Chapter 409 Biological Laboratory

"Ding ~"

Natasha's figure stepped out of the elevator, and asked a large screen visible from the elevator: "Is this the biology laboratory?"

"The biological laboratory is a collection of the most advanced technologies of the Osborne Group, and it is also the largest laboratory. Countless cutting-edge technologies have been born here." A female face appeared on the big screen, and Nata automatically responded Sha's question, "You can visit the 'regeneration of severed limbs', 'repair of genetic defects', 'cultivation of human tissue without rejection' and so on."

"Sounds very powerful." Natasha showed an incomprehensible expression on her face, and she showed a charming smile to a researcher in a white coat passing by the elevator.

Of course, Natasha's current appearance is not her own face, it has undergone some makeup and disguise, and she is not as beautiful as she was originally.But even so, because her own foundation is there, even if she is ugly, she is still enough to be called a "goddess".

Seeing Natasha smiling at him, the young-looking young man blushed rather shyly, shyly pushed the glasses that slipped from the bridge of his nose, lowered his head slightly and quickened his pace.

"This is the expression of a normal person when he sees a beautiful woman." Natasha watched the young man in his early 20s walk away quickly, and sighed, "Who would see a beautiful woman in front of him, but take it seriously?" Something to tell the other party not to shit?"

The person she was talking about didn't have to think about it at all, who else could it be except Chris, that old crook?The old straight man, even once Natasha wore a backless dress, he strongly recommended Natasha to cupping after seeing it, and said it was a pity not to do it.

"What's your name?" Natasha looked at the artificial intelligence on the big screen again.Although the external appearance is female and the voice is also female, the artificial intelligence used in the Osborne Group does not show obvious gender characteristics like Jarvis.

"My name is Granny. This name comes from the previous president of the group---, the data is wrong. My name is Granny, Ms. Natalia." The electronically synthesized female named Granny said There was a brief moment of confusion in the middle, but it was quickly restarted.

It appears to be a success.

Natasha chuckled in her heart, but she remained calm on the surface: "Okay Granny, I want to visit the biology laboratory."

"We are making an appointment for you to visit. There is no visit appointment today. The registration is successful. Please place your ID card in the scanning area at the bottom of the screen."

The woman on the screen disappeared and turned into a loading circular progress bar.Natasha followed the voice prompts. It didn't take long before the ring progress bar was loaded, and Granny's image appeared on the screen again.

"I have made an appointment for you to visit the biological laboratory of the Osborne Group. The route navigation is complete. Please follow the guidance of the arrow on the ground to the biological laboratory." Granny said sternly, with a slightly blunt tone.

And just as Natasha was going to the biological laboratory in the direction guided by the lighted arrow on the ground, a camera hidden in an imperceptible shadow rotated with her movement.The image of her area is also being transmitted to the top office of the Osborne Group through the internal network to which the camera belongs.

"Heh, I don't know the so-called little mouse, who thinks he's cheating, but doesn't know that he has already been targeted by a deadly natural enemy."

With the change of the current president, the decoration style of the president's office on the top floor of the Osborne Group has also been changed repeatedly.During the Norman Osborn period that Chris once visited, the president's office revealed a little gloomy, but also aristocratic elegance.

When Harry Osborn was the president, he didn't make much changes to the office that his father had devoted half his life to. He just repaired the office that was blown up by Norman himself to its original appearance, and purchased some of his personal preferences. Novelty ornaments.The decoration style not only maintains the aristocratic temperament of Norman's office, but also adds a bit of youthful vigor and vitality.

But now the president of the Osborne Group has been replaced by Arnim Zola, and another style has been changed.

All the original oil painting decorations with artistic value were removed, and one after another display screens neatly crowded the surrounding walls.The expensive carpet on the floor is cluttered with cables, and people who step into this room for the first time may think that they have stumbled into a snake's nest by mistake.

All the computer screens in the whole room were turned on, and black and white colors were projected on each of them.But once the angle of view is zoomed out, the originally unclear color blocks are combined to piece together the face of Arnim Zola.

"Yes, yes, cruel and cold-blooded ruthless hunter, what you said is absolutely correct." Norman, who escaped from the "Island" prison, sat arrogantly on the boss chair in the middle of the room, with his legs crossed and placed on the table Looking at Natasha on the screen, the back of the chair was released by him at an exaggerated angle close to lying flat.

"You didn't talk, I thought you learned to keep a low profile and shut up during the days on the 'Island', Norman." Zola's tone revealed dissatisfaction, "Do you remember that you were a criminal who escaped? In the Osborne Group, what exactly do you want to do!"

"Relax, relax, you're really like a pussycat now, Zora." Norman had a relaxed smile on his face, and he really looked like a cat, holding an office The pen on the table, which was completely furnished, teased Zola on the screen.

But as soon as Norman said the previous sentence, his face changed suddenly and became horrifying: "This is what I want to ask you, Arnim Zola! How dare you take over my company? I'm coming back!"

"Oh, your company? What do you think?" Zola sneered, "As early as the moment you attacked other shareholders with the intention of fully holding the Osborne Group in your own hands, the Osborne Group has already left You go away, and the shares you hold also fall into the hands of your son—that Harry Osborn."

Speaking of Harry, Zola paused: "Speaking of which, your son has also been injected with enhanced serum like you, wearing an ugly green uniform and a funny skateboard, what kind of 'Green Goblin II' or Here comes the 'Green Demon'? As expected, they are father and son, they are exactly alike."

"The Osborne Group is mine, and no one can take it away!" Norman heard Zola's words, his eyes were bloodshot with anger, "Whether it's Harry, or you, Anim Zora, La, no one can!"

