force of bombarding the five stars.

But Hulk relied on his brute strength to walk hard step by step, and approached Chris.

Chris breathed a sigh of relief, and projected a bombardment five-star again to strengthen the frozen power.

This time, even the Hulk is getting exhausted.When he finally stopped struggling and was completely frozen into an ice sculpture, Hulk's outstretched hand was already in front of Chris.

The cold air froze the water vapor on the sea surface on the ice sculpture, and Hulk's face quickly disappeared into the haze.

Chris patted Hulk's hand that had turned into an ice sculpture: "The hand you want to hold is not mine."

"It sounds like you are free." Natasha's voice came from the earphone.

"I can't say I'm free, but the big guy is done." Chris wiped off the mist on the ice sculpture, and saw the face of the inner Hulk through the crystal clear ice.

Because of the cold and suffocation, Hulk gradually fell into a coma, and the green color faded from his body, turning back to Bruce Banner.

After the green color faded completely, Chris untied the ice seal, and the dragon wings on the cloak spread out, taking the sleepy Bruce into flight.

The huge ice under their feet melted at an abnormal speed after Chris left, and soon disappeared without a trace.

The ice surface has disappeared completely, and the traces of the battle have also disappeared.However, the people in that boat will not disappear out of thin air.

If they were real tourists or something, it would be pretty tough to deal with, but most of these people have something behind them.It didn't even take Coulson and Sylvère to deal with it specially. Natasha and Barton joined forces with the Coast Guard to finish the task of keeping these people silent.

At this time, the system that Chris has been offline for a long time seems to want to prove that Chris is indeed a system stream, and finally released the task:
【Be the one - adjust the contradiction between Hulk and Banner】


When Bruce woke up again, he found himself locked in a room.

There are no windows in the room, and the entire room is wrapped in a soft material from top to bottom, from ceiling to floor.

Bruce knew this kind of room, generally speaking, it was used when patients with self-harm tendencies were housed.

He also knows that although it looks soft and fragile, there is a thick steel plate under the sponge anti-collision layer.Since there was no way to escape, Bruce sat cross-legged on the ground obediently as if resigned to his fate.

Bruce felt that perhaps he could use this opportunity to seek help from the national power to solve his own problems.As for wanting to kill yourself?Then just do it directly, why lock yourself up?
In order to prevent Bruce from being transformed again due to injury, SHIELD specially arranged him in a safe room.Of course, hidden monitoring equipment was also set up, and it was soon noticed that Bruce had awakened.

"Did you sleep well?" The door was opened, and Phil Coulson pushed it open and walked into the room.When it comes to appeasing people and establishing a friendly first impression, there is no one more suitable than Colson, who is so friendly.

"Barely good, I don't know the bed too much." Bruce showed a shy smile.He was born in poverty. Although he is very talented, he is never proud of his talent.

However, American customs have always advocated publicity rather than humility, so General Ross has always been very dissatisfied with this prospective son-in-law.

After experiencing the experimental accident, Bruce's already dull and introverted personality became more and more autistic.

Coulson walked into the room, didn't close the door, but called Bruce out, as if he was very relieved of him.It stands to reason that Bruce, who has just experienced a life of escape, is not so easy to trust others, at least he should keep a little distance from Coulson.But somehow, he always felt that Coulson was someone he could trust.

Coulson led Bruce Banner out of the room.The surrounding rooms are empty and unoccupied. If the room Bruce is in is not temporarily remodeled from an abandoned room, or the surrounding people have been transferred to other places in advance.

Taking the elevator, the two came to the meeting room.In the conference room, Chris is resting his feet on the table, next to a large bottle of Coke and a paper cup, reading a newspaper with reading glasses on his head, and Nick Fury is sitting upright with a serious look with.

"Come on. Sit, sit." Hearing the sound of the door opening, Chris turned his head to look at Bruce and Coulson, put his feet down from the table, and sat upright under Nick's one-eyed gaze, looking serious.

That day, Chris wore armor and a full-coverage helmet to fight the whole time, so he didn't know what Chris looked like. He just felt that Chris's voice was very familiar, but he just couldn't remember where he heard it.After all, Aegis' helmets have a built-in hidden function that makes the sound unemotional.

Nick got up to pour water, Chris said: "I'll do it, I'll do it." That's what Chris said, but Chris didn't mean to stand up at all.

"I'll come, I'll come."

"Come on!" Nick slapped the water glass on the coffee table, almost splashing the water on Chris, "Just say something cheap."

Bruce was a little nervous before entering.Although it looks quite formal, and when looking out from the transparent elevator, it can be seen that this is Washington, DC.To have such a ostentatious building in the special zone, it should be a serious government department.But he is still a little worried, worried about how this organization will treat him, will he be caught as a guinea pig, or brainwashed as a tool man?

However, after watching the performances of Nick Fury and Chris, he couldn't help but relax a little.

Of course Chris and Nick are putting on a show, expecting Nick to be a joker in everyday life?It's better to hope that Tony is not close to women.

(End of this chapter)

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