It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 404 Interval: The Actions of All Parties

Chapter 404 Interval: The Actions of All Parties

"That Ruffin Mord man? Your plan is really good. Let me kill my former companion with my own hands, if she is my companion." Loki sneered, skipped the basic information, and flipped to the next page. Page.

"I thought that guy was a Cree. Both sides have that kind of unrecognizable blue skin, and there are no obvious differences for others to distinguish, such as the red eyes of the frost giant."

Rocky seemed to be much calmer than last time, Chris's words didn't irritate him, he just looked at Chris: "I don't remember that guy is connected with an organization of your Midgards, to attack Are you going to kill you? Why, you let her go?"

"Strictly speaking, I planned to keep her, but she was indeed fatal, and she took another life."

The day the aerospace carrier was attacked, Chris used Zemo to complete the Dangerous Zombies cassette.While solving Zemo, Chris did not hold back the superstar who was on the edge of OB, and the attack he released included him.

But the life of the superstar guy is really too hard.Just like the battle when Loki brought her to the earth through the portal, she desperately survived the big explosion of the redundant energy of the Rubik's Cube in the universe at the cost of injuries. Cost escaped from Chris' attack and fell into the sea.

Although no signs of life have been confirmed for the reappearance of the superstar, in the post-war salvage work, the underwater submarine also did not find the body of the superstar, and she is probably still alive.

Seriously injured and fell into the sea, fast forward to the penance to inherit the skills of the predecessors and return to take revenge.Chris also has some subtle feelings about the superstar's strange life-saving ability.

Loki looked at the abilities of superstars listed on the information, and smiled slightly: "Mind power control, mind interference, and a body strengthened by your Midgard medicine. That guy is nothing more than this level. "

Chris glanced at Loki: "You seem to look down on her ability?"

"No matter what type of superpower it is, the principle of her ability is nothing more than using her own spiritual power to interfere with reality, and I am the strongest mage in the Nine Realms. The essence of magic is to deceive reality. No one knows magic better than me. .”

"Without the accordion, I can only score nine points." Chris looked at the proud Loki: "The strongest mage in the Nine Realms? God queen Frigga aside, Odin never told you It also has its own guardian—the strongest mage on earth named Supreme Mage?"

"Although I haven't had any contests with the so-called 'Supreme Mage', I don't think that the mere Midgard people can achieve anything in the wonderful field of magic. Your life span is only a short hundred years, yes For us in Asgard it's been like a year."

Loki paused, and pointed at himself with his thumb: "So I can tell you with certainty that the so-called Earth's strongest mage is just a little bug that I can play with in front of me."

"Puff." Chris couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. I just suddenly remembered one thing——I seem to be the little bug you mentioned, the Supreme Mage .”

"What kind of mage are you guys? Wearing a suit of armor and stabbing people with a few ice spears, what kind of mage are you?"

"Isn't that what mages are like? Stack yourself with the thickest armor and a magic shield, and after buffing various strengthening spells, charge into the enemy army with a giant sword and use whirlwind." Chris said, still in vain He glanced at Loki, "What qualifications do you have to question me, the strongest mage in the Nine Realms who stabbed someone with a dagger?"

"Hmph, sharp teeth." Loki couldn't say anything to Chris, gritted his teeth fiercely, and said, "I've accepted your mission, tell me other information, especially the reward."

"On the day the superstar guy united with Hydera's people to attack the SHIELD's aerospace carrier, she was hit by the attack and fell into the sea in the battle against the SHIELD's special adviser, which is myself." Chris didn't care, and began to share information about the mission.

"Although no trace of her was found afterwards, there were traces of my killing on her body. Although she suspected that she used superpowers such as telekinesis to cover up that breath, but at exactly nine o'clock this morning, we found A trace of her breath leaked out, and the specific location is here."

Chris snapped his fingers, the lights in the room dimmed, the world map hanging behind Chris lit up, and a red dot flashed somewhere in Europe.

"That place called Germany? Oh, I really have a relationship with it." Loki sneered.

"70 years ago, it was the largest gathering place of Hydera. If she was rescued by Hydera's people, it would be quite reasonable to be brought there." Chris snapped his fingers again, and the lights turned on again, "You As for the remuneration that I am most concerned about, the guarantee this time is [-] US dollars, and we will use your 'collar'..."

"The pay is fair, but I don't like that word." Rocky interrupted Chris.

"...According to the images captured by your 'camera', the level of the task will be adjusted, and the reward will also be increased to a certain extent. We provide transportation for your travel, and reasonable expenses during the period can be reimbursed." Ke Rees put down the pen spinning in his hand, "How are you doing, are you satisfied?"

"Hmph, that's it, then I'm leaving." Loki said, and was about to stand up, but Chris stopped him again: "Wait a little longer."

"What's the matter, wizard?" Loki looked back at Chris impatiently.

"You should remember your current identity, Mr. Rocky? So in order to escape by yourself, we have to arrange for you a senior agent to be your senior and the leader of your duo." Chris said calmly Said.

"Oh, whatever you want." Loki was not afraid of Chris sending someone to monitor him.He is the god of tricks, if he only needs to use one or two illusions at that time, wouldn't he be able to confuse mortals?Not everyone is the same as Chris and the one with the ice sword.

"Here, I am very honored to be able to introduce his partner for the new agent who just joined our MIB, Rocky Odinson or Mr. Laufeson. For quite a while, he will be Mr. Rocky's most Loyal partner and mentor."

Loki showed a disdainful expression on his face, but Thor became excited as if he was about to introduce his teammates: "Wow, who is it, I'm really looking forward to it."

Chris stood up like a TV presenter, holding a pen as a microphone and began to introduce: "He is a brave man with a strong sense of honor, but he is also willing to be a coward who loses his honor for his partners. .”

