It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 395 Tactical planning must take into account the third layer

Chapter 395 Tactical planning must take into account the third layer

The superstar's eyes were about to pop out: "You guy, aren't you already dead? How did you escape from my control!"

"A man with a secret can attract the hearts of beautiful girls. I'm sorry, Ms. Superstar, you are not my type. Let's talk about it after you heal your scars." Chris leaned on the wall with one hand, and there was a layer of frost under his feet It spread rapidly, freezing and fixing all the wreckage on the ground.

He doesn't want to be controlled by the armor made from the wreckage of the superstar anymore, and stepping on it once is enough.

Zemo looked at Chris who was trying to escape, but he didn't panic at all, and said slowly, word by word: "You seem to have transformed yourself into data just like me? It seems that I am not the only one who is not human. "

"Who told you that you didn't apply for a patent? Besides, if you count the time when this technology was completed, I'm still ahead of you. If you have to say it, you should be copying me." It was worn on the right hand again, with the muzzle facing Zemo and the superstar.

Zemo showed a stiff smile on his face: "Anyway, I didn't become like this by myself. Speaking of which, you can freely transform between data forms and entities according to your own mind? But as far as I know, to It’s not enough for you alone to do this.”

"After all, no matter how perfect the program is, it's just immobile data before it's run." Chris smiled slightly, "I'm not alone like you, I have plenty of people to help me. Oh, it's getting late, I have to Go back to collect your clothes. Goodbye, both of you."

As he said that, Chris stared at his feet on the ground, and his body jumped out in the direction of the exit. As he moved, his body turned into a data stream.

The hangar here has been almost scrapped due to successive battles, and there is no need to keep it here for protection in the future.The most important thing for Chris now is not to kill the superstars and Zemo who are targeting him everywhere. He has to go and see the situation outside.

The release of the defensive force field is nothing more than two possibilities, either the energy is exhausted by someone or it is released internally.Although the torpedo that Zemo made by relying on the defensive force field can penetrate part of the force field, but exhausted the energy of the Rubik's Cube?
If they can really do this, they don’t have to fight with Chris and S.H.I.E.L.D. on the earth. Wouldn’t it be better to go directly into the universe and compete for supremacy with Thanos who doesn’t know where Gada is now?

Then, there is only one answer, that is, from among the people Nick brought on board from SHIELD, there was an inner ghost other than the list obtained by Chris. He successively destroyed the power room and the defensive force field from the inside.

Compared with the two difficult guys on the bright side, Chris feels that it is better to deal with the insider first, and then bring Tony and Banner to a three-on-two match with the superstar and Zemo .

The telekinetic power of the superstar dug up a block of ice from the ground, and Chris froze the objects that could be used around her, making her powerless for a while, and the digging of hard ice was also extremely difficult.After finally digging out a piece, the superstar descended and slammed it at Chris, but the ice passed through the data stream of Chris's incarnation as if it was smashing the air.

"Idiots. Don't you aliens have any brains?"

Zemo glanced at the superstar with an ugly face. Just now, in order to intercept Chris, she can be said to be driving the power with all her strength, and her face is much fairer.It's fine if it succeeds, but the problem is that all her efforts are in vain.

"That guy is like water!" The superstar said angrily as he saw Chris was about to leave the tunnel.

Zemo looked at Chris with subtle eyes: "If you want to catch the water, you can't use knives and fists, you have to freeze him with ice."

"You have to remember this day! Because today, you only narrowly missed the great Mr. Chris!"

Chris looked back at Zemo, and the two of them just stood there as if they had given up on blocking themselves.Chris also became playful because of this, and turned around and taunted: "I'm sorry I can't accompany you two, but I really have something to leave."

"Go, Chris, go." Zemo's eyes fixed on Chris, "I'll wait for you here."

Chris pouted, thinking to himself: Why is he waiting for me to come back?Isn't this a S.H.I.E.L.D. ship?Why don't you go sabotage?

