It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 40 The Monstrous False and the Monstrous Lie

Chapter 40 The Monstrous False and the Monstrous Lie
Button sat up from the ground, but Natasha was not by his side.He looked around vigilantly, not much changed from before he passed out.He stood up and pointed at Chris with a knife: "What happened just now? Where is Natasha?"

Chris was still wearing his armor and leaning against the cliff. Hearing Barton's voice, he turned his head and said, "Hey, you're awake. Congratulations, you're so lucky that you actually got the soul gem."

Hearing this, Barton subconsciously lowered his head and spread out his palms.The Soul Gem glows bright orange.There was a smile on his stiff face, although he suddenly became serious again, staring at Chris who stood up: "You haven't answered my question yet, where is Natasha?"

Chris walked to the edge of the cliff behind Barton on his own, and pointed his fishing rod down: "Here, your friend is there. She is not as lucky as you, which is a pity."

Barton lay down on the edge of the cliff in a panic and looked down.I saw Natasha lying on the bottom of the cliff with her face up, her limbs in an unnatural posture, and the blood that had solidified under her body.

"When!? How did Natasha die?" Barton was very emotional. He stood up and grabbed the collar of Chris's armor. "Did you kill her?"

"Hey, hey, don't wrong me, there is no Kamen Rider who is more caring than me." Chris broke Barton's hand, "Why do you think that there is no price for obtaining the soul gem?"

"What do you mean?" Barton was asked.

An emotionless voice came from under the mask, and Barton could hear a trace of ridicule in Chris's words: "One soul is exchanged for another. Only by losing the one you love can you get the soul gem."

Barton was stunned, and then recalled something: "By the way, I have already got the soul gems, six gems, and six gems can definitely bring Natasha back."

"Unfortunately, this is an eternal transaction." Barton looked at Chris's helmet, feeling that the face under the helmet was mocking the two of them crazily, "Her soul has been forever traded to the Soul Gem, even if you collect Even with all six cosmic stones, her soul cannot be recalled unless you return the soul stones."

"But if you return the soul gem, you won't be able to gather all six cosmic stones to call back her soul. It's so interesting hahahaha." Chris was wearing armor, and seemed unable to control his smile, holding his belly Muscles lay on the ground, beating the ground with one hand.

Barton looked at Chris who wantonly laughed at Natasha's irreversible death, and his heart was filled with the sadness of his best friend's eternal sacrifice and the anger towards Chris.He swung the knife and slashed at Chris's head.

Chris, who was lying on the ground, raised his hand slightly, and the gauntlet easily received Button's slash: "It's not like someone is so easily irritated after being said a few words, right? That's it. Level? You don’t think you can kill me, do you, I’m immortal.”

With that said, stand up.Barton pulled out an explosive arrow from the quiver on his back, stuck it at the corner of Chris's armor, kicked his foot on him, and made a backflip to open the distance.

The explosion happened close to Chris.But after landing, Barton did not sit still. Instead, he took out two more arrows with lightning flashing arrows from the quiver, took out the folded archer at his waist, and unfolded it with a shake. He put the arrows on them and shot them into the dust of the explosion. .

"As I said, I'm immortal." Chris's armor was flashing with blue electric current, but he didn't seem to be seriously injured. He walked out of the smoke unharmed, but found that there was no sign of Barton.

Barton appeared from the smoke behind Chris, grabbed Chris' neck and fell over his shoulder, throwing Chris towards the direction of the cliff.Just because Chris was overweight, he just fell over the edge of a cliff.

Chris moved his almost broken neck twice and stood up: "I said, I am immortal. And don't bother, one soul for another, even if you kill me, you can't save her, you must It is the sacrifice of a loved one that buys a soul."

Barton shot an explosive arrow at Chris' feet, and the explosion directly blew up the edge of the platform. Chris had no focus and struggled to fall off the cliff.

"Go to your immortal body."

