Chapter 215 Road Encounters
The male secretary turned to Harry and asked, "Mr. Harry, there is a man named 'Finn' who wants to see you."

Harry took a sip of his coffee, turned around and said calmly, "Let him come up and come directly to my office."

The male secretary informed Harry at the front desk.The front desk got permission, said to Chris "please wait a moment", took out a temporary pass for him and inserted it into the card reader on the table, and modified the data by typing a few times on the keyboard, and then the Zhang's pass was taken out and handed over to Chris: "I've kept you waiting, this is a pass to Mr. President's office, he's waiting for you on the top floor."

Chris took the pass, looked back at the clock on the wall, and before he knew it, it was a quarter past eight.There were not many people left in the long line just now, so Chris randomly found a shorter line to join.

The virtual projection in the center of the first floor of the Osborne Group was turned on, and a composite image of a white-haired woman appeared in the sky above, and began to introduce the advantageous projects of the Osborne Group.It seems that people from the technical department have arrived and started the virtual projection.The first thing she introduced was the current core project of the Osborne Group, which is to transform the "electromagnetic transmission electrical network" in New York City.

In the Osborne Group, people are different, and the working hours of technical positions and office positions are also different.Most of these people who are still leisurely queuing up are clerks sitting in the office. Those researchers and technical positions in the laboratory go to work at eight o'clock. If they haven't clocked in yet, they are late.

He was almost in line, Chris was thinking about this, when he saw a black man clocking in at a gate next to him with an anxious face.After clocking in and entering the Osborne Group, he glanced at the clock worriedly and sighed.Even if I was in a hurry, I was still late after all.

The black man hadn't taken two steps into the gate when a guy in a suit and black-framed glasses walked up to him. He didn't even turn his head when he saw the black man being tortured. : "Dillon, you're late."

Hearing this voice, the black man named Dillon turned his head to look, only to find that the man in suit who had just spoken on his left had already walked to his right, holding a briefcase proudly. "The damn subway is too slow, sir." Dillon explained to the man in the suit.Judging by his expression, the man in the suit should be his boss.

"Don't you realize that the Osborne Group is now responsible for the energy supply of the entire New York City?" The man in the suit walked ahead, chattering, "We just won the bid, and the construction of the transmission network is a big project , if I were you."

"Mr. Smythe, Mr. Smythe, Mr. Smythe, listen to me." The black man in Dillon interrupted the man in the suit, "I submitted a large number of design proposals for the electrical transmission network, and I noticed that, The blueprints they use a lot are my designs."

The man in the suit named "Smythe" stopped, stood on the steps, turned around and looked down at Dillon at the bottom of the steps: "It sounds amazing, you designed the power grid? It's just that they took it away." Who are they?" He narrowed his eyes slightly behind his glasses, staring at Dillon.

"Who else could it be? Someone must have stolen the data in my computer. Mr. Smythe, as you know, my computer suddenly self-destructed last time, and people from the technical department confirmed it." Dillon explained road.

"Well, I believe you, of course it's you." Mr. Smythe said arrogantly, making it clear that he didn't believe Dillon, and he was still thinking in his heart: Of course I believe you designed it. I am the one who destroyed your data and your computer.Quite here, Smythe also said, "I'm still the 'White Knight'."

Dillon clenched his fists when he heard these words.He resisted the idea of ​​rushing up to teach the nasty guy in front of him a lesson. "Now, go to work for me." After finishing speaking, Smythe left without looking back, leaving Dillon to watch his leaving back with resentment.

Dillon, who was in a bad mood, walked to the elevator. The elevator on the left was on the [-]th floor at the moment, and it was still going up. It would take a long time to wait.And the elevator on the right is going down to the third floor, and it will arrive soon.Dillon sighed, this was probably the luckiest thing that happened to him so far today.

Stepping into the opened elevator, Dillon tugged at his tie.There are no buttons in the elevator, only a screen where the buttons used to be.On the screen is the virtual synthetic woman who just appeared in the lobby on the first floor. She asked Dillon, "Which floor do you want to go to?"

"Floor 74." "Thank you."

Dillon pushed the glasses that had slipped off the bridge of his nose due to gravity, and said to the screen.This elevator is a trial model, and it is an experimental item for the Osborn Group to test the intelligence of the artificial intelligence developed by itself—that is, the synthetic woman—to test her ability in speech recognition.

Unfortunately, this artificial intelligence named "Granny" by the current president of the group, Harry Osborn, is still not as good as Stark Industries' Jarvis after all.Because of problems in the program algorithm, server strength, etc., she even had to use standard pronunciation without accents to recognize floors.

It is precisely because of this that more people who need to take the elevator are still accustomed to taking another elevator next door that is not equipped with an artificial intelligence floor recognition system, especially during rush hour, when there are many people in a mess, there will always be some other noises, which will affect The recognition effect of the floor is not as fast as pressing the button directly.

"Hey, wait a minute!" A male voice came from outside the elevator, "Help press the elevator!" Dillon heard it clearly, and quickly stretched out his hand to block the elevator door that was about to close, "Okay." One of several disadvantages of smart elevators.Without physical buttons, no matter how simple the voice is, it is still not fast and convenient enough.

"Thank you very much." Chris walked in with a cup of hot coffee that he brought into the Osborne Group from a paper bag in his hand, "Phew, I almost missed it. Or I have to wait for another elevator, God , more than 50 layers and still going up, when will it have to wait.”

"The elevator is very fast, but if you go up and down one level at a time, it may take close to 10 minutes. I tried." Dillon pushed his glasses.He himself is actually a very active person with rich fantasies, but he also has certain social barriers and is not good at expressing his inner thoughts.

 Thank you for the two monthly tickets of Ming Meng Sheng Xu, thank you

(End of this chapter)

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