"He is a man who can be described by the word 'brave'. Facing his companions, he will nourish others like a drizzle, and facing his enemies, he will destroy everything like a storm."

"Well, that's right." Thor nodded repeatedly.

"Mr. Rocky's partner is——!"

Loki on the side felt a little uncomfortable: "Wait for me! Don't tell me..."

"—his dearest brother, Thor Odinson!"


Two completely different voices came from the mouths of Thor and Loki. Thor's expression at this moment was as proud as if he had won a championship medal, while Loki's expression was worse than that after eating a bowl of Indian curry that looked like papa and then realized that it was true. What's more, Papa is even more disgusting.

"Why is this guy my partner!" He couldn't hold back the arrogance and indifference on his face anymore, took off his sunglasses, and glared at Chris fiercely, "Why is Thor this guy my partner?" !"

"Maybe it's because you two are talented and smart, one stupid and the other stupid, a natural match?" Chris didn't care about Loki's expression at all. He took down a document from the top of the pile and flipped through it.

"Just kidding, you two have been together for more than 1000 years, and you know each other well, there is no more suitable partner than you."

"I've put up with this golden retriever for more than 1000 years, and I've had enough of fighting with him. I've betrayed Asgard now, and you still let me team up with him? I don't agree to death! "

Loki protested, but couldn't go on anymore, because the excited Thor had already put his arms around Loki's shoulders, and buried most of his face in himself. Without careful pruning, the result was as lush as a primeval forest. in the beard.Although Loki still has the ability to speak, he can't speak now, if he doesn't want to eat a mouthful of hair.

"Don't be so tsundere, Loki, we are good brothers and comrades-in-arms. By the way, tsundere is a word I learned from the earth." Thor said with a smile, "I will never forget the 'Help' we all like 'Game, try it all. My favorite teammate is actually you, Loki."

Loki struggled while holding his breath while Thor kept talking, looking unwilling to even take a breath of the air Thor had touched.After a while, he broke free from Thor's embrace, panting with a flushed face, "You idiot, no one likes to play that game with you, and you tell everyone that you like him the most."

"No, I'm very specific." Thor smiled and tried to put his hand on Loki's shoulder, but he immediately slapped it away.

"It seems that Loki is quite resistant to teaming up with you, Thor." Chris finished processing another document, looked up at the innocent face, and the face of the large golden retriever who wanted to go for a walk but was rejected by the owner The look was exactly the same as Thor's.

Thor sighed: "Oh, we used to be so close, I thought we would always be inseparable brothers, I really don't know why Loki became like this."

"Yes, of course you don't know why I am like this, just like you will never know what it feels like to charge forward with you but be shaken by the thunder and lightning that you can't control."

Looking at the two brothers in front of him, Chris smiled slightly.The two who used to cooperate with each other now resist each other to such an extent, it seems that there is still a long way to go before the two of them restore the tacit understanding they once had.But that's what makes it interesting.

On the desk, the document he was flipping through was impressively written: "Terrorist attack on the "Island" prison under Lake Island, a large number of prisoners escaped"


"The 'Island' prison under Lake Island suffered a terrorist attack, and a large number of prisoners fled." In a dark room, a mechanically synthesized voice read this sentence, "Heh, there is still a little bit of good news at last."

Circuit-like patterns flickered on the walls of the room. Judging from the super-large computer placed in the center of the room, it can be barely inferred that this is probably a computer room, and the decoration is full of futuristic.

"This is bullshit good news!" From another part of the room, there was a "dong" sound, and another person refuted the words of the mechanically synthesized voice in front, but the voice of the latter was obviously closer The sound line that a normal person should have.

"Of course it's good news. After all, all the plans that were implemented before were just feints. The purpose was to distract the attention of those superheroes. From the very beginning, our purpose was to find some qualified people from the prison to join the organization. Members only." The mechanical synthesizer paused, and then said, "Hello, Zemo, you finally woke up."

"What's so good! Why has no one ever told me the whole plan!" From the shadows, Zemo stood up "intact" and stared angrily at the computer in the center of the room.Just now he smashed the table and made a "boom".

"Do you know what I lost? That clone is the most precious of all 'I', and the system on it is unique. I bet everything on this attack on S.H.I.E.L.D. , but you tell me all this is just a feint?” Zemo glared fiercely at Zora’s figure that appeared on a nearby monitor, “You better give me an explanation, Anim Zola! "

"Of course I'll give you an explanation, Zemo." Zola's voice was emotionless, and the moment his voice fell, Zemo suddenly found out in horror that he had lost control of his body!
"What happened!? My body!"

"This is my explanation to you, Zemo, you have lost the value of use." In the display, Zora made a humane evil smile on his face, "From the very beginning, you were just someone I used Don’t forget, I helped you complete the transformation of your digital life. Chris was vigilant against me, but you generously gave me all of yourself, this is the evil result of your own choice.”

Zemo hadn't had time to react, his life had been activated with the underlying code left in his body by Zola, and his consciousness quickly melted into nothingness, leaving only a cloned body, or many bodies.

"Because I successfully transferred my consciousness, I mistakenly think that I still have a chance? Ridiculous delusion. The loser can still live purely because his value has not been squeezed out." Zola's voice came from Zemo's mouth, and he controlled After destroying Zemo's body, all Zemo's remaining data was also transferred to Zola's system for screening and analysis.

After a while, after recording and encrypting a special piece of data obtained from Zemo, Zola's voice came again: "Faulty drive..."

 Thanks to Shang Guqucan for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

  Thank you for the 7 recommended votes cast by the dark pattern flower, thank you very much

  Thanks to the looming Shuaibi for the monthly ticket, thank you

  Thank you for the 14 recommended votes and two monthly tickets cast by the girl of the wind, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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