Chapter 334 In the Void
Leaving aside the situation outside the space tunnel, Chris canceled TheBee's transformation after entering the space tunnel.

Handing the cane to the bee-shaped insect meter for safekeeping, Chris drew a dragon from his body and descended.

"Ice player, what's the matter to bother me?" On the card of the dragon coming, the Q version of the extraordinary dragon was lying comfortably flat, and his legs were raised skillfully.But when it noticed that Chris was actually in the space tunnel at the moment, the extraordinary dragon couldn't sit still.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to stay away from this thing? Are you an idiot who won't listen to advice?"

Facing the excitement of the extraordinary dragon, Chris just waved his hand pretending to be relaxed: "It's just a space tunnel, and it's not like I haven't used it before. I didn't ask you to come out for scolding. You should be honest now. right?"

Yesterday, or four days ago, on May [-]st, when Chris and Coulson found Extraordinary Dragon, it showed its understanding and fear of it.This is unusual, especially for Fei Feilong, who is not very flexible and bold.

"Sigh." Fei Feilong flew up from the card, looked around, and sighed deeply.Turning around, it put its hands on its chest, and said seriously to Chris: "Since you want to know so much, I will tell you if I tell you. First of all, I want to ask you, do you know a man named Nathaniel Richards?" guy?"

"Kang the Conqueror?" Chris looked a little strange, "As far as I know, he doesn't exist in my world. Are you referring to the one in your world?"

"It's easy to handle if you know it." Fei Feilong nodded, "About these space tunnels, they were born from the mage 'Sindu' in your world, but now they are no longer under his control. "

Chris nodded, glanced at the TheBee insect instrument next to him, and the cane that was grabbed by it to absorb energy: "Of course, the wand of Vatum has fallen into my hands. However, since Xindu has lost Aren't these black holes that appear around the world going berserk because of loss of control?"

Hearing what Chris said, the extraordinary dragon smiled contemptuously: "Rampaged out of control? And then rampaged to the point where you can't control the fire stick? There are no other forces behind it, and these space tunnels will not evolve at all. So far."

Chris suddenly understood the meaning of the extraordinary dragon: "You mean, on the other side of the parallel world, there are also people using these space tunnels made by Sindu. Is it Kang the Conqueror?"

"It's the guy who tried to rule everything, the annoying guy who has been playing with time over and over again." Fan Feilong's face was full of displeasure and contempt, "In order to deal with that guy, I even joined forces with my Avengers more than once. Now, He seems to no longer confine his gaze to the vertical time, but to the horizontal space.”

"No wonder, I think these black holes are weird." Chris nodded knowingly, and walked deeper into the space tunnel, "Then let's go, let's get that guy out."

"Hey wait. Don't you think about the attack plan?" TheBee insect instrument followed behind Chris with a cane, and the extraordinary dragon stood unceremoniously on TheBee's head.

Walking in the void-like space tunnel, Chris said without looking back: "I already have a plan - attack."

The space tunnel looks narrow like a sewer, surrounded by a layer of mist clinging to the tunnel wall. It seems that you can see something in the haze, but when you look carefully, you can find that there is nothing in it. Can't see clearly.

Every time the mist under the feet is stepped on, it will be slightly rippling and drifting like the surface of water, and it will gather again after lifting the feet.It was as if there was a layer of soft moss under his feet, which didn't feel good to Chris at all.

Without any reference, and even the time of the mobile phone on their bodies was stopped, Chris and Feifanlong didn't know how far they had walked, only a white light spot suddenly appeared with their movement, and suddenly Enlarged to the size of a person.Standing in front of the light spot, Chris was silent for a while.

"It's finally here." The extraordinary dragon flapped its wings and landed on Chris's shoulder. TheBee's flight trajectory was too varied, and it was a little dizzy sitting on it, so it had to do its own work.

Chris took the staff from TheBee and glanced at the lines on its body. The core technology of TheBee insect instrument is the advent card that can transmit magic power across time and space, so even in the space tunnel, Chris can still provide magic power to Natasha and Barton to maintain the black hole.

However, TheBee itself does not have the function of generating magic power, and Chris needs to use a cane to charge it.However, the current TheBee energy seems to be quite a lot, enough.

"Is this the end point of the tunnel? No, maybe it can also be said to be the core of the tunnels that have appeared around the world." In Chris's hand, the cane was transformed into the posture of Yan Modao again, the sharp blade was unsheathed, and Yan Modao's The tip of the knife was held in front of the white light curtain by Chris.

However, the blade that is capable of cutting through space seems to have encountered some obstacles in front of this seemingly weak and frivolous white light curtain, and has never been able to advance an inch.No matter how hard Chris tried, he couldn't even deform the light curtain, let alone cut it.

"I haven't been here before, probably Nathaniel Richards made it after Xindu lost control of this place?" Fan Feilong stretched out his finger and pointed at the light curtain. The curtain became as soft as gauze in its hands.Chris also tried to stick out his hand.

"Reject objects of spatial nature, but don't living bodies reject them?" Chris put down Yan Mo Dao, and pressed both hands on the light curtain at the same time.He had a premonition, as if he could reach behind the light curtain as long as his hands that were almost sunk into the light curtain used a little more strength?
Just do it when you think about it, Chris took half a step forward, and pushed forward again into the depths of the light curtain with both hands!
The pure white light curtain instantly burst into light, taking away any other colors in Chris' sight, leaving only a piece of pure white.

Light comes and goes quickly.After Chris counted almost ten in his heart, he found that his vision had recovered.But as soon as he opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in the previous space tunnel, but came into a boundless void. He could fly in any direction even though his feet hadn't set foot on anything.

In this void, not only Chris existed, but the extraordinary dragon also followed, but TheBee was not seen.Perhaps it was denied entry because it was holding a cane.

Looking at the void in front of him, Chris' expression was a bit serious—in front of him, countless humans, humanoid creatures, and non-human species were frozen in the void with panicked expressions and fleeing movements. Reese even saw a plane.

This void looks like a tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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