Chapter 132 Andy
Department store, the next day, these survivors got up early, and on the roof, sprayed the SOS signal for help, but it is unknown whether anyone can save them.

At least this is done on a large scale, and ordinary people can only manage themselves well. If conditions permit, they may be able to live for a longer period of time by relying on a huge food base.

If there is no food, then I will be miserable at this time. When I am hungry, I can only go outside and fight the risk of being caught by zombies to grab all the food.

However, Qi Tian, ​​who knew the plot, knew that these zombies were also highly contagious. It took only a few minutes to infect a creature, which was considered a terrifying existence.

If, in terms of running speed, it is similar to the zombies he encountered in the first world, they will basically follow them like sharks smelling blood when they hear the sound, until they are eliminated. The goal.

And after making these necessary preparations, they stayed in front of the TV, watching the latest situation carefully, obviously knowing what they should do.

Sure enough, the military was quite active. They sent almost all of their people to maintain order and keep the situation stable.

At the beginning, there was no problem, of course, but when it developed later, although it was a little chaotic, Mike and Anna felt a little helpless, or couldn't bear it.

In the room, looking at the situation in front of him, CJ couldn't help throwing away his hat, and we yelled on the TV: "Tell me some valuable news, don't keep us frightened, I really feel a little bit like this. I can’t take it anymore, it’s really too unbearable.”

Seeing CJ's out-of-control appearance, everyone was also silent. They didn't know how to comfort him better, but they actually thought so in their hearts, and they also kept silent.

"Calm down. Everyone knows the current situation. They are all grasshoppers on a rope. We must unite to protect everything. We must calm down now, don't you think?"

After finishing speaking, Qi Tian came over and patted him on the shoulder, and said to him encouragingly, if he was worried, he was still quite worried, but these people still need to take care of their emotions.

After experiencing the experience of several worlds in a row, his grasp of human nature has become better and better, and he knows when it can inspire people's hearts, so he said such words.

"You're right. I was not calm just now. I will correct it. You can rest assured and think about it carefully. It's not right to sit and wait for death. How about we go and check around?"

CJ knew that this could not go on like this anymore, if it went on like this, it would not be a good thing for them.

And thinking about the four weeks, there are still some zombies downstairs that have not been resolved. After thinking about it, he thinks that these troubles should be dealt with, and they can't let these troubles erupt together at the end.

From the beginning to the end, Qi Tian is a person who knows how to plan, and can always solve those troubles when necessary. This is also an important reason why he can become the captain of these survivors.

"Okay, then it's decided like this. Let's go in groups of two and explore the surroundings separately. If we encounter zombies, we will eliminate them immediately."

Qi Tian looked at Mike and Anna, and said demandingly, he doesn't want these people to be soft-hearted, and these are also things that must be vigilant.

"No problem, I agree to your request, Mr. Qi Tian."

Mike didn't even think about it, so he supported it without hesitation.

After a while, they started, and found three zombies downstairs. Fortunately, these zombies were basically attacked, so they also lost their fighting power, and they were easily dealt with within a few seconds.

Suddenly, just after they thoroughly cleaned up the zombies near the corridor, the walkie-talkie rang. It was obviously a preparation given to the team members before, so that if they encountered something, they could tell them in time and be ready to deal with it Intend.

"Here is Kenneth. I found something. Do you have time to come here? It's a big gain. By the way, I'm on the roof. It's better for you to come here earlier."

Kenneth also said a little excitedly when a rough ore sound came from the walkie-talkie.

"Okay, we'll be here right away, you wait here."

Qi Tian turned off the walkie-talkie, thought for a while, and walked around the crowd, and said very seriously.

Immediately afterwards, they all gathered together, and within less than 10 minutes of advancing towards the roof, they appeared in front of Kenneth, but when they came here, they found that the other party was looking at the opposite side with a telescope.

Immediately, they saw a middle-aged man on the opposite side using a sniper rifle to eliminate the zombies not far away. It can be said that his marksmanship is superb, but they were a little stunned when they saw them.

"This guy is really pitiful. There is only one person. How to solve the food problem?" Anna on the side saw this scene, and said a little bit unbearably.

"That's not the point. Take a look at the sign she's holding up. It says it looks like an airplane, and he looks up at the sky."

When Anna looked at him sympathetically, Qi Tian also pointed to the sign in front of him and reminded him.

Not yet, after they finished explaining, there was a roar in the sky, and they saw a helicopter flying towards a position not far from them.

"Hey, we're here, come and save us."

Anna and the others waved their hands quickly, and said happily, as if they already knew what to do.

"Give up, they didn't come to rescue you, they just came to pick up some important people. You see, they didn't pay attention to us at all, and if the helicopter landed nearby, the sound was too loud, and we couldn't explain them."

Looking at Anna, Qi Tian also shook his head, and said with an extremely serious expression.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the helicopter didn't care at all. They just left quickly, as if they hadn't seen them, and even the survivors on one side showed regretful expressions.

"The brother on the opposite side is called Andy. He is the owner of a gun shop. His marksmanship is good. I think if there is a chance in the future, he should be able to save him. This is the best point, what do you think?"

Kenneth looked at Andy in the distance, and said very seriously.

"No problem, I also agree with this, one more person has more strength, and we will do what we can."

Qi Tian agreed without hesitation. In Kenneth's opinion, he felt that helping others was also helping himself.

(End of this chapter)

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