Chapter 216 Maxwell
"By the way, thank you just now." Chris turned his head and smiled at Dillon who was flicking his fingers, "Most people will let the door close directly."

When Dillon blocked the door just now, he hit his nails slightly, and it hurt a little: "It's nothing, people are always used to ignoring others."

The elevator's artificial intelligence "Granny" recognized Chris who had just entered the elevator, and asked, "Which floor do you want to go to?"

"Uh, one hundred floors." Chris glanced at the overview of each floor marked on the temporary pass in his hand, and introduced the areas that each floor was divided into.For example, the biological laboratory and the physical laboratory are located on different floors, which are marked on the temporary pass, so that visitors can go where they want to go.The president's office is on the top [-]th floor.

Dillon glanced at the casually dressed guy next to him, unexpectedly he was looking for the president: "If you want to go to the top floor, you need to swipe your pass there, 'Granny', this artificial intelligence will recognize you Do you have access rights?"

As he spoke, he pointed to a spot on the wall.Chris looked towards the position Dillon was pointing at, and there was a green square that was much more conspicuous than the surrounding silver-white metal walls.She swiped the temporary pass in her hand and made a "beep" sound. The artificial intelligence Granny said, "Confirm the authorization, which floor do you want to go to?"

"Attic." Chris said.But Granny didn't respond in a daze, she just smiled and looked at Chris, as if Chris hadn't spoken at all just now.Chris turned his head to look at Dillon, with a hint of doubt on his face: "Is this thing broken?"

"Well, it's not broken, it's just that its language recognition system doesn't match its basic logic system, so those programmers manually imported the thesaurus it can recognize. Let me tell you." Dillon coughed and cleared Clearing his throat, he tried his best to let the "artificial mentally retarded" understand what he was saying, "One hundred floors."

"Thank you." Granny finally understood this time.It seems that its logical conflict is indeed a bit big. If you don’t understand that the top floor is the [-]th floor, Chris pouted: “This is too stupid. Instead of calling it artificial intelligence, it’s better to just call it a fixed phrase speech recognition system , have no ability to learn at all.”

Dillon nodded and didn't say much, as a response to Chris.The elevator starts to move upward at a constant speed.

"I'm meeting you for the first time. My name is Chris, Chris Obenzed." Dillon didn't speak. Chris watched the elevator go up a little bit, and it was still a long time away from the top floor, so he took the initiative to say hello to Dillon next to him. one hand.

Unexpectedly, Dillon suddenly became enthusiastic, and immediately grabbed Chris' outstretched hand, and held it with two hands: "My name is Maxwell Dillon, and all my friends call me Max."

"Oh, Max, you are so enthusiastic." Chris stretched out one hand and was grabbed by Max, the other hand was still holding coffee, "I would be overwhelmed by your enthusiasm, if I hadn't held it Coffee, I think I have to shake your hand too."

"I'm actually, uh, I'm actually, nice to meet you, um, nice." Max quickly let go of Chris' hand,
Chris saw Max's nervousness at a glance, and smiled: "There is no one else here, so you don't have to hide yourself. Is the friend you mentioned really yourself?"

"Why, how could it be, ha, ha, ha." Max's face froze, thinking: Why did this person see through it at a glance? Could it be that his hairstyle is not very good-looking and makes him think that he is very sloppy so others Don't you like the guy you get along with?His hands subconsciously pressed the hairstyle he had specially arranged when he woke up in the morning.

At this time, the screen where Granny was originally located began to broadcast the news.Today's Asahi Shimbun's first issue is the military's update on the arrests issued by international super criminals such as "White Devil" and "Mr. Blue", and at the same time responding to questions from reporters.The speaker is an old friend Chris is very familiar with, General Ross.

After bringing him back from the Tatra Mountains, the military found medical experts in various fields for him. After nearly a year of consultation and medical treatment, Rose barely returned to normal.Samuel performed a whole body exchange for him, taking his special constitution and making him lose the ability to be immune to the hate serum.The practice of medical experts is to carry out another transfusion for it.

But the physical mutation he experienced was really hard to eliminate, and the tough skin that turned red was second, but it was very difficult to prick needles and operate on the knife.The most important thing is his completely mutated internal organs, as well as the consciousness and nervous system of the body messed up by Samuel.

The military found the best neurologist they could find - a guy named "Strange", and then got Tony's help from the diversified Stark Industries to bring Rose to his senses .It's just that he can't accept too much stimulation, otherwise it will affect his newly recovered nerves.

Speaking of it, Tony and the neurologist named Strange didn't deal with each other as soon as they met, as if there could only be one of them.However, Dr. Strange left after helping Ross complete the difficult operation of nerve reconnection and repair, and the two did not quarrel.It is said that Hammer Industries asked him to operate a knife on a man who was paralyzed from the lower body.

By the way, Ross doesn't seem to be a general anymore.The pressure to hate the riots, though temporarily suppressed by the disappearance of Rose himself, was brought up again after Rose returned and became sober.Ross was demoted to the rank of colonel.It is said that in order not to be imprisoned, Ross used a bunch of the few remaining contacts.

Now he often sits alone in the living room and smokes.This is what Rose's daughter Elizabeth told Bruce, who then told Chris.

"...As I said, the American government firmly denies the legitimacy of those so-called 'superheroes'. At the same time, it will continue to hunt down super criminals headed by 'white devils'. Once they are caught, they will be severely punished. Facing interviews with reporters, Ross said.

From what Ross said on the screen, it is obvious that the reason why Ross who was dismissed from his job was found in this event is that one more factor is to transfer the pressure of folk superhero lovers to the losers. Ross to bear.

(End of this chapter)

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