Chapter 410

In the not-too-small glass box, apart from the lizard itself, there were two or three shrunken lizard tails scattered around.

"This is?" Looking at the lizard in the glass box, Natasha looked at Dr. Connors with some doubts, "Synthetic organisms? Mechanical life? Brain control chips? Or can it absorb radiation?" She could only think So many fantastical technologies that might be associated with this lizard.

"Uh, not at all. In fact, it's just an ordinary lizard." Connors was a little embarrassed.It may be that the technologies visited before seemed too high-end and high-grade, so Natasha had high expectations for the last project introduced by Connors.

He took two steps forward, and operated a few times on a computer next to the glass box. A virtual projection device connected to the computer was activated by Connors, and the lizard locked in the glass box was displayed in real time. The 3D model is projected.

Walking back to Natasha's side, Connors manipulated the model of the little lizard sticking out his tongue with one hand. The thumb and index finger were separated by a long distance, and the model of the little lizard split into many pieces. avatar.

"Most animals in nature have a way of making a living. Powerful ones such as lions and tigers have their fangs and claws, while weak animals have various means of escape. Rabbits run fast, chameleons are good at camouflage, and tortoises have Thick carapace." After a pause, Connors pointed to one of the many 3D models.

"The lizard's means of escape is to break off its own tail."

The model selected by Connors was enlarged to twice the size of the lizard, allowing Natasha to clearly see the changes in every scale and muscle on it.As if stimulated by something, the model lizard swung its body and "broke free" its tail. It ran quickly and tried to escape, but finally it seemed to hit the glass box and stop.

"I don't think I need a tail to attract the attention of natural enemies, Professor Connors, and those politicians and businessmen don't want this either. They may think it's better to have a companion that is easy to sell and easy to sell .”

"A tricky sense of humor, Ms. Natalia." Connors smiled, "The survival needs of lizards are completely different from ours, and I also think it's too ugly to drag a lizard tail behind a human's ass Point. But what we need is not the lizard's tail, but the genes in its tail."

As he said, he operated on the projected 3D model of the lizard again, and the dynamic model switched to another one.This time the lizard model's tail is missing, and its actions have been magnified many times, and as time goes by, its tail is growing back little by little.

"The lizard's tail has a very strong regenerative ability, and it can regenerate the lost tail within a relatively short period of time after losing the tail. It is this regenerative ability that supports it to have the leeway to survive. If we can Extract the part responsible for regeneration from the lizard's gene..."

"Transplanted into the human body, the ability of human beings to survive will undergo earth-shaking changes from now on, and even the lifespan will be changed because of the success of this project." Natasha's face showed an unaffected exclamation, "At the same time, And people will no longer have to worry about losing limbs."

Her gaze moved to Connors' severed arm again.

"Yes, a world where everyone is healthy." Connors nodded approvingly, his eyes full of expectations for the future.

"How far has your project reached now, Professor Connors." Natasha suddenly asked Connors seriously. She remembered that Chris had mentioned a project within S.H.I.E.L.D. , which seems to be partially similar to what Connors introduced.

However, it seems that because the question raised by "Ms. Natalia" exceeds the authority of visitors, Connors is really embarrassed: "Well, well, I'm afraid I can't disclose too much to you, I once Has signed a confidentiality agreement with the Osborne Group."

"However, I can still answer you with one thing - if there is any substantial progress in this project, as the initiator and main person in charge of the project, I will not stay in such a place without an assistant, and I will also do animal experiments with mice or something."

Natasha thought about it, too. If this project had really made any substantial progress, wouldn't the Osborn Group, a company famous for medicine and biology, have caught Connors to death long ago?Not to mention showing it to your business "partner".

"However, I have calculated some results during this time. If this technology is completely completed, not only lizards, but also the advantageous characteristics of other animals can be transplanted into humans, such as rhino skin, The beetle's super strength also—"

"There are also spiders' super-sensing and even silk-spinning ability." After hearing what Connors said, Natasha showed a strange look on her face, "Doctor, I want to confirm, have you encountered it before?" A guy named Chris?"

"No, what's the matter?" Connors shook his head.

"Nothing, it's just that he mentioned what you said before. I think you two will meet each other if you meet each other." Natasha said with a smile, but she didn't lie, because Chris had actually talked to her about it before.

It's just that I vaguely remember that it seems to be something that happened in the millennium, and I was not yet an adult at that time.At that time, Chris seemed to be invited to a New Year's Eve party hosted by Tony Stark before bringing himself.At that party, Chris also brought back a cripple named Killian to join the research team of S.H.I.E.L.D.

and many more.

Natasha suddenly realized one thing - the initiator of the research that S.H.I.E.L.D. .The aim of the research also seems to be the eradication of disability.

It is precisely because the goals of the two are surprisingly consistent that Natasha feels that Connors may also be a buried talent.The method of transplanting animal genes he proposed is different from the "viral therapy" that Killian intends to use. Although the feasibility is unknown, it at least expands a possibility.

So according to Natasha's current deduction, is Chris, who thought of this knowledge so many years before Connors, qualified to be called a genius?
As soon as such an idea popped up in her mind, Natasha immediately saw Chris' face with a bit of a cheap smile, and immediately shook her head to get rid of the thought in her heart.That guy is a genius or something, stop kidding. It's normal for a guy in his 90s to know a little bit more, eh.

Without Natasha's knowledge, Arnim Zola, who also lived to be over 90 years old in the form of a "ghost in the network" --- a digital life, swims freely in the internal network of the Osborne Group.

On the basement of the Osborn Building, in the underground warehouse that was invaded and stolen by the "Sandman" Flint Marko, several men with the same appearance wore many pieces of clothing displayed here with no expression on their faces. Defective products.