Just a little distracted, there was a sudden change in the data flow of Chris's avatar, a ball suddenly appeared in the pure pixel grid, and the stable flow posture was destroyed in an instant, Chris recovered the entity, heavily fell to the ground.

He tried to get up, but found that his feet hadn't recovered, and were still in the form of flowing data.Not only did I lose the ability to manage and control the data form, but even the legs that were still in the data form were out of my control, dragging myself to Zemo.

"We meet again, Chris." Zemo bent slightly, looked at Chris who was dragged back by himself, and smiled.

"Yeah, it's a pleasure to see you." Chris' face was not good.

What Zemo said just now is correct. Although he has become a digital life like Zemo, digital life and digital life are different.To convert a living body into the form of electronic data, one must choose a form that is fixed by itself.

Either it is a pure digital life like Jarvis, which simply exists in the network without any physical entity.In this form, you can obtain the supreme ability in the network field. Whether it is obtaining hidden encrypted files or destroying data that does not need to exist, it is easy. As a hacker, you are invincible.

Or, you must rely on a physical facility to store your own core.It could be the original Zola and Zemo who put themselves in a supercomputer, as the original Zora and Zemo did, or it could be a convenient but fragile robot type.

But like Chris, who can freely transform into data and sneak into the network, and can become a humanoid entity anytime and anywhere, is really a bit too far ahead of the times, even the "divine talent" possessed by Chris can't do it. Simple do it.

And what he relies on is another guy who can be regarded as his "predecessor" in the field of "data life".

The ice on the ground rose suddenly, and Chris, who could not get up on his feet, was lifted by an icicle that rose out of nowhere. A series of icicles formed a downward slope, driving his body away from Zemo .

"Hey, Zora, what are you doing!"

Chris took out the mobile phone storing Zola's consciousness from his body, and shouted loudly, but Zola, who was always on call, didn't respond at this moment.Chris' heart also sank, and he had an ominous premonition.

Zemo slammed his fist at Chris, and the advancement of the invisible barrier was blocked by a tangible barrier. An ice wall rose out of thin air to separate Zemo and Chris.As the price of blocking the attack, a semicircular depression was printed in the center of the ice wall, and cracks spread on it, finally shattering into pieces of ice all over the place.

"You can't escape, Chris!" Stepping on the invisible barrier, Zemo seemed to be able to fly automatically, and rushed towards Chris with the movement of the invisible barrier, and the superstar was not willing to fall Behind him, dragging a giant hammer in his hand, he followed behind Zemo.

Chris's feet were temporarily unable to move, and the relatively small space in the hangar was not enough for him to use his ice wings to fly and maneuver.Under the control of exquisite power, several jointed prosthetic limbs like spider legs made of frost gradually appeared behind Chris, driving his body to move dexterously.

The environment of the ruins of the hangar is relatively suitable for the movement of the prosthetic limbs made by Chris. Whether it is the collapsed ceiling, the hanging steel cables or the cracked concrete on the ground, Chris can use them to make various maneuvers.While moving, he didn't forget to contact the person on the phone: "Hey, Zola! Zola, I know you're here! You can definitely hear me here!"

It was time to bow his head and say the last sentence. When Chris raised his head and looked forward again, Zemo had already detoured in front of him at some point. push.

Chris' first feeling was that a violent gust of wind was blowing towards him.But he soon realized that this was indoors, where would there be strong wind?It is clear that Zemo directly spread out the area of ​​the force field to the maximum, blocking all the space for him to dodge, so when pushing the barrier, the strong wind caused by squeezing the air.

But he wasn't Cu Chulainn who was driving a rocket car that couldn't turn. Facing the "wall" approaching him, the spider legs raised four legs and put them on the wall as a buffer for slowing down.Chris's movement stopped suddenly, and then he turned sharply, using the advancing wall as the point of force to transfer the absorbed forward momentum into a sideways momentum.

