It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 57 Fans are the Basic Personality of Agents

Chapter 57 Fans are the Basic Personality of Agents
Ivan Vanke's hands and feet were bound by strong ice ring shackles, and he was sent to the gate of the police station.

"Wanted Criminal Arrested Again!"Who is the Pale Knight? A photo of Ivan Vanke rolling his eyes in a coma was published on the headlines of the newspaper.

"It's still such a headache, isn't it?" Carter sat on the rocking chair, wearing reading glasses, and put down the newspaper in his hand.

Across from her sat Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce.The two came to consult Carter about Chris.

Chris is a veteran in theory, but after all, he once climbed to the rank of major general, and even a major general is at the rank of general, and his military background is firmly tied to Chris.This makes it impossible for Pierce to effectively limit Chris in an official position.

Moreover, Chris is also a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., at the same level as the director, and Pierce's status as director is of little use to him.

He is even related to Tony Stark, enjoys a 10% share dividend, and has no financial problems.

The most critical point is that Chris is not a serious politician and has nothing but his background.The "Pale Rider" rumored to be circulating in Queens was undoubtedly him.According to rumors, "ice that brings death" and "armor made of bones" are his two major characteristics.There is no doubt that Chris also possesses some extraordinary abilities.

"He has no intention of hiding that he has abilities that are different from ordinary people, unless his armor counts." Nick said with a dark face.

Pierce poured a cup of black tea for Carter: "Madam, do you see?"

"I'm sorry, Pierce. I'm already a retired old man." Carter didn't pick up the black tea on the table, but took off his glasses. "Since I knew Chris, he has never been a person who can sit still."

"The captain's first mission was that he accompanied the captain to airborne and rescued nearly 400 people in the enemy-occupied area."

Carter leaned back on the chair and rubbed his temples: "What does Chris say? Although he often messes around, he is always full of his own opinions, even if there is no reason to convince others, and the results after the fact often prove that He was right."

"But Mrs. Carter, Mr. Chris."

"Fury, do you know that I wanted to choose you to take over as director." Carter did not respond to Pierce, but said to Nick.


"Pierce, tell me what you want Chris to do?"

Pierce was stunned: "What I hope most is that he can hand over the armor and ice-making ability to S.H.I.E.L.D. for safekeeping and research, and then..."

"What about you, Fury?" Carter interrupted Pierce.

Nick Fury looked at Carter's old but still piercing eyes: "In my words, at most I just hope that he can register and be subject to certain controls."

"That's why I want to choose Fury, Pierce. If the board of directors didn't agree, it should be Fury's." Carter nodded, affirming Fury's idea.

"We are very clear about the responsibilities of S.H.I.E.L.D. But Pierce, your desire to control is too strong and divorced from reality. Although Nick's ideas are much looser than yours, the ideas that can be realized are more meaningful than mere fantasy. Much more."

After talking so much, Carter was a little tired. He closed his eyes and leaned on the rocking chair: "That's all I've said. Chris's matter should be resolved by you yourself instead of coming to me, a lonely old man."

Pierce looked at Nick helplessly, Nick shrugged, and the two left Carter's house.


In 1995, a new trirotor building was built.

"The Avengers Project? Do you want to invite me to participate?" Chris put down the document and looked at the scenery outside the glass window.

Pierce took a sip of his coffee: "The proposer of the plan was Fu Rui, and the council agreed."

"Are you so wary of Carol, or are you so afraid of extraterrestrial civilizations?" Chris was playing with the ornaments on Pierce's table.

"Extraterrestrial civilizations are not scary, what is scary are extraterrestrial civilizations whose strength far exceeds that of Earth." Pierce sighed.

Earlier this year, Captain Marvel returned to Earth. After knowing the truth about himself and ending everything, he took the Scruws to the depths of the universe to find a new home.Before she left, she left Nick Fury with a special pager and the World Security Council with fears of extraterrestrial civilizations.

On the one hand, I am eager to meet aliens and let myself know that the earth is not alone in the universe; on the other hand, I am on guard against aliens, and treat them with fear, deception and malice.

The human group is always so contradictory, just like "Ye Gong loves dragons", eager to see the real dragon's demeanor, but after seeing the dragon, he is frightened and faints.

"The Tianma project has not achieved effective results. Nick needs a task to add points to his future political future. The Avengers project is the best choice." Pierce added.

"A group of superheroes, a team leader with a government background, is under the direct control of the S.H.I.E.L.D. under the World Security Council." Chris chuckled and shook his head, "Believe me, Pierce, only those with abnormal brains will voluntarily join This kind of action."

"How do you know if you can succeed if you haven't tried it?" Pierce insisted, "Everyone has heroism hidden in their hearts. As long as they accept the tasks assigned by the council, not only the logistics of the operation can be guaranteed. , can also better help the people, why not do it?"

"So you don't understand people's hearts, Pierce, you are still suitable to be a politician rather than an agent."

At this time, the door of the office was knocked, and Chris said "Come in", saying that Cao Cao Cao Cao had arrived, and Nick Fury walked into the office wearing a black windbreaker with his left eye wrapped in gauze.

He firmly claimed that the wound on his left eye was an injury he suffered while fighting alongside Captain Marvel to defend the peace of the earth. He needed the bureau to apply for a disability subsidy for him, and the medical expenses were reimbursed, and the file also stated that he suffered a work-related injury.When Chris asked him if he would still play with cats in the future, his face, which was already as dark as black charcoal, turned even darker, and he kept asking who told Chris.

Behind Fury, Clint Button and Phil Coulson walked in.

The three of them had just come back from a collective mission, and Coulson was holding the mission report in his hand.

"Let's just put the report on the table. Did the mission go wrong?" Pierce asked.

"The mission is going well, sir." The young Barton, the man who has determined the success or failure of the Women's Federation for three times, reported solemnly.

Coulson was still not bald at this time, and after putting the report on Pierce's desk, he looked at Chris with a little restraint.

"Mr. Chris, nice to meet you, I'm your fan."

Chris looked at Nick: "Is this the only way for agents to say?"

 I really want to play the Hall of Valor, but the delivery is still on the way, and I don’t want to buy the PC version.
(End of this chapter)

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