Judging from their expressionless faces and the appearance that is exactly the same as that of the dead Zemo, it goes without saying that they are the clones snatched from Zemo after he was killed by Zola.

Although these various wearable devices under the Osborne Group look very high-end-huge metal bird wings, thick rhinoceros-shaped variable chariots, dexterous scorpion-shaped chariots, etc. Clothes, mechanical arms inserted on the back like octopus arms, etc.

However, these things, without exception, are all defective products left over by Norman Osborn when he was the president of the Osborne Group, and each of them has more or less problems of one kind or another.

Maybe it’s because you can’t take it off unless you’re dead, maybe it’s a flying prop but you haven’t taken any lightning protection measures, maybe it’s going to make the wearer insane after using it, and the mind reverse is affected by the artificial intelligence built into the device, etc. .

It is precisely because of these defects that these defective products are both powerful and practical, but they failed to satisfy the military, the largest partner of the Osborne Group at the time, and could only be "buried" in this The "cemetery", which is called the finished product storage area but is actually a waste storage area, is idle and has not been put into mass production.

However, Anim Zola would not care about the human rights of the cloned people. These defective products were taken out of the isolation gate by using the authority of the president without any psychological burden, and ordered Zemo's cloned people to wear them.

Sure enough, after several clones put the equipment on, just as soon as the power supply of the equipment was connected, two of the nine equipment in total broke down immediately.

Fortunately, black smoke came out of one of them. Obviously, a certain part was overloaded and could not be started, and the other had an electric leakage directly. Falling out of the opened device, he was already a charred corpse, exuding bursts of meaty smell.

"It's a pity, I'm not a living person who can't smell the aroma, and can't eat food. But even if I'm alive, I just don't eat meat." Zola's face appeared on a monitor in the underground warehouse, looking at the Gu Zemo's corpse smiled evilly.

The smile on his face gradually faded, and Zola looked at the remaining seven fully armed clone Zemo, and said in a cold tone: "Zemo is my work, and the equipment on your body can be regarded as that guy Norman's. Strictly speaking, you are now a joint work between me and Norman."

Speaking of this, Zola paused for a moment, and looked at the seven people again: "Tsk, wearing Norman's things, I feel like you have become idiots like that lunatic."

"Forget it, Zemos, start the machines on your bodies and set out to destroy." As Zola spoke, multiple passages opened up around the underground warehouse, and the fully armed Zemos controlled the equipment on their bodies one after another. Either flying with flapping wings or running wildly on all fours, or climbing along the wall, they entered their respective passages.

They will appear around the Osborne Group along this passage, creating commotions one after another under Zola's plan. Presumably the "little mouse" who sneaked into the Osborne Group by then will definitely If you can't hold back your righteous heart, subdue the cause of chaos.

Then the targeted Zemo will fight against him for a period of time and then run away, leading him to the next area, and then one ring after another, the "little mouse" will also be introduced little by little under Zola's plan into the trap he had prepared.

There, all Zemo will attack the "little mouse" together and subdue it.The captured "little mouse" is very valuable. For example, Zola has just learned a trick of brain control technology recently, which can control the body without conscious control, such as Zemo's clone, such as Nata whose consciousness is uploaded Sarah.

Zola intends to upload the consciousness of the captured "little mouse" to the Internet, and he controls her body to lurk back to Chris's side and wait for an opportunity to betray him. Backstabbing Zola is very good at sneak attacking.

Even if Chris finds out that it is not Natasha but Zora who is controlling his body, he still has a backup plan, which is to threaten Chris with the uploaded consciousness of Natasha.He has thought about it carefully, and Natasha's importance to him by Chris' side can be said to be one of the best.

Whispering to himself about his own evil plan, Zora, who was alone in the underground warehouse, reveled in the infallibility and flawlessness of her plan.There is no problem in the plan from beginning to end, and my mind is indeed the mind of a genius.

Narcissistically watching Zemo disappear, Zola's figure also disappeared from the screen in the underground warehouse amidst his loud laughter.

After a while, a black electrician walked out of the maintenance department from the maintenance passage next to the elevator at the entrance of the underground warehouse, his feet trembling, and he wiped his cold sweat with a towel: "Did I hear something wrong?" something to listen to."

His face was pale. Just after Arnim Zola confirmed that the elevator was cut off by himself and no one could reach here, he no longer paid attention to the elevator, but only concentrated on dealing with a few Zemo.

"Calm down, Max, calm down, calm down!" The black electrician Max took a deep breath as if trying to relieve the fear and tension in his heart at this moment, but at this moment, there was a burst of coldness from his chest.

His mood relaxed in an instant, but he kept chanting: "The White Knight needs you, you can help the White Knight. Yes Max, come on, you must be able to help the White Knight .”

He fully heard Zola's plan, and because he met Chris, he knew that the "Chris" in Zola's mouth was his idol "White Knight".It's just that he doesn't have Chris' phone number, and he doesn't have the ability to help Chris.

Anxiously, he was thinking like this, when his eyes wandered, he caught a glimpse of a pattern on an isolation door.There is a pair of armor on it, and the description is that it can absorb and release electricity, and can manipulate electricity freely.The shape of the armor seems to be exactly the same as a piece of armor randomly placed on the ground.

"I'm sorry brother, I didn't mean to steal your armor." Max muttered to the black body on the ground, and leaned his body into the armor.He mainly saw the description of "the armor has built-in ultra-distance electrocardiographic communication capability, but it has not been completed", so he wondered whether he should try wearing this armor.

 Thank you Yin sjsj for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

  Thank you (ε) for the 6 recommendations, thank you very much
  Thanks to Shang Guqucan for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

  Thank you for the 4 recommended votes cast by Chi and Lantern, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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