Chapter 11 Pursuit
Although Steve didn’t wear shoes or even socks—after all, he just got off the operating table—and his footsteps were a little unsteady when he stepped on the road at first, he quickly adapted to his strength and began to show The ultimate physical fitness as a super soldier.

Although the taxi turned around several times, Steve was always able to find it in the colorful traffic, and chased it with his monster speed, and even passed several cars.

It’s just that sometimes it’s too hard—Steve, who just ran out of the alley, saw the yellow taxi on his right, so he wanted to turn right.However, he accelerated too fast before, this bend was as wide as a road, and even crashed into a bridal shop on the side of the street.

"Sorry!" Although Steve was very sorry, it was important to pursue.After apologizing, he jumped out of the bridal dress shop stepping on the broken glass and continued to chase the taxi.As for the aftermath, people from the military will come to wipe their ass.

The more he ran, the more proficient he was with his body. Gradually, he ran faster and faster, and he began to be able to turn flexibly.He even tried to "hurdle" over a barbed wire gate, which was about two meters high.

Fred Clemson in the taxi noticed the big man following him through the rearview mirror, and used his proficient driving skills to steer the small taxi through the traffic flow nimbly.

Relying on his body's excellent balance and jumping ability, Steve rushed to the roof of an oncoming car in two or three steps, and began to jump between high-speed vehicles.

Although this method is dangerous and no one can do it, it is indeed very useful.Borrowing only two or three "springboards", Steve jumped on the open compartment of a truck and flew onto the roof of the taxi.

Fred Clemson tried to get Steve to let go by the centrifugal force generated by the back and forth steering, but Steve was like a cocklebur stuck to a sweater, holding his hand tightly as he took out the shield sheet. Holding it in his hand, he hit the roof of the car with the sharp edge of the shield.

Fred Clemson pulled into a long alley.Without the interference of a large amount of traffic, he no longer had to be distracted to dodge the traffic. He simply held the steering wheel with one hand, picked up the pistol with the other, and started shooting randomly at Steve on the roof of the car.

The first shot of Steve was lucky, almost passing by his body, and now Steve didn't dare to compete with bullets with his body, so he quickly put the shield under his body.

The next two shots hit the shield with two "clang, clang".

The car quickly drove out of the alley and came to a factory by the port.

It's impossible for a person to be perfect at double-tasting, at least a good spy can't do it.Driving with one hand and shooting with the other, but when his attention is focused on shooting, he can't fully pay attention to the traffic on the road.

Fred Clemson realized that the shot had not been effective but was blocked by something. He was no longer focused on driving but on shooting. At this moment, the front of a truck poked out around the corner of the factory.

The car accident happened in an instant, the same high-speed vehicles collided together, giving the taxi an extremely terrifying force, the car flew out instantly like a spinning top, and then hit the road and turned into a roll.In this situation, even Steve couldn't fix it on the roof of the car anymore, and he let go, and flew out, and what he could do was to put the shield under his body to minimize the impact of the ground on himself.

Fred Clemson couldn't be like Steve, he couldn't even get out of the vehicle.He was strapped to the driver's seat and rolled as the car rolled.

And when the rolling stopped, Fred Clemson almost crawled out of the taxi.He had to congratulate himself for saving his life by remembering to wear the seat belt even though he robbed the car, otherwise he would have to fly out when the car accident happened.

The car door reached the end of its life almost the moment he opened it and fell to the ground.Fred Clemson looked in the direction of the car door, and Steve, who had just spotted where he was, had just gotten up.He resisted the dizziness caused by the spinning world, raised his pistol and tried to kill Steve.

Although the two got up at the same time, Steve was very resistant to vertigo and hardly felt uncomfortable.Because of this, seeing Fred Clemson raising his gun, he quickly raised his shield to cover his upper body, and faced the gun without fear.

"Bang, bang, bang~" The warhead collided with the bronze shield, and almost all of Steve's upper body vitals were blocked by the shield, only the fast-running lower body was exposed.But Fred Clemson found it difficult to aim, and Steve moved too fast, and he had absolutely no chance of winning against him, so there must be a way.

Thinking in this way, he found that a large passenger car was surrounded by many people watching.No matter which country, it is human instinct to watch onlookers. They are attracted by the car accident that just happened.However, the plot changed too fast. It was still fast and furious just now, but now it has become a fast chase.

Fred Clemson found many parents with young children, and the cruel character quickly thought of a good way to take advantage of Steve's kindness.Holding a gun to scare away more than half of the people, there are only a few women with children who can't escape.He kicked a woman away, snatched an eight or nine-year-old child away from her, grabbed his collar, pointed a gun at the child's forehead, and shouted at Steve: "Don't come here."

Of course, he has read Steve's information, and he also knows that Dr. Erskine's report stated that the super-soldier project will amplify people's personalities.Taking children as hostages is super cheap, but he doesn't care, as long as it can achieve his goal.

Sure enough, Steve stopped and was about to probe.Fred Clemson shot tentatively, and Steve retracted his head wittily, "Dang~" The shield blocked the sneak attack.

"Back!" Holding the child, Fred Clemson stepped back while waving the gun in his hand.

"No! No! Don't touch my son!" The child's mother cried from the side, and the people next to her stopped her to prevent her from being exposed to the assailant's gunpoint and sacrificed in vain.

Steve tries to get in the distance.The balance of the shield is very good, so he has a little idea.But Fred Clemson realized what he was up to, and fired another shot into the ground at Steve's feet.It's a pity that because of having a child in his arms, his shooting accuracy has been greatly reduced.

Fred Clemson backed away into the building with the baby in his arms.Steve comes closer, but is interrupted by a shot.There is no good way, Steve can only keep a distance from Fred Clemson, he will chase as far as he can, use the corner of the building to avoid shooting, and only a little distance can be pulled in.

As far as the harbor, with the river on one side, Fred Clemson couldn't retreat, and Steve came around the corner.When Fred Clemson saw that Steve was at such a distance, he simply put the gun directly to the child's head and was about to pull the trigger.

Steve panicked, didn't even need cover, and walked out from the corner: "Wait! Don't, don't!"

But it was one of Fred Clemson's schemes.Seeing that Steve walked out of the corner completely, with the shield in his hand raised empty in front of his body, it is expected that he will definitely not be able to withstand the bullet this time.He raised his hand flat, pointed the muzzle at Steve, and pressed down his fingers.

"Crack." Not only was he surprised, Steve was also taken aback.It turned out that the bullet was empty.

Steve was so close, he was out of bullets, and it was a dead end.But there was a deep river on the side, so Fred Clemson had a plan to lift the child and throw it aside.

 Chapter 3, I will use the rest of the time today to code and save manuscripts
(End of this chapter)

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