In the president's office, the quarrel between the schizophrenic patient Norman Osborn and the electronic life Anim Zola continued, and "Natalia" came to the biological laboratory under the guidance of Granny.

The electric door opened by itself, and there was already someone waiting in the biology laboratory. It was a middle-aged man with a friendly face. Natasha glanced at the nameplate on his chest, "Dr. Curtis Connors?"

"It's my lord. First time meeting, Ms. Natalia, I will be in charge of your visit this time."

After Natasha proposed to Granny her intention to visit, Dr. Connors was notified and asked him to receive the representatives sent by Stark Industries.As Granny introduced to Natasha, the biological laboratory is a master of cutting-edge technology in the Osborn Group, and it is also the most famous.

As one of the most famous departments of the Osborne Group, the biological laboratory has many visitors with different identities, such as students, investors, business partners and so on.For this reason, the biology laboratory has prepared different visit plans for visitors of different identities, and Dr. Conners does not need to bother to think about it.

Students try their best to show some high-end scientific and technological achievements and some superficial principles, while investors show promising projects and actual completed works.As for business partners, there are some projects that have the potential to be realized but the progress is very low.Not to mislead, but to make people confused about strategic intentions.

Out of her professional habits, the first time she saw Connors, Natasha began to observe any places on his body that might carry weapons: waist, armpits, knees, wrists...wrists?
Natasha's observation is not hidden. Although Connors is not an experienced agent, he seems to be used to others paying attention to his right arm. He shook his right hand nonchalantly, half of his arm With an empty arm flicked.

"Sorry, I may not be able to shake your hand, Ms. Natalia." Connors had an apologetic smile on his face, "As you can see, I forgot my arm on the battlefield. Now I just a cripple."

"No, Dr. Connors, a physical disability does not affect the mind. You can't belittle yourself and call yourself disabled." With a bright smile on her face, Natasha stretched out her left hand and took the initiative to hold Connors palm.

"Thank you, Ms. Natalia." Connors' eyes were full of emotion.

At that time, he was a military doctor and was ordered to go to the Vietnam battlefield to treat wounded soldiers.A military doctor who did his duty could not decide the justice of the war he participated in, and Connors rescued the wounded and rescued the wounded in the rear until an enemy attack.Connors was lucky that he didn't die in the attack like the rest of his colleagues, but his hand was left there forever.

As a doctor, especially Conners specializes in surgery, and often needs to operate on patients.Needless to say, the importance of a pair of skillful hands to a doctor can be imagined by referring to a man with curly hair and cloak who could no longer keep his hands stable because of a car accident.Connors, who lost his arm, has since been forced to give up his status as a doctor.

During the days when he lost his right arm, he also met various people back and forth.Some undisguisedly cast strange glances at his right arm, while others showed false sympathy.There are really not many people like Natasha.

"Oh, I seem to have wasted your precious time on unimportant topics, sorry." Connors let go of his hand, pulled the hem of his white coat to tidy up his image as neatly as possible, "It's an honor As your guide, I hope you will be satisfied with this visit."

Seeing Connors and Natasha get along so well on the screen, Norman stood up from his chair in a grumpy manner, and walked towards the elevator aggressively.

"What's the matter, have you finally realized that you have no chance to get back the Osborne Group, and are you going to leave in despair?" Zola showed a smug smile on the display wall.

"Don't even think about it, the Osborne Group is mine!" Norman glared at Zora viciously, "What's the matter with that woman! Didn't you just say that you would deal with her well?" , This is how you deal with it? Put her in Osborne's most important biological laboratory?"

"Oh, it's none of your business, Norman. As I said, I am the president of the Osborne Group. No matter how you mess around or threaten me, I am also the president of the Osborne Group. And the president has the right to decide How to deal with this woman."

"If you really have the qualifications to be transformed into a digital life and retain the wisdom of your brain, then you should know that when dealing with this kind of femme fatale, you should choose to kill her directly, and you can't leave her any retaliation You have a chance." Norman's gaze was extremely cold, and for a moment it was hard to tell who was the digital life without emotion, he or Zola.

"You are really a cold-blooded guy, Norman." After Zola finished speaking, her attention was away from Norman, and the surveillance video that never moved away from Natasha was enlarged and projected directly opposite him. On the wall, "This woman is a rare talent, it would be a pity to kill her like this."

"Are you still thinking about how to use her?"

"Just watch."

Norman's face returned to the insidious smile at the beginning: "Then I'll just wait and see, cute kitty Zola~"

Under the leadership of Connors, Natasha browsed around the projects in the laboratory.Because I have a good impression of "Natalia" who has a very pleasing personality, Connors puts his best effort into explaining the items used in the exhibition. Although he knows that "Natalia" is a business person, it is difficult to understand the principle, But he also used his own understanding to summarize and describe to Natasha.

Of course, favors belong to favors, and Connors is also a person who knows the importance and distinguishes between public and private.He has mentioned everything that should not be said and should not be introduced.

"The pleasant visit time is so short, and what you see next is the last project of this visit." Connors took Natasha to an area that was much smaller and simpler than other areas, "but This is the project I am most looking forward to showing you, Ms. Natalia."

Under the gaze of Connors looking proud and expecting Natasha's reaction, Natasha saw a fully transparent glass box, in which was shutting up a spirited little lizard.

 Thanks to Shang Guqucan for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

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  Thank you Yin sjsj for the 11 recommended votes and monthly tickets, thank you very much
  Thank you for the 4 recommended votes cast by Chi and Lantern, thank you

  Thanks to Xiao Chengcheng for the 6 recommendation votes, thank you very much

  Thank you Shanhai for the 7 recommended votes, thank you very much

  and again for the new book drainage

(End of this chapter)

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