Chapter 12 Hi Hydra

Fred Clemson was a stocky adult, at least Hodge's size, though not the wacky bulk of the serum-injected Steve.The child could not resist him at all, and was thrown into the river by him.

Steve hurried to the river.The river here is very deep, and if you don't hurry up, the child will drown soon.

Fred Clemson took advantage of Steve's opportunity to save the child, hurried away, took out the lighter again and wanted to do something.

Steve ran to the shore, looked down, and saw the thrown child swimming on the surface of the water: "Go catch him! I can swim!"

It makes sense to take the swimming test in the senior high school entrance examination. Doesn't this save the hero the time to save lives?

Steve turned his head to see Fred Clemson about to disappear around the corner, the shield thrown out of his hand.

It is a pity that Steve was not able to perform the anti-mechanical ejection shield like the future, probably because he was not very skilled in using it for the first time.The shield still flies honestly at the beginning, but after only a short distance, it changes from spinning to rolling, so the speed is also affected.

Fred Clemson disappeared around the corner, and the shield slammed into the wall before falling to the ground.

There was no time to pick up the shield anymore, and Steve chased after Fred Clemson with a dull head.

And Fred Clemson took out the lighter at this time, not to detonate the bomb again, but to wake up the submarine hidden here for retreat.

Steve watched as Fred Clemson entered the submarine, the hatch closed and he dived.With no more time to hesitate, Steve made a brave leap, also diving into the water.

Today Steve came to challenge a swimming race with a submarine.

It has to be said that the super soldier serum is simply a monster-like invention. Steve actually succeeded in catching up with the submarine, smashing the high-pressure hatch glass with one fist.The water poured into the submarine, and no matter how powerful Fred Clemson was, he was just an ordinary person, submerged and at a loss.

With a twitch of the muscles in both of Steve's arms, he broke open the solid submarine hatch with just his flesh, grabbed Fred Clemson out, and threw him on the shore.Afterwards, he himself walked up and down the ladder he used along the shore, and then went ashore.

Fred Clemson still tried to resist, and without his pistol, he pulled out a combat knife from nowhere, and prostrated himself on the ground, pretending to be powerless.When Steve approached, he stood up abruptly again, slashing his dagger at Steve intending to attack.

Steve jumped back deftly, dodged the dagger, and ran towards Fred Clemson's face with a knee.This time, he was really knocked to the ground, the dagger fell from his hand, and even the last test tube of super soldier serum flew out of his pocket and fell to the ground, breaking in two, the serum in it along the The drain pipe was all in the water.

"Who the hell are you!" Steve stepped forward and grabbed Fred Clemson by the collar.

But Steve was the tail end of the team after all, without any experience. "The first of them all. Cut off a head," said Fred Clemson, moving his jaw and biting a tooth with his tongue. "Two heads!"

Before he finished speaking, a lot of foam came out of his mouth: "Long live Hydra!"

He committed suicide by taking poison.

However, Steve also knew exactly who had sent him.According to what the doctor had talked with him last night, it was definitely the "Red Skull".

After everything was settled, Steve had enough time to feel the surging power in his body.He looked at his hands, speechless for a long time.

------Hi! —————

On the night of June 6

Steve had received a note from Professor Abraham Erskine telling him to come and find him in Erskine's room tonight.

Today's experiment during the day was very successful. The effect of the super soldier serum made the big shots very satisfied, and they are going to vigorously develop it and mass produce it.

Therefore, tomorrow morning, Professor Erskine will be closely guarded and taken to a confidential place.Of course, this kind of protection can be understood as house arrest.

And Steve, he's going to have his blood drawn tomorrow morning.Although the super soldier serum can be ready for mass production soon, Steve still needs to confirm various indicators.If there are any unknown hidden dangers, then you have to reconsider whether to mass-produce.

Therefore, tonight is the last chance for Professor Erskine to have a face-to-face conversation with Steve.

"Doctor? Can I come in?" Steve knocked on the door first, until he heard "Steve? Please come in" from inside, and then opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Steve found that the professor was arranging things, but it didn't look like he was packing a gift, but he seemed to be looking at the decorations everywhere and recalling something.

"You are here." The professor put down the things in his hand and looked at Steve. "I came to you today because I actually wanted to say goodbye to you."

Steve was puzzled.Although I can understand, after all, I'm afraid we won't be able to meet again in the future, but the professor's tone seems a bit too grand?
"Professor, I don't understand?"

Professor Erskine smiled, took off his glasses, and picked up a bottle of wine and two glasses from the desk.

"Come on, have a drink."

"Professor, I have blood drawn tomorrow." Steve reminded.

After injecting the super soldier serum, Steve's ability to digest alcohol will become extremely strong, and he will hardly get drunk again.However, this does not mean that he can ignore the impact of alcohol on the body. It is impossible to "pair cephalosporin with wine, the more you drink, the more you will have."

"Hehe, I forgot. It seems that I can only drink by myself." Professor Erskine smiled and poured himself a glass.

Steve watched the professor pour the wine, his hand holding the glass seemed to be trembling.Afterwards, the professor drank the wine in one gulp.

Steve looked at the professor's slightly blurred eyes and the wine bottle that was only a little more than half left.It seemed that the professor had drunk a lot of alcohol before.

"Steve, I'm going to commit suicide." The professor was drunk, and his tone seemed to say that I wanted to eat eggs in the morning.

"What! But the professor, why?" Steve's face was full of surprise.

The professor waved his hand, picked up the bottle and planned to pour himself another glass, but found that there was only half of the bottle left, so he put down the bottle with a smile.

"Steve, remember what I said last night?"

Steve nodded.

"The serum strengthens everything in the body, so the good becomes super strong; the bad, becomes extremely bad." The professor repeated.

"Your character has been carefully selected by us, and I am assured of you."

"But for other people, if the serum is mass-produced, the users will not be as selective as you." The professor sighed, "The big shots above won't understand."

"When I succeeded for the first time, I thought about suicide." Professor Erskine stood up, "I suspected that my invention could not make human beings better, but just released demons."

"I hope to make up for my mistakes, so I waited for your success."

Professor Erskine stared at Steve and touched his heart with his finger.

Not a perfect soldier, but a good guy.Steve knew what the Doctor meant.

 Today is also three chapters

  How about some interaction, Qiuli Paste?
(End of this chapter)

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