And as a price, the four spider feet that had stepped on the wall to withstand the impact shattered into ice chips on the spot, scattered on the ground.


Not only did he avoid the impact of the oncoming force field wall, but Chris also used this to widen the distance between Zemo, who was directly in front of him, and himself.

But he forgot that the superstar was still chasing after him, and the shattered ice chips became a powerful weapon in her hands.The telekinetic power that always follows Chris immediately takes control of all the broken ice that is out of Chris' control.


The ice fragments scattered on the ground combined with each other to form one sharp ice blade after another, and shot at Chris who had just turned and hadn't had time to accelerate, and the speed was not very fast.

The superstar is quite clear that Chris's ability to control the frost is not 01:30 stronger than his own purely relying on telekinetic power to manipulate the physical form, even if the armor that successfully caught Chris before was composed of scattered frost , the final result will only be that the right to control the armor is reversely taken away by Chris.

But the ice skates, which are extremely sharp and numerous at the same time, are different.Even if Chris can snatch the control of several of them with his own power, he doesn't have any protective gear on his body, so he can't bear the remaining ice skates at all because of his mortal body.

Unless, he mobilized his power to make other protective gear.

Sure enough, the expectation of a superstar came true.The spider feet supporting Chris' movement could not take him out of the attack range of the dense ice blades, and a shield made of frost quickly appeared in his hands, and he pushed back.

The shield expanded a few moments after it was released, and it became enough to hide Chris behind it. The incoming ice blade collided violently with the ice crystal shield.For a moment, the sound of "Ding Dang Dang" did not pause at all, and a large pile of ice chips fell on the ground.

Some of them had ice skates, and some had ice skates scratched off the shields.This time, the ice fragments were broken more thoroughly than before. I am afraid that even if the power of the superstar is two or three times stronger, it will be difficult to use these almost powdery materials to launch an offensive again.

However, superstars' fighting methods have never been just mind control.

The shield in his hand hadn't been put down, and Chris hadn't recovered from the ice skate attack. Suddenly, a huge force came from his back, knocking him out forcefully, and smashed hard on the wall. Hit it.While the spider feet made of frost were flexible and agile, they also sacrificed a considerable amount of defensive ability. Facing this sneak attack, they were useless in blocking.

The pain engulfed Chris's sanity in an instant like a rising tide, but at the moment when he almost passed out, the pain lifted him from the bottom of the water and slapped him hard on the face twice, Let him fall into a state where he can't faint but is not awake enough.

Leaning against the wall, Chris, who couldn't rely on digitalization to recover from his injuries, tasted the pain that lingered for a long time.The one hit just now broke his spine on the spot, and it wasn't to the extent that Charles the bald head could recover from his ability to suppress telepathy with drugs, it was quite a complete shattering.

"How do you feel, Brother Chris?" The huge hammer was abandoned by the superstar. She glanced at Chris, who had completely lost his resistance, and still felt a little worried that he would "cheat his corpse" again. The lost hammer was lifted back into his hand.

"Big Orange Pill called for someone to succeed." Clutching his chest, blood kept gushing from the corner of Chris's mouth, looking at the hammer picked up by the superstar.The huge weight and the blessing of the power of the superstar, to be honest, Chris can still keep his lower body intact and not be beaten into a pulp, which can be regarded as his physique is very good.

"A total of seven or eight vertebrae were broken. The left hand is quite relaxed now and I have no feeling at all, and the lower limbs too, just can't recover, and the disability has to be in place in one step." Blood was pouring from his mouth, but Chris was not panicked at all, extremely Calmly stated his injury.

If someone who didn't know just listened to the voice, they might judge that Chris was the one with the upper hand.

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  ps: Some people say that these chapters are abusive, am I a psychopath and don’t want to write them anymore.I want to say: so many doubts are buried, they will be uncovered soon, let the protagonist fly for a while
(End of this chapter)

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