Chapter 251 Miao Ni Miaoer
Chris, who ran away from the list and released Jane's pigeons, drove the RV out of the gas station and drove on the road in the small town of Antika.It is now eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, there are not many pedestrians in the small town still wandering outside, only a few drunken men dazedly clinging to the trash can on the side of the road and talking about their misfortunes with troubles.

Natasha took her long legs, crossed from the space behind the RV to the co-pilot's position, sat down, and put a mask on her face.As the saying goes, staying up late is the biggest natural enemy of beauty, but now she can't sleep, so she had to put on a mask to make up for it.Maintaining while staying up late is equivalent to the pool manager who puts water and adds water in textbooks.

"The director said, if you can't explain why you woke him up from home in the middle of the night, he will greet your mother every time he sees you in the future." Natasha held a thin and light laptop in her hand. Edited an email and sent it to Fu Rui about what they witnessed on the outskirts of Antika town tonight.Of course, in the name of Chris.

Chris's mobile phone was lifted out of nowhere by the killer queen who was used as a mobile phone stand, and the navigation map was displayed on it. My friend, he won't be able to relax in the future, and his days of embezzling public funds to buy donuts every day will never return."

"Including the stupid guy who was stunned today? I remember he said he was the Thor of Asgard before, and you confirmed his statement." Natasha put the laptop on her lap , typing on the keyboard, "Is the Norse mythology real or is he actually an alien? To be honest, I believe the former one more, because he can speak English."

"There is no rule that he can't be satisfied with both, dear Xiaona. You must know that English is the common language, and the tree people in the whole universe except the Groot Empire use English." Chris looked at the mobile phone marked by himself Out of the destination point, "We're almost there."

"Where are you going?" Just as Natasha finished speaking, the RV drove over the hills along the road under the driving of Chris, and an open space appeared in front of Natasha.The Killer Queen illuminated a dark clearing with a flashlight.In this wide open space, a moon crater-like landscape quickly attracted Natasha's attention.

"Where is that place? Is our destination there?" Natasha asked Chris curiously, "It doesn't look like a naturally formed landscape at all, it feels closer to a crater or a fallen satellite. ?”

"Of course it's not a satellite or a meteorite. It's Thor's Hammer, Minemill, a god's weapon forged from the core of a star that is about to be annihilated." Chris parked the car on the edge of the pit, and Instead of getting out of the car, he just rolled down the car glass, put one hand on the window frame, and looked at the center of the pit illuminated by the flashlight from a distance.

Steve and Bucky got out of the car and came to Chris's side. Steve looked at the hammer and sighed, "I thought Schmidt was a lunatic at first, but is that really a hammer?" Bucky said He walked towards the hammer curiously: "There shouldn't be any magical traps on it, for example, if the person who touches it is not the owner, he will be struck to death by lightning?"

While talking, Bucky also stretched out his hand to touch the hammer that seemed to grow on the ground and tilted.Chris stretched out a hand and touched the position on his chest, where there was a card that no one else could see.With the mentality of joking with Bucky, Chris said: "Of course, there is a curse cast by Thor's father, God King Odin himself."

"Curse!?" Bucky withdrew his hand in an instant, "Couldn't you have said it sooner, I almost touched it just now. What kind of curse is that?"

"Uh, about the curse that seals his son's power, and the fact that whoever picks up this hammer can use Thor's power." Pushing open the car door, Chris stretched his right wrist and jumped into the pit as well.

Hearing what Chris said, even Steve and Natasha were a little curious about what Thor's power looked like, and looked at Bucky.Bucky raised his hands above his head and clapped them, with a flat expression on his face: "Ladies and gentlemen, you must be very curious about the Norse mythology Thor Tony."

"It's Thor." Bucky actually didn't know much about Norse mythology, and even Thor's name was only heard of in these two days, and Steve corrected his mistake.

"Okay, Thor. Everyone must be very curious about what Thor's power looks like." Bucky glanced at Thor's Hammer Mjönimure on the ground, and estimated its weight.Although Chris said it was forged from the core of a star, that must be an exaggeration, right?Even if it was filled with tungsten, it would cost about a hundred pounds at most, wouldn't it?
"Then it's up to me to show you the power that only existed in mythology in the past." As he said, Bucky put his metal right arm on the handle of the hammer, and lifted it upwards vigorously to try to lift it above his head.The strength of Bucky's right arm even allows him to lift the car with ease, picking up the hammer is a breeze in his imagination.

But he encountered unexpected resistance. The small-looking hammer seemed to grow on the ground, and it didn't move at all. Bucky staggered when he exerted too much force: "I'll go, why, this hammer can't help it!" Is it too heavy?"

"It seems that you haven't had enough for dinner today, Bucky, do you want to have some barbecue later." Chris said with a smile.

"No, it's not about strength. This hammer is a bit exaggerated." Bucky let go of the handle and looked at the hammer again. There seemed to be some inscriptions on the hammer, but it was covered by dust.Reaching out to dust himself off, Bucky blew to see better.On the side of the hammer there is a pattern that appears to consist of three arcs.

"Chris, to be honest, is there any magic in this hammer that you didn't say?" Bucky looked at Chris, but Chris just spread his hands, "I'm just an ordinary earthling, why? Maybe you know the secrets of those gods, you can't hold the hammer because you are too weak."

"I don't believe your nonsense. This is definitely not something that can be picked up with great strength. There must be some kind of spell." After speaking, Bucky saw Steve who was idly looking at the two, his eyes lit up, Quickly beckoned, "Hey Rogers, come and do me a favor."

"What's wrong?" Although Steve also jumped into the pit, he didn't have much interest in the hammer in the center.He was just observing the landscape that had been changed by the hammer falling, so he didn't pay much attention to the exchange between Chris and Bucky just now.

"Don't worry about it, come here, come and see if you can pick up this hammer." Bucky pushed Steve's back, urging him to try to pick up the hammer.Seeing Steve put his hand on the hammer in bewilderment, Bucky didn't look at the result, and turned his head to Chris and said, "I said it's not about strength, right? Even Steve took it Can't get up."

(End of this chapter)

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