Chapter 133 Planning and Guessing

In the early morning of the next day, in the department store, the clerk seemed to be affected by something, the signal source was completely interrupted, as if the signal was lost, and snowflakes flickered in front of the entire screen.

And after hearing the voice, Qi Tian also opened his eyes immediately. He was already a powerful superpower, and he woke up when he sensed that the situation had changed, and made vigilant movements.

Although in the department store, he might not necessarily encounter any danger, but he still had some rough preparations, and this was also a necessary habit he had acquired after becoming a strong man.

"What's the matter? Why does the TV suddenly have such a signal? It seems that there is no signal. Let me adjust it to see if you are not from the previous photo."

Bart frowned looking at the screen in front of him. These were the only clues they had to obtain outside information. If they lost even this, they would be like blind men.

It is more likely that he is cut off from this world. Obviously, this is something Bart does not want to see, so he immediately swayed.

While watching this scene, Qi Tian didn't stop him, it seemed that it was okay to give them a false confidence.

At the very least, let them have a goal to fight for. If they know in advance what dangers they encounter outside, it may not be possible to be so calm. These are also things he understands.

"Okay, let's take a quick look. Is there something wrong with the signal source? Or is there something wrong with the wires?"

Mike thought about it, and said without hesitation, since he is a TV salesman by profession, he is quite familiar with the performance of the TV, and adjusted with Bart, hoping to restore the previous state.

Who knew that after adjusting for half an hour, they got nothing, and they obviously felt a little pity. These were also things that they couldn't think of, and they were more aware of the situation.

"Oops, the signal is fine. It should be something happened outside. No one should broadcast it. I don't know. It should be because they have been failing at the speed of these zombies. It is still very possible."

Suddenly, Mike put down his hands, and said with a pale face, the reality is such a blow to people, and he didn't know what to say better.

"No way, isn't there any other possibility?" After hearing his explanation, CJ couldn't sit still, and quickly asked if there was any other possibility.

"Sorry, boss, what he said is right, and I admit that what he said is also very right."

Bart on one side also answered in agreement, and did not sing the opposite.

"That is to say, the situation has completely exceeded our expectations. He is still a little surprised by this, and he understands what to do."

Qi Tian analyzed it, then raised his head and asked seriously.

"It can be said that the military coordinated well yesterday, but it was no longer possible this morning. From this point, it can be seen that it must have failed."

Mike also made his own analysis appropriately, and raised various possibilities for them, such as the possibility that the military may hide, some people may win and escape to a safer place, these are all possible.

"Okay, don't talk about this, it will make everyone feel bad, let's talk about this later, let's take a rest first."

When they were discussing, Anna appeared in time to dissuade them, and they were instantly quieted down.

Next, they all dispersed and did not gather together, but everyone's face was full of worry, not saying it didn't mean there was no such possibility.

After being silent for a period of time, they were in a slightly better mood, and they didn't think about this aspect for the time being. For them, it was better to be alive.

"Mr. Qitian, how about we go and take stock of the real goods in these department stores? Anyway, we are idle and have nothing to do. How about doing something valuable?"

CJ looked at Qi Tian and made a gesture of invitation, obviously it was necessary to have this conversation, and at the same time it did not arouse his disgust.

"Okay, I'm also idle and have nothing to do. I just rushed you to take stock of these foods. It's the best idea to pass the time."

Qi Tian smiled and said naturally.

After a while, they appeared on the fifth floor. There was no one else here, only the two of them. It seemed that everything was quiet, and no one could disturb them. It was a good place to talk.

"Mr. Qi Tian, ​​let me ask you, are you confident that you can survive this time? I can't trust the others, so I can only discuss it with you. Looking at them, I don't want to accept the reality."

CJ said with a sigh, she does not object to others giving up hope, but she cannot bring these emotions to other people, which may not be advisable in his opinion.

"Honestly speaking, there is no such thing as the scope of this disaster is too big. It would be nice to be able to be alone. It must be said that you should also consider the way forward. If we stay here for a long time, we will definitely go crazy. .”

Thinking of the development behind this world, Qi Tian also sighed. He was able to say this with 100% certainty, just like the small island they escaped from later on. spared.

"You're right, but I said later that if there is a chance, I also hope that you can give me a hand and give me hope. That would be the best. Apart from that, I don't need anything else."

CJ stared at Qi Tian and said sincerely, which also means that he has given his trust to the other party, so that the other party can help him at a critical time.

"No problem, the same thing, it's no problem if you put it on your body, I also trust you, as long as we unite, then all dangers will be resolved, I have this confidence."

Qi Tian agreed without hesitation. Even if he encountered such a scene later, it is naturally impossible for them to sit still. Before leaving this world, he will give these survivors a safe refuge.

"Then thank you very much. That's all I can say. For the sake of safety, I may cooperate with you in those operations in the future."

CJ knew that they would encounter all kinds of troubles, so he made this guarantee in advance. On the one hand, Qitian would provide various supports to achieve their goal of surviving. These were also things they were forced to choose.

(End of this chapter)

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