Chapter 56
Under the power of the coming of reality, almost everything can be achieved, even if it is to create an illusion that can be called real.

From the moment Chris walks through the door, the effect of reality setting in is already in play.Whether it is the attacking steel needle or the blue light emitted, they all happened in "reality", but the power of reality came to deny this "reality".

Although it looks like an illusion, it is indeed reality; although it does happen in reality, it is only an illusion.This is the powerful ability of the reality of the universal balm.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ability of the reality to come can come true.

Seeing that the weapon was completely useless, the attackers clenched their fists and attacked Chris.Chris's body also turned into a phantom and disappeared, gathering in front of the refrigerator and putting the slightly melted quick-frozen food in the plastic bag in his hand into the refrigerator.

"Hey, you two young people don't talk about martial arts, come and attack me, an old comrade in his 70s, okay? That's not good."

"What the hell! What did you do?" The attacker pulled out the ice spear left by Chris on the ground and threw it at Chris.

Unsurprisingly, the spear hit Chris's body, and together with him, he turned into dust.

The next moment, Chris appeared on the sofa next to the attacker, drinking a glass of Coke: "Young man, I advise you to drink rat tail juice, don't waste any reflection, we must value peace, and we must talk about martial arts." Germany."

The attacker was startled by Chris, turned around and ran out the door.But when he opened the door, he saw not the outside but another room, another Chris sitting on the sofa, greeting him.He was a little frightened by the successive supernatural phenomena, and he sat down on the ground and passed out.

Chris put down the Coke in his hand and snapped his fingers.Everything around turned into red particles and dissipated. The two attackers died and the other fell into a coma. They returned to the room with Chris.

The golden summoning machine was on the ground, and one person and one corpse that fell on the ground burned out of thin air.

Chris picked up the Coke again and took a sip: "Well, it seems that there is still an insider in our bureau."

"Zola, help me fully monitor S.H.I.E.L.D. from now on."

————— Snake Shield Board, Climb—————

Ivan Vanke, son of Anton Vanke.In the future nearly 20 years later, in order to avenge the Stark family, he inherited and completed the research left by his father, and imitated Tony Stark to produce a miniaturized Ark reactor and a "whiplash" suit for the Mark series armor. .

He should have been sentenced to 1995 years in prison on May 5, 5, after he was found to have traded weapons-grade plutonium elements with Russia for a long time.But now, his crimes were exposed in advance, and he fell into a state of fleeing for his life.

"Masking words, which bastard betrayed me!" Hiding in the sewer, the young Ivan Vanke held a suitcase and cursed at the unidentified betrayer.

Although Ivan Vanke has some abilities, in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary person. Of course, it is impossible to directly sell the plutonium elements to Russia. There are several handlers in it, so he can smuggle the plutonium elements out and contact on buyers.

There are many people who deal with it. The advantage is that he only needs to think about how to get the source of goods, and other people will help him solve all other problems.There are naturally many disadvantages, multiple middlemen will naturally be paid multiple price differences, and in the current situation, as the bottom end of this transaction chain, he has no way of knowing which link has made a mistake betrayed him.

If there is a next time, he must become a related person, not to make others afraid of him and to respect him, but to make the difference without middlemen.

A message popped up on Ivan's phone.His mobile phone has been modified by him, and it cannot send any information but only receive messages.The message was specially crafted, linked to his sensor devices concealed at various entrances to the sewers.Ivan picked up the suitcase, no matter whether it was his hunter or not, he had to leave here and go to the next hiding place.

After all, paper can't contain the fire. He had already expected that things would be exposed one day when he started doing this kind of work, so he also made a lot of preparations for it.It's just that he originally expected to be able to work for at least four or five years, but he didn't expect that the incident would happen after only one year of work.

His suitcase was specially prepared, and a large amount of plutonium was sealed inside, which was the capital for his escape.Needless to say, his bank account had already been frozen when he was wanted, and he had no time to withdraw the cash because of the incident. He only had time to steal a large amount of plutonium.With this box, he is qualified, able and confident to persuade the snakehead to take him out of the United States to Maoziguo.

The sewer was pitch black, and Ivan didn't dare to turn on the light to expose himself, so he could only touch the pipes on the wall and walk along the water.And at this moment, there was a "cracking" sound gradually on the water, and gradually, even the sound of the water flow became much smaller as if it was isolated in a hood.

Ivan sensed that something was wrong, and lifted the garbage bag just touched by his feet to Hanoi. There was no sound of water entering. Instead, the cans in the garbage bag made a sound of colliding with a hard object, as if falling into the water. Like on the ground.

Ivan's hairs stood on end, no matter how he felt something was wrong with his surroundings, the sewers were a little warm and humid because a lot of domestic water was discharged into the underground river, but at this moment Ivan felt a chill all over his body.He no longer cared about hiding his whereabouts, and began to run away in large strides. He took out his mobile phone and shone the light on the river.

At some point, the surging groundwater formed a layer of ice, and even the garbage bags that had just been kicked off were covered in a layer of frost, gradually freezing to the ice.

The cold was getting heavier, and footsteps could be heard from the passage behind Ivan!
"Boom!" Ivan's self-made explosive left at the last resting place was triggered by the tracker. The panicked Ivan was also overjoyed, and a light source was lit not far ahead, which was the exit of the passage.

Ivan prepared escape tools at the exit in advance, as long as you get there!

Putting the phone away, he climbed up the ladder along the slightly dim beam of light, and Ivan tried to push the manhole cover away.The tentacles are cold, but not like metal, but rather dry.

No, it's not so much dryness as the moisture on the fingertips is peeled off and frozen as soon as it touches it.Only then did Ivan see that the manhole cover was also covered with ice, and even though it was beaten hard, the ice showed no signs of cracking.

Ivan Vanko climbed down the ladder.This is already the end of this pipe, and the water flowing on the side flows downstream along the gap under the wall.If the water surface was not frozen, Ivan still had a way to escape by diving into the water and following the current, but now, he was indeed desperate.

After the explosion, footsteps sounded again, approaching Ivan's position again.

Leaning against the wall at the end of the passage, Ivan Vanko nervously took out a pistol from the holster at his waist and pointed at the figure in the darkness: "Don't come over!" The gun was a police gun he had seized from the police when he fled.

"Bang bang bang" fired several shots in a row, Ivan Vanke proved that he is a person who can shoot, but the bullet seemed to fall into the empty space, there was no sound of entering the flesh at all, but it seemed to hit the wall There was a sound of metal clashing.

The figure stepped out of the darkness and stood under the light from the manhole cover.On the pale armor, ferocious icicles protruded, and the metal helmet was decorated with transparent dragon head ice crystals.

"Ivan Vanke, tell me about your crimes!"

 Recently, these two chapters are foreshadowing, advancing time a little bit, intending to collect the previous pitfalls before the Iron Man plot, accept this volume and open the next volume

(End of this chapter)

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