It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 403 Don't Team Up With Thor

Chapter 403 Don't Team Up With Thor

In the MIB chief's office, Chris sat on a boss chair with his feet up on the desk, holding a cup of coffee in one hand, blowing off the milk froth and taking a sip.And in his other hand, he was holding the magic book that was brought over from Xindu.

Beside him, Natasha placed a large stack of documents heavily on the table and made a "boom", attracting his attention.

"What is this? Did you ask for an autograph for a friend?"

"Even if someone wants it, there won't be so many." Natasha shook her hand, even if she was physically stronger than ordinary people, it would be a bit difficult to carry such a large stack of documents.She pressed one hand on the document, "These are the documents left over from MIB's mission during this period that you need to review, as well as various reports and approvals."

"Would this be a bit too exaggerated? I haven't been here for only half a month. How can there be so many documents for me to deal with?" Chris flipped through a few times, and the tall stack of documents in front of him was no less than one hundred If he wants to do it, it will take a long time to waste it.

"Satisfy you, I helped you deal with this one round, I helped you solve the not too important things, but you can do the rest honestly by yourself. Really, MIB is You wanted to form it, but in the end you actually wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper."

Natasha scolded Chris, and seeing his apologetic smile, she rolled her eyes, unceremoniously picked up a cup of coffee on the table, blew away the milk froth that stuck out the ears of wheat, and sipped I took a sip to soothe my throat.

As she put down the glass, she noticed the book in Chris' hands.During this period of time, Chris often reads this book: "What is this? I have been reading this book recently."

"According to the above records, the king of time in King's Landing is the devil... I'm sorry to play tricks." Christ paused, and closed the book, revealing the "V" embossed on the book cover that occupied the entire page.

Rubbing the cowhide cover with his fingers, Chris pointed at the book and said: "Remember the black hole that pulled Thor and other alien friends here? I took it from its maker, There are all kinds of magical magic recorded in it."

Natasha raised her eyebrows: "For example?"

"Although it does not include the most advanced fields such as resurrection of the dead, time travel, and spells, the magic recorded on it includes but is not limited to summoning energy swords, summoning energy shields, summoning one's own clone, summoning ropes, etc."

Listening to Chris translating a lot of powerful spells into unremarkable little spells, Natasha, who didn't know the truth, curled her lips: "Then is there any magic on it to help you review documents quickly?"

"Uh, well, as far as I know, there shouldn't be any." Chris scratched his scalp and handed the book to Natasha, "Are you interested in learning, if you don't learn it, you won't learn it."

"Forget it, I have something to do. Instead of reading that kind of idle book, you might as well think about how to deal with the pile of documents in front of you as soon as possible, respectful Mr. Director." As she spoke, she turned her head slightly and caught a glimpse of There were two black figures the size of human heads at the door, with a charming smile on their faces: "Your alien guest is here, so I will excuse you. See you later."

With that said, Natasha walked towards the door, nodded and smiled at Thor who was waiting outside, and left the office.

Thor walked into the office, followed by Loki who put on a decent suit.At the first glance after entering, Thor noticed Chris who was biting the pen holder and looking down at a copy of the application: "Hey Chris, I brought Loki."

"Okay, thank you too, Chris." Chris raised his head, talking about actors in the Marvel world that no one except Deadpool might understand.His eyes were mainly focused on Loki.Rocky wore a suit and sunglasses, looking like an elegant British gentleman.

If only he hadn't been clutching at the collar impatiently.

"I really can't compliment you Midgard people's taste in clothes. This clothes are so stretched to death, but you call it 'self-cultivation'? In Asgard, only court clowns would wear these clothes. A kind of tights." Loki picked out the faults in the clothes, with an arrogant expression on his face.

Chris ignored him, signed his name on a document report, lowered his head and said: "No matter how rotten it is, it is better than your original clothes. If you are dressed in green and others have not seen it clearly I thought it was almost unripe corn on the cob."

I don't know if I don't see it. After reading a few documents, Chris found that these things are really important.He needs to look over the handling of aliens who have never joined the MIB and the follow-up handling of MIB agents' missions.

Just signed and approved an application report for "Medical Equipment for the Kronan", and the next one is a report on the interstellar portal that has been in trial operation for a period of time.Although the Vatum staff provided by Chris and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube extract provided by S.H.I.E.L.D. supply the portal to operate, but because of the immature technology, the distance that can be teleported has just broken through the solar system.

Seeing Chris concentrating on his work, Thor, who has always been impatient, has not urged him, but Loki has already become impatient: "Wizard of Midgard, I have already put on this humiliating costume as you requested. What else do you want me to do to release me and give me freedom?"

"I will, Prince Rocky, or should I call you Mr. Rocky?" I was thinking in my mind whether I should go to Kama Taj to "requisition" a few saints who understand space magic The temple mage came to perfect and maintain the portal, and Chris, who was interrupted by Loki, was not annoyed, and just smiled.

"Of course I will release you and give you freedom, but I think since you are a mage, you should have a pretty good memory. You were also there when I told Thor about the release conditions." After a pause, Chris went to the office The two chairs in front of the table stretched out their hands, motioning for the two to sit down, "We can wipe off the excess for you, 100 billion US dollars, when will you pay it off, and when will you regain your freedom."

"But I have to explain to you that we only charge you legally earned money, that is to say, if you rob a bank of 50 billion, your debt will not be reduced at all, but the 50 billion will be added .whether you’re working outside the home, or as a hired agent for the MIB, or even if you’re willing to sell other things you own.”

Chris said, and winked playfully at Loki, which made him tremble for a while: "Shielding words! You Midgard people are simply delusional! Even if I am locked up by this inexplicable collar, I will never betray me for the rest of my life." Carnal!"

