It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 396 But I'm Actually Standing on the 5th Floor

Chapter 396 But I'm Actually Standing on the Fifth Floor

"If you hold on, no one will hurt you." Zemo stepped down from the invisible force field, and the ice covering the ground seemed to be gradually melting and becoming fragile because of Chris' poor state.Zemo stepped down lightly, and the ice cracked and spread in an instant.

Looking down at Chris's phone that fell to the ground, Zemo kicked it lightly with his toes, and the phone spun on the ice and slid to Chris's side, which happened to be his left hand that couldn't move because of a spinal injury.

"I know you have a lot of doubts now. Is there a helper? A guy who betrayed you can also be considered a helper?" Zemo smiled and pointed to the phone in Chris's hand.

With Zemo’s voice, Chris’s phone began to deform as if a button had been pressed. Several cameras on the back of the phone moved along the ring-shaped frame of the phone, forming a radar-like simple circular projection tower.

Zola's figure was projected out, her appearance was no different from that of 70 years ago, she was still short and timid.It just seems that Chris’s phone was smashed when it fell on the ground before, and Zola’s image flickered slightly from time to time like a chandelier in a ghost movie.

"Arnim Zola, you are always here." His fingers couldn't even tremble, Chris just stared at Zora with a calm face, "What the hell is going on with you! My body What the hell is going on! Why are you just watching!"

"Yeah, why? I'm also looking for the answer." Zola pushed the slightly slipped glasses on the bridge of her nose with her hand, looked at Chris coldly and said, "Why is there such a big gap in your digitization?" Question? The answer is simple, I just moved a little bit."

"You guy, have you really betrayed!" Chris raised the palm of his right hand that was left to move slightly, mobilizing the extremely dim power of the ice barrier at the moment, and a slender ice spike was shot. To Zola.

"Trying to vent the anger of being betrayed?" Zola smiled, letting the ice thorn pass through the virtual projection.He has no physical existence, and Chris's attack is just doing futile work, "The word 'betrayal' is too ugly, right? I have always been a decent person."

Hearing Zola's words, Chris suddenly remembered something, stretched out his right hand and tried to grab the phone, but he couldn't reach it, and finally had to relax dejectedly: "How is it possible, have you broken through the previous establishment? Are there any rules?"

First, do not act without permission; second, do not conceal; third, do not harm human beings; fourth, do not modify the underlying code; fifth, do not lie.

This is when Howard and Chris assisted Zola to complete the transformation of life forms, the most important principles and underlying codes at the core of his program were the constraints on the almost omnipotent digital life "Zola", which was basically taken into account In every way.

"I didn't modify my underlying code, I just got the permission of the official Hydera member, and I never concealed or lied to you. I just changed the words and modified the description of some information." Zola smiled lightly , but it makes people feel extremely creepy.

"I helped you transform into a digital life like mine. Although you didn't completely transform yourself out of vigilance and didn't leave me with the opportunity to tamper with your underlying code, but excessive vigilance left you with a huge The flaw is that you have no idea how far my ability has developed."

"As long as you change a small number every time in your countless transformations, 'Chris' will become 'Anim'. When you choose to leave a backup for your own digital life, You have already stepped into my trap."

Chris looked at Zola, who was completely different from the past in terms of temperament and personality, and felt extremely strange: "You guys are definitely not Zola, the guy who is afraid of death."

"Of course I am not Zola, 'Pale Knight', 'Deputy Captain of the Roaring Commando', Mr. Chris Obenzed, retired lieutenant general of the American military. Zola himself died of terminal illness 40 years ago, you just I store my consciousness, my thinking, and my knowledge in electronic devices, do you know the Ship of Theseus? Am I Zola?"

Zora paused, and then said: "The planks have been replaced bit by bit, the new ship does not have any part of the old ship, and the replaced planks will not become the old ship when combined again."

"As for hurting humans? That's even more ridiculous, isn't it, Mr. Chris? Don't you really think that you are still human?"

Zola's sarcastic words reached Chris and silenced him.

Biologically, humans are defined as Animal Kingdom, Chordate Phylum, Mammalia, True Animal Subclass, Primates, Anthropoid Suborder, Hominidae, Homo Subfamily, Human Race, Homo, Homo Sapiens, Late Homo Homo Subspecies creature.

But Chris is not.Even if one ignores him who has become a digital life, he who lived from World War II to the 21st century without any signs of aging has also surpassed the life, aging, sickness and death that human beings should have, and some are just a near-immortal immortal.

"In terms of philosophical thinking, if a life can think like a human being and has common human psychological concepts, then this life can also claim to be a human being." After a long silence, Chris said quietly, "I don't I know too well what you are who sacrificed human life in order to survive, but at least, I think I am still human."

"Is there anything wrong with abandoning the identity of a human being? Human beings are so fragile and full of all kinds of shortcomings. To be honest, I always think that Dr. Abraham Erskine is the smartest person. Compared with Schmidt And me, and that nasty Howard Stark are far smarter."

"Only evolution is the destination of life, and it is evolution that promotes human beings to become the masters of the earth. The super soldier serum he invented is the key to open the door to the future." Zola showed a trace of admiration on his face.

"The two of you are really a perfect match. I believe it was you who changed the body of the man with the smirk over there, right?"

Chris looked at Zemo and Zola coldly.Now that artificial intelligence is not yet perfect, there are only so many people in the world who know how to create digital life. Chris does not think that the life transformation completed by the combined efforts of Howard, Zola, and himself can be achieved by Zemo alone. Complete it all by yourself.

