Chapter 252 Employment Card

Hearing Bucky's words, Chris smiled and pointed in Steve's direction: "You have to see clearly before you speak~"

Bucky turned his head, only to see that Steve easily picked up the Minimill that Bucky couldn't lift just now, and even threw it up and turned around in the air, and then caught it with one hand .Steve didn't notice Bucky's surprised eyes, and weighed the hammer: "This hammer feels really good, and the force is balanced."

"This, this is unscientific. I just tried my best to suck, and this hammer hasn't moved at all." Bucky said in surprise, "Hey Steve, how did you pick up the hammer just now? Yes? Do you feel any special feeling now? For example, my whole body is full of energy and I feel endless energy."

"Uh, no, I just feel that this hammer seems to be a bit unwelcome to me." Steve lifted the hammer up to his eyes, and observed the pattern on the side of the hammer with the light of Chris's flashlight.The pattern revealed after Bucky wiped the dust just now is repeating the process of disappearing and reappearing, as if to judge whether Steve is qualified to own it.

Chris nodded: "As I said before, Odin stripped Thor's divine power and sealed it on the hammer. This is a gift from his father to his son. Even if it can be used by you, the son must come first, right? ?” When Chris explained this, several people understood.Steve thought about it, and it was really inappropriate to take other people's things by himself, so he carefully put them back in their original positions.

Bucky was a little unwilling to give up, thinking that the magic that prevented him from picking up the hammer must have been broken by Steve, and he went forward to wrestle with Minnie Mill, trying to pick it up to prove himself.And Natasha walked up to Chris and asked, "Speaking of which, this place is deserted, how did you know that this thing would fall here?"

"It's just a little trick, thanks to the second prince of Asgard." Chris smiled and put his hands on his chest, took off a card and showed it to Natasha.Both sides of the card have a golden background, and a figure in the shape of a medieval knight is holding a long sword in his hand and performing a knight's salute.Natasha stuck it to her chest following Chris's example, but there was no response.

Of course there is no response, this is because this is the reward Chris got from the system after knocking out Thor——

[Righteous Sun Knight - Defeat an opponent who was originally stronger than yourself when the target is weak]

Reward: Servant Career Card (Experience)*10
The so-called servant job agent, Kakris, knows that it is a prop that appeared in the magical girl Illya, and it can be used to liberate servants.But in fact, the power of the servant is lodged in the job card, and the liberation of the treasure is just a wasteful use of the job card. The real purpose is to guide the power of the servant to oneself, and become a servant by oneself fighting.

But as we all know, generally those with "(experience)" after the name are not good things, such as the seven-day experience of XX video XX music.After Chris opened the [Warehouse], the guess was also verified.

"Servant job card (experience)", after sticking it anywhere on the body, temporarily obtain the power of the heroic spirit according to the eligibility.The word "temporary" is quite spiritual, and it doesn't say how long it will be.It may be like the "Hero of Dongshu" who swallowed Siegfried's heart, which can be transformed into a servant for 3 minutes, or it may be able to gain power for a relatively long time like a large number of pseudo-servants.

In order to prevent him from finding out that his temporary cheats expired in the middle of the battle, Chris took out the first employment card for experimentation based on the idea of ​​"there are ten cards anyway".The image of a medieval swordsman drawn on that card meant that this card represented the power of the Servant "Saber".

After Chris put the card casually on his chest through his clothes, he felt a wave of memory instilled in him.It's not such a detailed life experience, but more of an exquisite swordsmanship experience and combat awareness, as well as the name of the servant I have drawn——Qianzi Muramasa.

Different from the quasi-servant who was not able to be drawn within the limited time limit in the previous Chris krypton gold counting order, this Qianzi Muramasa did not possess the body of the young man who can jump high and have countless harems, but simply He stored his power in the job card, which is still used by Chris.

And the reason why Chris was able to find the whereabouts of Mienimuer without any clues was because of Qianzi Muramasa's inherent skills and level A eye of karma.Clairvoyance is originally unable to see through the future at level A, but as a variant of clairvoyance, Muramasa's Eye of Karma, who has been gazing at the "karma" in the flames all his life, has the ability to see through cause and effect.

From being sent into Thor's body, Chris has followed the mysterious and mysterious so-called "fate" track to the edge of this big pit.By the way, he also achieved the purpose of using the employment card in the first place - to test how long the so-called "temporary" limit is.

Fortunately, Chris' job card is not a 3-minute product like Zieg's "Dragon Command Spell" - something that allows him to transform into a follower - as long as the heroic spirits are stored in the follower's spirit The magic power is not exhausted, so Chris can use the power of the servant at any time.However, the employment card is not a rechargeable battery, there is no way to replenish the magic power, and it will be scrapped once it is used up.

This filled Chris with a sense of déjà vu, especially since it also appeared in his hand in the form of a card, which was a complete copy of the Advent Card.

It's just finding the way, and it doesn't consume too much magic power in Saber's job card. It's not much different from the energy consumed by sitting on a comfortable recliner after eating a full stomach and resting for 10 minutes.However, Chris estimates that the total amount of magic power stored in the job card in Qianzi Village is not a lot, and it is best to save some.

After taking back the golden Saber job card from Natasha, Chris put it back in the [warehouse], silently expressing his sincere gratitude to Thor, who was awake or not.

"Ah!" Lying on the hospital bed, the unconscious Thor suddenly sneezed and woke up, only to find himself lying in a strange place again.Huh?Why do you say it again?

A big face suddenly appeared in Thor's field of vision. A blond man in a white coat stood in front of his bed, glanced at the name on the pathology board in his hand, and leaned over to look at the waking Thor: "Hey, Mr. Tower, you're awake."

(End of this chapter)

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