It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 380 But the Snake Shield Bureau is not sure

Chapter 380 But the Snake Shield Bureau is Not Necessary
"Alexander Pierce, this old double-faced man." When Chris saw Pierce, he immediately knew where the experiment came from.Pierce participated in this experiment, so in all likelihood, it has nothing to do with Hydera.

It's just that Hydra's files are so openly placed in the data network of S.H.I.E.L.D.?Is it because Pierce has a big heart and is not afraid of being found out, or is Tony's technology really outrageous?
"Two-faced man? You mean me?" Banner pointed to himself.

Chris quickly waved his hand: "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about Pierce. Now that I mentioned it, let me tell you one thing." Then, one of his arms turned into a data stream and connected to the network, The other hand snapped its fingers.

In an instant, the entire room was plunged into darkness.In the darkness, the faint red dots around the room were very conspicuous, but in the next moment, their light also dimmed.The lights in the room came back on.

"Surveillance? Wiretapping?" Tony looked at Chris and got his nod in reply: "Tony, since you have heard of the Paperclip Project, you should also know what the Paperclip Project is about?"

"After the end of World War II, the defeated Axis countries were incorporated, and their scientists and research teams were attached to the Allies as a paper clip." Tony nodded, explaining for Banner who was not very clear about the plan, "To I said it was a plan only an idiot would have come up with."

Banner also nodded: "It's really irrational. Blindly absorbing people with impure ingredients into the organization is almost like drinking sea water to quench your thirst."

"But those guys in the upper echelons of America did do that. Even without my intervention at that time, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have planned to carry out this plan." Chris paused, "Later, I disappeared for quite a while, But when they came back, they found that they had succeeded.”

Banner's brain is not stupid, and he instantly understood what Chris meant: "You mean, SHIELD has also absorbed a lot of impure people?"

"I prefer to say 'infiltrated'." Chris raised his hand, and a piece of armor appeared on his forearm. "I left the year Tony was born, and then I didn't come back until 20 years later. And back After here, guess what were the first two things I experienced? Two assassination attacks. One was Howard, and then after my existence was exposed, I was attacked too."

"So my dad's assassination wasn't done by a competitor? Hell, he's been hiding it from me all these years, and I always thought it was done by a sworn enemy in business. Did he want the truth to be brought into the coffin? As Tony said, he suddenly laughed contemptuously, "S.H.I.E.L.D. actually sent someone to assassinate its founder? It's a good joke."

"It can only be said that drama comes from life, but drama needs to pay attention to logic." Banner shook his head and looked at Alexander Pierce on the virtual projection screen again, "So, although this guy is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"A super-scientific unit established by Germany during World War II, named Hydera. After the paperclip project, they infiltrated all aspects of the United States, from government officials to street vendors, there may be people from them " Chris sighed, "SHIELD has long been infiltrated into a sieve, so although I am a consultant, I never help SHIELD."

"Because you don't want to help those Hydras?"

"No, because Hydera's people seem to be too capable. Sometimes they are even more conscientious than the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In most cases, they don't need my help at all, and they can solve everything by themselves."

Tony turned around and continued to operate the screen: "In other words, this human experiment was not hosted by S.H.I.E.L.D., but that bastard organization called Hydra? Since we can find this guy named Alexander Pierce, then maybe."

"Maybe you can find the rest of the Hydra lurking in SHIELD, and then kill them one by one to restore SHIELD to normal? It's too late, Tony, you can't imagine that Hydra's penetration into SHIELD How far."

Chris waved his hand, and there was another data projection on the side of the screen that turned on the video, showing many scrolling heads: "This is Hyde in S.H.I.E.L.D. that I got from my intelligence source." The pull list accounts for a third of all members of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"The former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the captain of the special operations team, the sixth-level agent, the code-breaking team, and there is even a cleaner here who is also Hydra!?" Tony looked strange, "Let the big guy go out and smash it twice, and he was killed If there are two hundred or more than 60 people, it is not unjust.”

"Good guy, I really can only say good guy." Banner was also a little surprised, "covering all aspects, I thought the sieve was an exaggeration at first, but I didn't expect it to be a bit conservative. I know why you have a list but not They have been exposed, if so many people directly betrayed, S.H.I.E.L.D. would basically be gone.”

Tony suddenly thought of something: "Does that marinated egg know about this?"

Chris nodded: "He knows, but he can't do anything. SHIELD really can't do without them, and Hydera's people are indeed easier to use than SHIELD people. He believes that as long as you control Well, they can also use Hydera's power for their own use."

As he spoke, he glanced at the video on the screen. The man who was tied up on the operating table fell into extreme pain after staring at a tube of dark blue substance like the energy extraction liquid of the Rubik's Cube of the Universe. Finally, he The end is to explode into a piece of black ashes, dead without a whole body.

"But it's clear that Nick's plan to tether Hydera has clearly gone awry."

"It's normal. After all, it's Hydra. A rein for Hydra is not enough." Tony scrolled down, and there are many similar videos.He simply downloaded it into his battle suit and closed it, out of sight, "So, does that one-eyed dragon know about this? Have you thought of any remedial measures?"

Banner also turned his attention to Chris.Based on Chris's answers, their perception of Nick will change.If Nick can let them conduct human experiments in order to use Hydera's power, it is not impossible for Tony and Banner to directly break with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chris shook his head and chuckled: "Although Hydera occupies one-third of S.H.I.E.L.D., the remaining two-thirds are not dead. I remember that Steve, Natasha, and Barton are not dead. Pick up a special operations team and go out in the field."

"Although there are friendly troops from the MIB to support them, bullets have no eyes. Who can guarantee that they won't hit the friendly troops? Besides, they are super powerful aliens who can survive the explosion. Sacrifice is inevitable, and group destruction is not inevitable. Impossible~"

 Hey, the subscription has gone down again, is this the end of asking for leave?

(End of this chapter)

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