Loki's voice was loud, and in an instant, the noisy ambient sound from outside the office disappeared.Thor and Loki turned their heads stiffly, and found that because the last Loki who entered the office did not close the door because of his neck pain, other people walking around outside the door heard Loki's loud speech just now very clearly.

At this moment, people passing by the door all had subtle expressions on their faces, looking at Thor and Loki.

"No, no, Loki doesn't like women!" Thor stood up from his seat, and explained in a panic for the sake of his brother's reputation.

"What are you ignorant mortals looking at!" Loki had a gloomy face, trying to threaten the onlookers with his eyes, but forgot that he was wearing sunglasses now.The deterrent power of his sight has more than doubled. Compared with the murderer, it is more like a presbyopia who can't see clearly.

"Click" Chris snapped his fingers unhurriedly, and the people watching outside the door were cut off from their sight by the closed door with a "click".

"That's Agent T's younger brother, he looks so handsome, but it's a pity he likes the guy."

"Huh? Like men? I love him even more."

"Tch, I thought I could hear some explosive news." Some people complained, "The director is too unreasonable. We closed the door after hearing half a sentence."

"The current news is not very exciting," his companion gestured vaguely to Barton who was gathering information among the gossiping crowd, "Sir Clint is there, and you will hear it in half an hour." Brilliant new version."

He closed the door with a snap of his fingers, and blocked the noise outside like a vegetable market. When the door closed, Chris did not forget to make an OK gesture with Barton outside the door, with a self-studied expression on his face. Ersen smiled and looked at Loki: "Let's go back to the topic just now, Mr. Loki."

"You bastard, you obviously have the ability but you don't do it, you just want to make me look bad!" Loki also wanted to get up to protest, but was suppressed by Thor who returned to his seat, "Forget it brother, forget it."

Although Thor was the person Loki was most jealous of since he was a child, Loki's attitude towards Thor has always been so contradictory. He can only describe Loki's unilateral relationship with Thor as loving and killing each other.As for Thor?He's actually more interested in drinking and fighting.

Being appeased and sitting on the seat, Loki looked at Chris through the sunglasses: "You said I have to work hard for you Midgards in order to get back my freedom?"

"The word hard work is too ugly. I prefer to describe it as a part-time job. You are a part-time worker and I am a capitalist. Isn't it better for us to cooperate with each other and win-win?" Chris said with a smile, but he was thinking in his heart , 'You may gain something, but I definitely don't lose money.The so-called win-win, of course, means that I win twice'.

"I always feel like you are hiding something." Loki, the god of lies, questioned others about lying.But after watching for a long time, he couldn't see the feeling of lying on Chris's face, so he nodded helplessly, "Yes, I agree to your request, and I swear on my father's name."

Seeing the promise on Loki's face and Thor's approval, Chris almost laughed: "Wait a minute, Mr. Rocky, which father is yours? Is it the one who was stunned by you or the one who died on earth because of your filial piety?" The one above? If you want to swear, why not swear by your mother Frigg?"

Loki's face was slightly unsightly.Swearing on his father's honor is actually worse than farting for him. After the Rainbow Bridge incident, Loki didn't have a good impression of his two fathers, whether it was the frost giant Wang Laofei who abandoned him or the eccentric God King Odin. It's better to say that if there is something that will tarnish their reputation, he will take the initiative to do it.

But Frigga is different.The eccentric Odin broke his heart, and he didn't have much affection for the word "father", but Frigga, who has always treated himself and Thor equally and tenderly, has always been in Loki's heart white moonlight.

"Okay, I swear on the honor of my mother and God Queen Frigg, I promise you that I will not do anything to harm Midgard until I repay the debts I have incurred by the means you requested. Whether directly or indirectly."

"Is that all right, wizard?"

"Of course, I heard your sincerity, Mr. Rocky." Chris signed a document, put it on the low stack of documents at the side, and turned to open the document from the drawer. He took out a folder, "So now I think we can start talking about the first mission that needs you to perform, and the reward for your mission."

"I'm not interested in your entertainment in Midgard. It's vulgar and wastes your short time. Just tell me how much money I can get every time I do something, but I have a request." Said, Loki looked at Thor beside him, "My salary is higher than Thor's."

"Hey, that's not interesting brother. You see, I am the eldest prince of Asgard, and I am stronger than you in terms of force and intelligence."

"Where do you get the confidence to think that you are smarter than me?"

"I learned this from the earth. Jane found it from a place called 'Cool Brother' and told me. That 'Cool Brother' knows a lot." Thor said excitedly, as if he couldn't wait to show off. The new knowledge I learned, "You know what, the brain is a muscle, and I am all muscles, which means I am all brains."

Chris suppressed his smile, and didn't try to pierce Thor's magical substitution, but nodded to Loki and agreed: "Yes, each mission guarantees a minimum of 100 US dollars, and the higher the difficulty of the mission, the higher the reward." The higher it is, after tax, you can take the money and enjoy it to your heart’s content, and when you save enough [-] billion, you can pay it back, with zero interest.”

"It sounds like the treatment is good, which is in line with my status." Loki nodded in satisfaction.But he doesn't seem to have learned how to count. After all, the result of dividing 100 billion by 20 is more than 700 tasks. Even if one can be completed in a day, it will take more than [-] years.

However, it should, probably have nothing to do with the extremely long-lived Asgardians, right?

"Tell me about Lord Loki's first mission, wizard?" Loki helped the sunglasses that had slipped off his nose, folded his hands on his chest and looked at the document Chris pushed over.

"Don't worry, it's not too difficult. It's just a test for you and your partner. What you have to deal with is your old friend who knows everything." Chris opened the file folder, and the avatar column on the first page was posted Photos of superstars.

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  Thanks to Shang Guqucan for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

  Thank you Yin sjsj for the 11 recommended votes, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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