Walking to the edge of the cliff and looking down, seeing the corpses of Chris and Natasha who had been submerged in the rubble and disappeared, Barton sat powerlessly on the ground, staring blankly at the soul gem in his hand.

"One soul, one soul, right?"

The rule of soul gems is one soul for one soul, and the soul of a loved one must be used for trading.

He stared at the Soul Stone.In the orange light are his wife and children who died because of Thanos.He seemed to be able to see them waving at the other end of the light.

This is the last hope.Not only myself, but people all over the world lost their relatives and friends because of the snapping of their fingers five years ago.

The soul gem must be brought back.But he was also unwilling to sacrifice Natasha.If he had to change one soul for another, he would rather sacrifice himself.

"Hey, Kamen Rider, you must be looking at me." Barton said with a cold face and his back to the cliff.

"After all, I've said it, I'm immortal." Chris, who had fallen off the cliff before, came out of the shadows again, unscathed.

Barton raised the soul gem: "Is it true that you said one soul for another..."

"Think about it carefully, son of Edith." Chris shrugged, "I haven't told a single lie since we met."

"Then let me ask you, can my soul save Natasha?" Barton turned around and looked at the cliff.

Chris folded his hands on his chest and nodded: "It is indeed possible. But, do you have the awareness to sacrifice yourself in exchange for your companion?"

"I was ready five years ago." Barton squeezed out a stiff smile on his face.

He jumped off the cliff.

Then, he opened his eyes.

He was still lying on the platform on the top of the mountain where the wind and snow were blowing.Barton sat up, and the first thing he saw was Chris who was still wearing his metal armor and leaning against the cliff, as if time had gone back.

Barton turned his head and looked to the side. Natasha also looked like she had just woken up, and her eyes were full of inexplicable meaning when she looked at Barton.

"Congratulations, you two, you have successfully passed the soul gem test." Chris clapped his hands and walked slowly.

Receiving the scepter from his armpit, Chris took the handle of the scepter and tapped it on the ground.I saw an orange soul gem flying out of Barton and Natasha each, turning into debris in the air.

"This is!?" Natasha and Barton looked at each other in amazement, vaguely understanding something.

"Everything just now was a dream? Are you lying to us?" Natasha stood up.

Chris spread his hands: "Thousands of needles are hidden in the words, monstrous falsehoods, monstrous lies, who made the bait on my hook so tempting."

"Tsk, clumsy lie." Barton recalled that there were obviously many incongruities in the dream just now, but he subconsciously ignored them.The training I had done before to no longer be controlled by the mind was in vain.

Of course it is.Combining the powers of the three gemstones at the same time, a dream space that is almost identical to reality is constructed, which cannot be resisted by a little hypnotic resistance training.

"Well, even the bait can be saved when dealing with panicked fish." Chris stretched out his hand towards the soul gem fragments that lifted off, and gently pinched it.One of the debris was removed and turned into a soul gem in his hand.

"Come and collect your rewards, two warriors."

"Before that, let me ask a question." Natasha pointed to the soul gem, "Does this thing need 'one soul for another'? Could it be that our souls were sucked away as soon as we picked it up?"

"Oh, what a careful girl." Chris threw the soul gem in the direction of the two of them, and the gem slowly flew towards Barton and Natasha, and was caught by Barton in the palm of his hand, "You can rest assured that someone has paid for it You paid the price of your soul, don't care who he is."

"I think you should have something urgent to do?"

Barton and Natasha looked at each other, nodded, and pressed the button on the wrist directly on the spot, opened the suit and prepared to return to 2023.

 The world in 2023 may be the only Thanos war that will be written according to the development of the Marvel movie plot, so you know, Tony snapped his fingers in the end.

  After all, after returning to your own world, even if you fight Thanos again, it will be decades later, and the people have changed, and the future will not be reversed like the original book

  Signed the contract, okay, and then follow the previous update rhythm, 6000 a day, probably?
(End of this chapter)

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