It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 379 S.H.I.E.L.D. Is Justice

Chapter 379 S.H.I.E.L.D. Is Justice
Standing in front of a laboratory bench, Tony wore a pair of his armored left arm on his left hand, and a wire was connected from the arm to the console in front of him.He turned to the back and asked, "That braised egg just said that no means can cut this big cube, right?"

With his back facing him, Bruce was also standing in front of a console, manipulating the mechanical arm of the field to operate the Rubik's Cube.Hearing Tony's words, he paused temporarily, turned around and said, "Yes, so I want to use an electric shock to see if I can activate it. Did you think of something?"

"You'd better not do that, unless you want the big guy to come out and move around." Tony glanced at the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the isolation enclosure, and the two mechanical arms on the side, "I just checked the Aegis According to the information in the Bureau, my father also continued to study the energy of the Rubik's Cube in the past, and the first method he thought of was electric shock."

"Are you boasting that I have the same thinking as your father? Did the electric shock finally activate?" Banner smiled.

At this time, a mass of green "0" and "1" data gushed out from the end of Tony's left hand, turned into Chris, and sat on a swivel chair in the room: "Of course the electric shock worked, but it was too good The energy released by the Cosmic Rubik's Cube directly shattered the strengthened glass and blew him away."

Tony looked at Chris: "Say it as if you're right there."

"The two of us were working together at the time. I was an assistant on the sidelines. At that time, Steve hadn't even got his shield yet." Chris smiled and stood up, walking towards the console where he just appeared , "I also took a photo of Howard. His beard, which costs a hundred dollars a week to maintain, was blown off in half. So Banner, if you don't want to become bald, you'd better not try it."

Bruce glanced at the console, he just wanted to try the electric shock just now, even the mechanical arm has replaced the electric shock head.For the sake of his hair, he took a silent step back.Turning his head, Bruce noticed that Chris and Tony were getting together and communicating with each other furtively, and walked over curiously.

"What are you doing?"

"Did you notice it during the previous meeting? When you mentioned whether you wanted another gemstone to develop a weapon, that brine egg hesitated, and then changed the subject immediately." The virtual projection above the console in front of Tony appeared A photo of Howard, he dragged it with his right hand, and downloaded it into the memory chip on the left arm armor.

Bruce nodded: "Uh, isn't that for sure? How do you say that, 'the last thing that destroys human beings must be the weapons made by human beings'. Instead of developing weapons, but using them to enter the energy industry, is that really a problem?"

"Isn't that right? If they really don't want to make weapons but to benefit people's livelihood, then the sun will really come out from the west." Chris also nodded, and his hands turned into data clusters and poured into the console.If someone stands in front of him, he can see countless data streams surging in his eyes, "But if it really enters the energy field, wouldn't it occupy the Stark Industries market."

"Fuck you, if Stark's stock price falls, your annual differentiation will be less. Besides, I'm not afraid that Stark Industries will encounter any opponents in the energy field." Tony paused here, his eyes lit up. , as if he had found something, he began to operate on a document.

Seeing the words "Specially encrypted, insufficient permissions" on the file, Bruce asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"That guy Nick is obviously hiding a lot. There are two kinds of people I hate the most in my life. One is people who only talk halfway." Tony didn't look back. He took one hand out of the glove, and his hands were dancing Dancing on the console keyboard.

"Understood, you hate yourself." Banner complained, "But the question is, how did you invade the S.H.I.E.L.D. network?"

"Chris this guy has serious level [-] access to all files that aren't specifically encrypted. But obviously this file we found was special, guess where I found it? In the hidden files of 'Project Medusa.' I've never heard the name."

"In Greek mythology, Perseus used a bronze shield to avoid looking directly at Medusa's eye, and then beheaded her. Pegasus flew out of the dead body of the Gorgon." Ke Reese's gaze also moved over, "Obviously, this Medusa project is the mother of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Pegasus project, and this one is particularly encrypted. It's obvious that someone doesn't want us to know about it."

Tony showed a smile: "It's a pity that this level of encryption can't trouble the world's best hacker, Mr. Tony Stark. Give me a word and I can, okay, open it."

A series of folders appeared in front of the three of them, and Tony clicked on one, and a video appeared.A dark laboratory appeared in the video, which made Chris look familiar.

"What is this?"

"Not sure, but I think we can rule out that the man in the white coat is treating the man who was tied to the bed. Oh, look at his expression, he must be very comfortable." Chris's hand returned to normal, on Tony's shoulders.

Tony didn't break free, but watched the video quite seriously: "I don't think his expression of being stuffed with a durian in his ass and then stabbed a few times with a mace is not comfortable."

"This is a human experiment!" Banner's face was a little gloomy. "I can't believe that people from S.H.I.E.L.D. can do this kind of thing for power!" He clenched his fists, and his palms began to turn green. .Apparently, even the Hulk inside him is a little agitated.

"Don't jump to conclusions so quickly, Banner. I'm a special advisor to SHIELD. I'm different from Tony, who is just a name. I've been working for decades, and I still know a little bit about SHIELD." Chris Ignoring Tony's eyes of "who are you saying is just a name", he pressed Banner's arm.

"Nick may be the kind of person who sacrifices others for the ultimate righteousness, but human beings are his righteousness. He will never do something like 'sacrifice human beings in order to gain the power to protect human beings'."

"Really? I don't believe it." Tony, who was the old Luyu, pointed to a certain character in the video, and under the control of the console, he quickly enlarged and restored his face, and communicated with S.H.I.E.L.D. data for comparison.The result came out immediately, the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce, "What about this guy? Isn't he a special consultant?"

(End of this chapter)

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