It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 39 It's just a passing Kamen Rider

Chapter 39 It's just a passing Kamen Rider
The six cosmic stones symbolize the strongest, highest, highest, and ultimate power, at least in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

This also led to their power being almost absolute.And the gem of the mind is naturally qualified to claim to be an expert in the field of mind.

Its power can even guide the power contained in the human body, such as the brothers and sisters of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, but let's not talk about this for now.

The condition for obtaining the soul gem is the loss of a loved one.Soul gems, as the name suggests, are experts in the field of souls.But here comes the contradiction, will the love for a person be engraved in the soul?In this way, doesn't it mean that everyone's love is destined?
Chris hypnotizes himself with the Mind Stone and sees Schmidt as his love.The Soul Gem is indeed much stronger than the Soul Gem, and passed the test with ease.

Although, the scene was a bit overgrown, and Chris recalled his love for Schmidt because of the mind gem modified mind, and he was a little nauseated.

Now that the soul gem has been obtained, Natasha has not been sacrificed, and no one has lost their life because of the interception of the soul gem.Except for poor toolman Schmidt.

But now there is still a problem, that is how to give the soul gem to Barton and Natasha.When these two were agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., one was known as Hawkeye and the other was nicknamed Black Widow, neither was easy to deal with.If you simply throw the soul gem to them, they probably won't believe it.

There must be a way to make things difficult for them.Chris sat on the edge of the cliff, thinking about how to test the two.By the way, two cards were printed with Soul Gem and Mind Gem.Two new Advent cards appeared on the Golden Summoner. On the "Descent of Soul" is a person whose soul has been drawn out, and on the card "Descent of Soul" is a person holding a heart, and the light is divided into light from the middle with dark sides.

At this time, Natasha and Barton had just passed the speed of light transition and were driving the spaceship to land on Vormir.

"Well, if the time is not tight, I really want to take a good look around here." Barton stepped off the spaceship, looked at the distant sky and praised.

Star Vormir used to be the center of the universe, and the scenery naturally cannot be poor mountains and bad waters. The clouds in the sky are extremely gorgeous, and the interlacing of mountains and deserts presents a different kind of magnificence.

However, the weather on the way to the altar mountain is not as good as that at the bottom of the mountain.There is snow in the wind, whining, and the cold wind blows on the face like a knife.Barton took out the dashboard.While there is a difference in atmospheric pressure from Earth's, it's not that far off, so the altimeter will work just fine.When I looked down, I had almost climbed to an altitude of 2000 meters.

"I bet that raccoon must have never climbed such a high mountain." Natasha gasped while holding the cliff.

Because the two have excellent physical fitness after countless trainings, climbing 2000 meters in one breath against the strong wind in the mountains can be regarded as a huge challenge.

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't seem to be a raccoon. But it doesn't matter." Barton confirmed the firmness of the rock under his feet, and sat down on the big stone like a millstone.

"It doesn't matter, they are all eating garbage anyway."

At this time, a voice came from behind the two of them: "Welcome to come from afar."

Barton got up instantly and pulled out the long knife on his back, and Natasha also pulled out the pistol in the holster on her leg to guard against the source of the sound.

A figure wrapped in armor stepped out of the shadow of the cave.The gust of wind blew the cloak that wrapped its body, revealing a sharp white torso and a golden scepter in its hand.It was Chris who had been waiting for a long time.

It's just that, instead of using his real appearance, he created a small illusion for himself through the descent of the soul and the descent of the mind, so that his image in the eyes of Natasha and Barton became a man in blue and white armor. The armored man, the image is taken from the sacred rod form of Kamen Rider Den-oh in the previous life, and the golden scepter in his hand has also changed into the shape of a fishing rod.

"Don't be on guard, Clinton Francis Patton, Natasha Romanov. I already know what you are here for." An emotionless voice came from under the metal helmet.

The two didn't put down the weapons in their hands because of a word, but just took a step closer.

"We don't trust a guy who hides himself under metal." Natasha pressed, "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, you don't have to remember." Chris avoided Natasha's death question.Dude, I just changed your fate of death and you still need to set up a flag, "I'm now part-time guiding anyone to the soul gem."

"Sounds like a good job. Why don't you tell us where the stone is and stay away from us. We'll go to the stone ourselves."

A sigh came from under the visor: "It's not that simple, girl, the power of the soul gem is beyond your imagination."

Barton and Natasha looked at each other suspiciously.Chris turned and walked away.Although they were still vigilant against this unknown person, the mountain road was only this one, and the two followed not far behind Chris.

On the broad platform at the top of the mountain, Natasha looked down the cliff: "Let me guess, the stone is under the cliff? Then why is there a red skull?"

"It's just the last guy who overestimated himself and stared at the power of the original cosmic stone." The stone walls on both sides of the platform were towering, extending upwards, and finally turned into two stone pillars reaching the sky.

Chris was standing by a stone wall on both sides of the platform. The original words engraved on the stone wall had been destroyed by Chris.I'm not lying, it's just that it's not the Soul Gem but the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"How do we get the soul gem?" Barton also looked down the cliff, but didn't see anything special.

"The soul gem will not test your other things such as wisdom and unity, it only tests your soul." Chris turned on the golden summoner while the two were facing away from him, and used "mind", "space" and "soul "Three Advent cards filled the card slot.

"How to test?" Natasha turned her head and saw Chris knocking the end of the scepter on the ground.

The mysterious texture on the ground lit up with an orange-yellow light.Barton and Natasha stood back to back vigilantly, guarding their surroundings.Natasha directly raised the muzzle of the gun and fired at Chris, but of course it failed to break through the defense of the armor.

"Don't worry, the test has just begun." As Chris finished speaking, a dazzling light burst out from the ground, engulfing Barton and Natasha's sight.

When the light dissipated, Barton and Natasha had lost consciousness and fell to the ground.It was also thanks to the two of them retreating from the edge of the cliff just now, otherwise they would have to fall down.

Chris sat on the ground with his back leaning against the cliff: "Dreams in dreams, dreams of people in dreams, I can't dream of being blown away, the past is like the wind~~"

With the power of the three advent cards, Chris constructed a dream for Barton and Natasha as a test.

Now, he just needs to wait quietly.

 I found that if I use app code words, there will often be synchronization errors
  For example, after a question mark is saved and sent out, there are four or five

  The last typed sentence will become pinyin
  I am a little anxious to type, I can only scan ten lines at a glance, and I don’t have the patience to read it word by word to check if there are words with wrong names and similar pronunciations, I hope everyone will be happy
  Catching insects is also welcome

(End of this chapter)

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