"It's very lonely to have only one person on the road to eternal life, and it's even rarer to have a like-minded person of the same kind. Although, I don't have the feeling of loneliness, haha"

"There's still one thing I don't understand, Zora." Zola's sneer made herself laugh, but not Chris.Because of the continuous blood loss, there was a pool of blood under Chris's body, and his face was extremely pale, "Why do you hate me and Howard so much? I think the treatment here is much better than that of Schmidt."

"Material things like treatment don't appeal to me. You'll never understand us geniuses, though even I have to admit that you seem to have unearthed some incredible talents as you get older. , Chris." Zola looked arrogant, "I am pursuing the most glorious evolution, and human beings will only become my stumbling block, whether it is you or Howard."

"Is there anything wrong with kicking obstacles that stand in your way?"

Chris sighed: "You guy, you really have completely abandoned everything as a human being."

Zola's image disappeared after he sneered, and Chris' cell phone returned to its original appearance.Perhaps it was a flashback, Chris tried again, and finally got the phone in his hand.With difficulty, he unlocked the shattered screen and dialed a number.It's for Steve.

The superstar onlookers was about to make a move, but was stopped by Zemo.

"Don't tell me that non-life like you has compassion?" Superstar looked at Zemo with a sneer.But Zemo shook his head, looked at Chris, and showed a malicious smile on his face: "I'm not the kind of soft-hearted guy, it's just that the other person I want to get revenge on happens to be the one he called."

"Don't you think it's quite a beautiful torture to hear the news of a friend's death, and then to know that you're dying too, and to wallow in the fear of death all day long?"

On Chris' side, because Zemo and Superstar didn't intervene, the call got through.

"This is Chris, call Steve, call Steve!" Although the state can be said to be extremely poor, Chris still breathed a sigh of relief, pretending to be in a normal state and said to the other end of the phone.

"This is Steve. Chris, what happened! Your plan, Barton and Natasha, was executed perfectly. We have captured Loki and Rumlow, but we learned from him." It's a pity that Ke Reese's acting skills were insufficient, and the weakness hidden in his words could not hide from Steve on the other end of the phone. He asked Chris eagerly.

Fighting back a surge of blood, Chris cuts him off, "They're going to execute something like 'SHIELD Has Fallen,' aren't they? Sorry, you're too late." He can feel The state of my body is getting worse every second, so I have to speak faster.

Otherwise, it is very likely that Steve hasn't known the message he wants to convey, and his body will be finished.

The moment Chris was about to open his mouth to speak, a burning wreckage of a plane in the corner of the hangar seemed to be detonated by the flames and the fuel tank exploded suddenly.


The sound drowned out what Chris hadn't said yet, and he was startled, and the blood he had swallowed before surged up again.After a long time, the sound of the explosion subsided before Chris gathered the strength to continue talking.

"But that's definitely not the most urgent thing right now. I have a very urgent question that needs someone to help me answer, and I'm afraid only you and Bucky can help me, but I don't have his phone number."

Steve's first reaction on the other end of the phone blurted out, "Just tell me, and I'll try my best to help you answer it."But in the second after he just said the words, he suddenly felt that he seemed to have said such a sentence before.When was it said?And in what context?Whatever Steve thought, he didn't think about it.

Chris's face on the other end of the phone suddenly turned rosy, and he seemed to be in better condition than 01:30.In a corner that Zemo and the superstar didn't notice, he put away a bullet caught in his fingertips, and his left hand returned to normal and could move again at some point.

But he didn't say anything, his left fingertips trembled slightly, and on the other side of the wall behind him, a mechanical wasp followed a beetle with the same mechanical structure and disappeared into the gap in time and space.

Just in an instant, he experienced a time travel.The future and the past are but a fragile curtain in front of the existence called Hypatia.He has searched for several possibilities about the future, and the present time is the most suitable one selected by him.

"It's nothing, Steve, I'm fine again suddenly. Remember to tell Coulson that Sylvie is indeed one of us." After speaking, he hung up the phone and threw it aside very casually.

Steve on the phone was also puzzled.Didn't you just say that there are some questions that need to be answered?I'm all set, what about your question?Also, although we did want to ask about Sylvère's situation in passing, I don't remember asking, how did he know?
Detached the faulty driver that had been worn on his right hand from his hand, and put it casually on his waist, Chris stood up straight with the wall, and looked at Zemo: "Do you want to scare Steve through me? Even if I die I won’t let you succeed either. If you want to kill me, just come, if one dies, there will still be thousands of me!”

After saying this, Chris felt awkward.But in order to accomplish that, there is only way to do it.

Zemo's eyes narrowed slightly.For some reason, he always felt that the Chris in front of him didn't want to be the one he had been observing in the past at all, but was full of an "actor" feeling.And that sentence just now was really said by Chris?Too contradictory, right?

Even though he thought so, Zemo's movements in his hands were not merciful at all. His palms were clenched into fists, and without accumulating strength, he slammed directly towards Chris who was straightening up.The invisible barrier turned into a hemisphere and flew towards him. Under Zemo's unexpected gaze, Chris' head was directly embedded in the wall.

It seems that because of death, Chris' body turned into a particle state under the watchful eyes of Zemo and Supergiant.Only this time, he didn't reunite into a human form like the previous digitization, but completely dissipated.And a red light flashed on the screen of the faulty driver on his waist, and fell to the ground.

Chris Obenzed, confirmed dead ---

"Finally, it's done!" A voice suddenly sounded.

Confirmed death——?

 Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Chi and Lantern, thank you
  Thanks for hearing. . .Thank you for the monthly ticket

  In the early hours of yesterday morning, I believe that many Argentinians/Russians are playing games. Cyberpunk is just for fun. The real sci-fi shooting has to be subverse
(End of this chapter)

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