It's just the two stinging apes passing by Marvel

Chapter 335 Stagnant Time and Space

Chapter 335 Stagnant Time and Space

"Here is it?" Fei Feilong floated not far from Chris, looking around.It fluttered its tiny wings, trying to use its past experience to move in the void, but it could only flap around in place.

"I'm not too sure. It's probably the final point where all the space tunnels are connected." Chris looked at Fei Feilong who kept trying various postures, even started to use breaststroke, dog planing, but still couldn't make any progress. He just had an idea in his heart. At the thought of moving, his body floated towards the extraordinary dragon.

"Hey, how did you do it?" Extraordinary Dragon looked at Chris as he walked freely through the void like a fish in water.Its planing action became more violent, stronger and faster, but it still just stayed in place.

Although I don't know the principle of my own movement, it doesn't affect Chris's free rise and fall with just a thought, and even the whole person hangs upside down and floats in front of the extraordinary dragon——There may be some mistakes in saying this, because in this In the void, Chris did not feel the existence of gravity.

Without the reference of gravity, Chris couldn't tell at this moment whether the direction of the extraordinary dragon is forward or Chris's direction is forward, or neither of them is forward.

"You may need a little imagination, thinking that you want to move. That's what I did, and then my body moved." Chris stretched out his finger and poked the thumping Phenomenal Dragon, causing it to roll backwards for a week. Keep drifting towards the distance, "Just a little bit, imagination~"

"Woc!" The extraordinary dragon was pushed away by Chris before he could utter half a sentence, rolling and drifting into the distance, while Chris had a thought and drifted with the extraordinary dragon.

One person and one dragon floated towards the vast void. When they floated to the side of the plane that Chris had seen before, the extraordinary dragon finally hit the wing of the plane and stopped, and hugged the plane tightly. The wings stabilize the body.

"You bastard, you..." Fei Feilong grabbed the outer wall of the plane and tried to get close to Chris, scolding him.And at this moment, it noticed that Chris' eyes had been focused on the cabin of the plane, and he seemed to be recalling something, "What are you looking at?"

"I remember when I first came to Sokovia, you should have been there, right?" Chris stretched out his right hand, and the Killer Queen flew out from his right arm.Pink's right arm flew under the cabin, caught something, and flew back.

Chris took that thing from the Killer Queen and spread out his palm: "I remember this thing belongs to Patton." In his palm was a special arrowhead that Patton often used, and a red one Twinkle on.

But the extraordinary dragon's attention is not on the arrow in Chris's palm, but on the killer queen that has returned to Chris's right arm: "What is that about you? You have a brother who died in the mother's womb and there is only one left." With one hand by your side?"

"Hey, don't have such a stinky mouth." Facing the extraordinary dragon who was curiously approaching him, Chris fiddled with the arrow in his palm to check the situation. one time.

Fei Feilong didn't hold onto the outer wall of the plane with both hands, but stood with his feet. He was carelessly pushed by Chris, and he floated away from the plane wall again.It hurriedly leaned over and tried to grab the outer layer of the plane again, but no matter how hard it struggled, it could only watch itself and the plane pull away a little bit.

"Hey, I'm going to float away again, I'm going to float away again!" Fei Feilong shouted at Chris, "Come here and give me a hand!"

Chris turned a deaf ear and focused more on the arrow in his hand.Taking out the mobile phone from his pocket, Chris's mobile phone displayed a tracking map, and a red dot of a tracking signal completely coincided with Chris.

It seems that the tracking arrow in Chris's hand is just one shot by Barton before, it seems very normal?If you ignore the codename "Sokovia 01" above the phone tracking map.This means that this tracking arrow is the first tracking arrow that Patton has used during his mission in Sokovia.

And more importantly, the arrow was launched a long time ago.Although Chris didn't estimate it carefully, it was at least more than a year ago.This is just a tracking arrow, and the built-in energy can be used for a month, but the one in Chris' hand seems to have only been used for a few days.

Kicking off the outer wall of the plane, Chris flew in the direction of the extraordinary dragon, and grabbed his tail that was flicking around.After adjusting the direction, Chris flew around with the extraordinary dragon to check the situation of everyone floating in this void.

Everyone's state was the same as when Chris first arrived here, maintaining the original movements without any change. Even if the extraordinary dragon touched them while struggling along the way, it did not leave any changes to them, maintaining a slight posture. Moved a bit and stopped again.

"Sure enough, everyone who was swallowed by those black holes fell into a stagnant time. This is not something that the pure space magic on Vatum's staff can do." He pointed it up in front of himself, "Could it be that guy, Kang the Conqueror, as you said? But I only remember that he only has a time machine. When did he develop the ability to stagnate time?"

"I don't even know where the end of the universe is, how can I know the answer to the question?" Fan Feilong rubbed the exaggerated bags, and those bulging bags disappeared by themselves. The extraordinary dragon in the Q version seems to have the unique abilities of anime characters, such as exaggerated body changes.

Chris tentatively communicated with TheBee's insect instrument, but TheBee still seems to be trapped outside the space tunnel and cannot enter.He tried to open the [warehouse] again, but he was able to take out the "keep one hand" paper bag stored in it smoothly.

"That's great, at least we won't starve to death." Fei Feilong muttered as he watched Chris take out a sandwich from the paper bag and put it in his mouth.But when Chris stuffed the paper bag back into the [warehouse] again, it became anxious again, "Hey, mine is here!"

"You? Just save it, it's too delicious." Chris grabbed the tail of the extraordinary dragon with one hand, and flew to a place in the void with the bread in the other.

"Where are you going?" The Extraordinary Dragon had experience this time, turned his head to avoid a trapped person passing by its dragon horn, and asked Chris.

"Go there, I think there must be some clues there." Chris pointed in one direction with the hand holding the sandwich.Fan Feilong looked in the direction he pointed.

In the seemingly endless void, there is actually a figure that moves freely in this stagnant time and space like Chris and the others!
(End of this chapter)

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